W8b: Manipulatives and Movement Reading Questions 1. Give an example that describes the concrete -> representational -> abstract sequence for mathematics instruction. 2. Give a similar example for computer science from the tangibles paper. 3. What did authors observe was useful in using the Tern language with manipulatives? 4. What were advantages of the GUI system over tangibles? 5. What are the three types of movements identified by the author (and what defines them)? 6. In the study with yoga/therapy balls, what was their measure of the usefulness of the balls? 7. In the study about doodling, what was their measure of the usefulness of doodling? 8. What were the concerns listed about the 2010 Reed et al study showing that students perfomed significantly better on the fluid intelligence tasks when engaging in regular physical activity compared to a control group? 9. What was the outcome of Beaudoin and Johnston's 2011 study of mindful movement in high school algebra? 10. Discuss the statement about skewed results based on the activities being more enjoyable. If students learn more because they are enjoying the lesson more, does that negate the usefulness of the technique?