CMSC 12300 and CAPP 30123: Computer Science with Applications III

The University of Chicago, Spring 2019


Course Staff

Instructor: Matthew Wachs
Email: mwachs
Office: Crerar 211
Office Hours: TBA (Please don't hesitate to email if you'd like to meet at another time.)

TA: Abi Hunter
Office Hours: TBA

TA: Daniel Morrison
Office Hours: TBA


This course is about Big Data: the challenges of working with it, and the solutions that have ben developed to successfully overcome them. Topics include:


By the end of the course, you should be able to perform analyses on data sets that are too large to fit on a single computer, and complete computations that would take impracticallly long if they were to be performed on a single computer. You will know several approaches for splitting up work, and their respective advantages and disadvantages, thus being able to choose a suitable one for a particular task. You will have used these tools in instructive examples and in your own project, and will have had the opportunity to receive extensive guidance on how to approach your project. You will have gained basic familiarity with the C programming language, a language widely used by computer scientists and programmers, and be familiar with its basic data structures and memory management philosophy. You will be familiar with the kinds of pernicious errors that arise in, and that are unique to, concurrent code, and how to address them.

Course Components

The course consists of:

Academic Honesty

The University's rules on academic honesty apply equally to this course as they did in the prior courses in the sequence and will be rigorously and rigidly enforced. Unless an assignment explicitly permits teamwork, you must not use code from any other student, show your code to any other student, or incorporate any code other than the code you have yourself written, except where you are using brief snippets of code from cited sources. If you have any doubts, questions, or concerns, please ask, particularly in advance.


This course does not have a textbook. However, this book is highly relevant to the course and is available online at no cost; you may find it of value.