Regular Expressions

The objective of this lab is to practice using regular expressions.

Please run git pull upstream master to pick up the necessary files for this lab.

A formal definition of regular expressions

Given an alphabet Σ (a collection of symbols),

  • the empty string is a regular expression;
  • any character, c, in Σ is a regular expression that matches the character c;
  • if α and β are regular expressions then, αβ is a regular expression that matches any string that matches α concatenated with a string that matches β;
  • if α and β are regular expressions then, α|β is a regular expression that matches a string that matches α or a string that matches β, and
  • if α is a regular expression then, α* is a regular expression that matches zero or more occurrences of α.

To make this concept more concrete, we will first look at a Linux utility that uses regular expressions to match lines in a file or files and then see how these same concepts are expressed in Python.


We are going to start our exploration of regular expressions using egrep, which is part of the grep family of Linux utilities (grep, egrep, fgrep). These programs, which are invoked on the command-line, are used to determine which lines in a file (or files) match a pattern that is specified using a regular expression. We will be using egrep, because its regular expression syntax is similar to Python’s regular expression syntax.

We will be using the file test0.txt in our examples. Before moving on, please open the file in your favorite editor (or use cat test0.txt from the Linux command-line) and take a quick look at it. You’ll see each line contains a string over the alphabet {a,b,c,d,1,2,3,4}.

We will start with the simplest type of pattern: a sequence of characters that should be matched exactly. For example, to match the pattern 'aabb' in the file "test0.txt" run the command:

egrep 'aabb' test0.txt

Notice that a line is said to match a pattern if any part of the line matches the pattern.

Finding exact matches is not very interesting, so we will generalize our pattern language. The first generalization is to add a way to match any single character. The standard symbol for this purpose is the character . Try this example:

egrep '' test0.txt
aacbb            #aacbb matches
aaaaaaaaabb      #aaabb matches

As noted above, the * character matches to zero or more repetitions of the preceding pattern. Try the pattern a*:

grep "a*" test0.txt

Notice that grep returns every line in the file, because every line has zero or more a’s. Here’s a more interesting example:

egrep  'aa.*bb' test0.txt

If we want to match a pattern only at the beginning of the line, we can use the ^ symbol at the start of the pattern. To match the end of the line, we can use the $ symbol at the end of the pattern. To get every line that begins with a c try:

egrep '^c' test0.txt

To get every line that ends with a b try:

egrep 'b$' test0.txt

As is typical, special characters need to be escaped. For instance, use \t for tab. To match a period, use \. and to match a backslash (\) try the pattern \\. For example:

egrep '\.' test0.txt

egrep '\\' test0.txt

A list of characters enclosed in square brackets means that we want to match one of the specified characters exactly once. For example [a-zA-Z] matches a single lower or upper case letter. To look for every line that has either a c or a 4 try the pattern '[c4]':

egrep '[c4]' test0.txt

Try the pattern '[0-9]' to find every line with a number.

egrep '[0-9]' test0.txt

The square bracket notation allows us to specify a limit range of choices for matching a single character. The ‘|’ notation allows us to specify a set of choices, not necessarily single characters, for more substantial patterns. For example,

egrep 'Planck|Bohr' chant.txt
Gimme Plancks constant H
Gimme the Bohr radius A

The | operator has very low precedence. Also, spaces immediately before or after the | operator are interpreted as part of the desired pattern. For example, the pattern 'Planck | Bohr' matches different lines than the pattern 'Planck|Bohr'.

egrep 'Planck | Bohr' chant.txt
Gimme the Bohr radius A


Use egrep and the file chant.txt for the following exercises:

  • Find the lines that have the word light.
  • Find the lines that start with G, and then find lines that start with any letter except G.
  • Find lines that end in an O or in an I.

Use egrep and the file Chicago.txt for the following exercises:

  • Find all dates like June 14, 1998 or August 1, 2001
  • Find all city/state pairs like Chicago, IL. Assume that city names start with a capital letter and are a single word and that all pairs of capital letters count as state abbreviations. So, your pattern should match "Farmville, ZZ":

Regular Expressions in Python

Regular expressions in Python are similar. Here is a look at some patterns Python can specify.


