Practicum III:  Third Iteration


Monday, March 9, 2020 by 5:00 pm.  For delivery see the Deliverables section below.


The purpose of this laboratory is to become comfortable with dynamic modeling as we turn our focus to writing more tests and code in preparation for final delivery of our projects.  Building on Practicums I and II, the purpose of this practicum is to become comfortable with the exchange that takes place between coding and design, particularly as regards messaging between your system's objects.  The design revolves around the requirements for a university course registration system.  This type of system is highly instructive from a structural as well as a dynamic modeling standpoint, as there are several decisions that need to be made as regards inheritance, aggregation, and various associations between classes on the one hand, and processes on the other.  Make sure you understand the project requirements.

At this point, you should be thinking through in depth the focused subset of overall requirements you have chosen to implement.  Remember, you are not required to deliver the code for the entire system as specified in the General Description of the Problem Domain here.  Rather, you are to produce the code for a prototype that represents a solid subset of those requirements, and deliver code and tests for that prototype as your final project deliverable.  This practicum is all focused on that solid subset you have chosen.


1. Create a subdirectory called "Practicum3".

2. Create further subdirectories for each of the Deliverables below.  Note you may need to copy over files (say from your Visual Paradigm directory, or from your Eclipse directory, etc.) into these subdirectories.

Deliverable One:  Third iteration of your model, tests, and code (MTC) of your system.

As we have said, developing a solution in code for the entire system as specified in the requirements is not possible.  Update your Context Map (not your Summary Survey/Map) with any new Bounded Contexts have you have identified, if any.  Revise your detail as necessary.

Focusing on those bounded contexts you have identified in your High Level Architecture that you plan to delivery in your prototype, and using tools from your modeling toolbox (Analysis Models, Context Map, High Level Architecture, CRC Cards, UML Class diagrams, etc.), clarify your work as you continue to write the code for your classes and the tests to ensure that your prototype is doing what you intend.  Continue to experiment further trying to write tests prior to actually coding your classes.  Do not feel, however, as if your main deliverables here are models.  Your main deliverables here are code and tests.  However, when you get stuck in coding your classes, do leverage analysis methods and class modeling techniques to help you clarify your thinking, and show this work to us in your deliverable.

Add a couple of dynamic model artifacts to your third deliverable.  This could be in the form of a few sequence diagrams or activity diagrams or state diagrams.  Just a couple will do.  We want you to have some experience with dynamically modeling in addition to all your class diagrams you've been working on.

As you continue to write more code, try to do it strategically.  Are there any particular parts of your model (a particular bounded context, for instance) that you think would be "low hanging fruit"...that is, easy to pull off quickly and easily.  Or you might still need to focus on the next class hierarchy or aggregate that you think you understand well (Instructor/TA/Student, e.g.).  Another approach might be to think of the part of the model that would yield the most "bang for the buck," that is, that would continue to move you along in the delivery of your system.  Only you can make these decisions as to where to focus.

Remember, your intent (evidenced in your deliverables) should be to demonstrate that you have THOUGHT DEEPLY about the problem and your software solution should be intellectually rich.  Your solution should demonstrate sound object-oriented design principles and patterns.  Your code and design should be S.O.L.I.D.  You will be graded on how well you COMMUNICATE that deep thinking through your models, tests and code (MTC).  In particular, begin to think what parts of your system would benefit from a purposeful focus on single responsibility, interface segregation and dependency inversion.

As for details in your models, I do NOT expect a thoroughly detailed class diagram for every class you plan to implement in your prototype.  I certainly don't expect ALL constructors, accessors, modifiers, and arguments for EVERY method for EVERY class.  Communicate whatever you feel needs communicating, so we can all understand what you're doing.

Having said that, you should make sure you have thought through the problem well enough so that you have all of the salient classes you will need and their supporting classes, and have defined the interface on those classes sufficiently well for a reader of your model to determine from the class diagram what responsibilities are being handled by the class.  You should make sure processes and other communications and messaging are represented in your model (via sequence diagrams, activity diagrams, etc.)  You should comment your code so that we understand the responsibilities of the class.  Even better you should write code that is so beautiful and clear that comments are unnecessary.  Model adornments, such as stereotypes, etc., should be used when necessary to clarify your intent. 

You may find the following online resources helpful as you work together to produce these deliverables:

What is an Essential Use Case?

Domain-Driven Design Reference

Domain-Driven Design Quickly

GitHub References Points on Domain-Driven Design


The deliverables for each iteration should be placed in the appropriate sub-directory of the pre-existing "practicum3" directory inside your repo. Submit everything using Subversion before the date and time due.

Click here for a General Description of the Problem Domain