As with grep, patterns can include specific sequences of characters to match, periods (match any character), or sets of characters or ranges of characters within square brackets (match any one character from the specified set). In addition to these, Python has basic patterns, repetitions, and alternations.

Basic Patterns

Here is a useful subset of the basic patterns provided by Python.

  • Pattern: \d, which is equivalent to [0-9] and -matches a single digit.
  • Pattern: \w, which is equivalent to [a-zA-Z0-9_] and matches a single character that is a letter, a number, or an underscore.
  • Pattern: \s, which matches a single white space character (space, tab, etc).


  • A 10-digit phone number \d\d\d-\d\d\d-\d\d\d\d


If β is a regular expression then recall that β* is a regular expression that matches 0 or more occurrences of β. Additionally, β+ is a regular expression that matches one or more occurrences of β. β+ is shorthand for ββ*. Additionally,

  • Pattern:β{n} will match to exactly n consecutive occurrences of β
  • Pattern:β{n1,n2} will match from n1 to n2 (inclusive) consecutive occurrences of β.


  • A 10-digit phone number \d{3}-\d{3}-\d{4}
  • State Abbreviation [A-Z]{2}
  • IL License Plate [A-Z0-9]{1,6}


Alternations are a way to specify a choice: match this or match that.

  • Pattern: `` α|β``. This pattern matches the pattern α or the pattern β.
  • Pattern: `` β?`` This pattern matches zero or one occurrences of the pattern β


Reading a File in Python

Here are some strategies for finding patterns in a file.

Read in a file, save it to a list of strings, and then close the file.

with open(filename) as f:

Then use regular expressions normally on the string text.

Code Analysis

Regular expressions can be used to analyze code in a large program. Examine file “”

  • Find the names of all Python function definitions in the file
  • Find the names of all the nested functions in the file

Groups and Tuples

Matches can be grouped according to the pattern, using parentheses. The group function allows the whole match to be separated into groups, corresponding to the different parenthesized parts of the pattern."(pattern1)(pattern2)", string)
if match:
    print( # prints the string that matches pattern 1
    print( #  ' '  matches pattern 2


--input--'\w+)(\s)(\d.+)', "Apple 3.99")
print( ))
    Apple       # group 1 is (\w+)
    3.99        # group 3 is (\d.+)

The findall function returns a list of tuples that match the pattern.

for t in tuples:
    print(t[0], t[1])  # prints pattern1, pattern2


The file emails.txt contains email addresses for a set of fictional students. Write Python code to create a list of usernames associated with uchicago accounts in the file.

  • Step 1: read in the file.
  • Step 2: create a Python regular expression to identify the addresses with a uchicago domain and to extract the associated username.


Generate an index of Python functions and their associated source files. Use all the Python files in the distribution as example files.

  • Write a function that takes the name of a Python source file and outputs a list of the names of the top-level functions defined in that file.
  • Using the previous function, write a function that takes a list of filenames for Python programs and outputs a list of (function name, source file) tuples.
  • Sort the resulting list by function name.

Patterns in Files

The files Macbeth.txt, RJ.txt, and errors.txt are Shakespeare plays provided from Project Gutenberg. Examine these plays for common phrases and comparisons.

  • Count the number of times Romeo and Juliet’s names are used in the play RJ.txt.

  • Create a function that takes a prefix and a file and then creates a list of words from that file that follow the prefix. Common phrases include : “Thou art ” , “thou shalt “, and “If thou “.

  • Note: Try limiting the sizes of the words that follow the prefix that match the pattern, so to exclude short words like “the” and “as”. Define your pattern to ignore the case of the first letter in the prefix.

  • Also popular are comparisons like “As (1) as (2)”. Create a dictionary for these comparisons. Mapping the value 1 as the key to the value 2. If something is compared multiple times, add the word to the value in the dictionary without replacing the existing value.

    As pretty as gentle        dictionary[pretty]=gentle
    As pretty as pale          dictionary[pretty]=gentle,pale