Counting k-mers

A common operation in computational genomics is finding the number of k-mers in a DNA sequence, or the number of all possible substrings of length $k$ in a given sequence (this is similar to counting n-grams in computational linguistics). For example, given this sequence:


It contains the following 2-mers:

  • AA
  • AG (twice)
  • GA
  • GT

And the following 3-mers:

  • AAG
  • AGA
  • GAG
  • AGT

Ask: How can we solve this problem if we only use lists and strings?

We need to generate all possible substrings of length $k$ (using only the DNA bases: A, C, T, and G), and then count how many times they appear in a DNA sequence.

Ask: What functions would you define?

Let's start with a function to generate all possible DNA k-mers.

In [1]:
def generate_dna_kmers(k):
    Return a list of all possible substrings of
    length k using only characters A, C, T, and G
    bases = ["A", "C", "T", "G"]

    last = bases
    current = []
    for i in range(k-1):
        for b in bases:
            for l in last:
        last = current
        current= []
    return last
In [2]:
['A', 'C', 'T', 'G']
In [3]:
In [4]:

Now, we need an additional function that, given a single substring, will count the number of (potentially overlapping) occurrences of that substring in a DNA sequence.

In [5]:
def count_mer(mer, seq):
    Counts the number of times a substring mer
    ocurrs in the sequence seq (including overlapping

    sample use: count_mer("GGG", "AGGGCGGG") => 2

    k = len(mer)
    count = 0
    for i in range(0, len(seq)-k+1):
        if mer == seq[i:i+k]:
            count = count + 1
    return count
In [6]:
count_mer("GGG", "AGGGCGGG")

Finally, we just need a function that, given a sequence and $k$ will use the previous two functions to count the number of occurrences of every possible k-mer in the sequence.

In [7]:
def kmer_count(k, seq):
    Return a list of the number of times each possible k-mer appears
    in seq, including overlapping occurrences.

    mers = generate_dna_kmers(k)
    rv = []
    for m in mers:
        cnt = count_mer(m, seq)
        if cnt != 0:
            rv.append((m, cnt))
    return rv
In [8]:
kmer_count(2, "AAGAGT")
[('AA', 1), ('GA', 1), ('GT', 1), ('AG', 2)]
In [9]:
kmer_count(3, "AAGAGT")
[('AGA', 1), ('AGT', 1), ('AAG', 1), ('GAG', 1)]
In [10]:
seq1 = "AAGGCCTT"
seq5 = "GGGGAGGG"
In [11]:
kmer_count(1, seq4)
[('A', 8), ('C', 4), ('G', 10)]
In [12]:
kmer_count(2, seq4)
[('AA', 4), ('GA', 3), ('CC', 1), ('GC', 3), ('AG', 4), ('CG', 3), ('GG', 3)]
In [13]:
kmer_count(3, seq4)
[('AAA', 1),
 ('GAA', 2),
 ('AGA', 1),
 ('GGA', 2),
 ('GCC', 1),
 ('CGC', 2),
 ('GGC', 1),
 ('AAG', 3),
 ('GAG', 1),
 ('CCG', 1),
 ('GCG', 2),
 ('AGG', 2),
 ('CGG', 1)]

Ask: This algorithm is correct but it is very inefficient. Why?

First of all, we generate all possible k-mers ($4^k$), even though they may not all appear in the sequence.

Then, in count_mer we iterate over a sequence of length $n$ and check every substring of length $k$ to see if it matches the provided mer. This requires $n\cdot k$ operations.

Finally, in kmer_count we call count_mer $4^k$ times (the number of possible k-mers). So, we have to perform a total of $n\cdot k \cdot 4^k$ operations. As $k$ grows, the number of operations grows exponentially!

This is terrible performance: any time you find yourself writing an algorithm where the number of "steps" grows exponentially with the size of the input, you probably need to look for a better solution (caveat: there are some types of problems where it is unknown whether there are solutions better than exponential)

In [14]:
from dnafile import read

seq_drosofila = read("drosofila-small.txt")
In [15]:
In [16]:
kmer_count(1, seq_drosofila)
[('A', 278920), ('C', 196552), ('T', 277040), ('G', 199388)]
In [17]:
kmer_count(2, seq_drosofila)
[('AA', 96382),
 ('CA', 61129),
 ('TA', 66451),
 ('GA', 54957),
 ('AC', 52022),
 ('CC', 41883),
 ('TC', 54715),
 ('GC', 47932),
 ('AT', 75767),
 ('CT', 54085),
 ('TT', 94270),
 ('GT', 52918),
 ('AG', 54749),
 ('CG', 39455),
 ('TG', 61603),
 ('GG', 43581)]
In [18]:
%time kmers = kmer_count(1, seq_drosofila)
CPU times: user 404 ms, sys: 0 ns, total: 404 ms
Wall time: 404 ms
In [19]:
%time kmers = kmer_count(2, seq_drosofila)
CPU times: user 1.8 s, sys: 0 ns, total: 1.8 s
Wall time: 1.8 s
In [20]:
%time kmers = kmer_count(3, seq_drosofila)
CPU times: user 7 s, sys: 0 ns, total: 7 s
Wall time: 7 s
In [21]:
%time kmers = kmer_count(4, seq_drosofila)
CPU times: user 29.3 s, sys: 4 ms, total: 29.4 s
Wall time: 29.4 s

Notice how the time with $k$ is roughly 4 times greater than the time with $k-1$

Counting k-mers revisited

How can we improve on the k-mer counting algorithm using dictionaries?

Instead of generating all possible k-mers and counting the occurrence of each of them in the sequence, we make a single pass through the sequence and maintain a dictionary of k-mers. This dictionary is initially empty but, when we find a k-mer we add a (kmer, 1) entry in the dictionary (and, if we encounter that k-mer again, we increment the value of that entry)

In [22]:
def kmer_count_better(k, seq):
    Return a list of the number of times each possible k-mer appears
    in seq, including overlapping occurrences.

    rv = {}
    for i in range(0, len(seq)-k+1):
        subseq = seq[i:i+k]
        v = rv.get(subseq, 0)
        rv[subseq] = v + 1
    return list(rv.items())
In [23]:
In [24]:
In [25]:
kmer_count_better(1, seq4)
[('A', 8), ('C', 4), ('G', 10)]
In [26]:
kmer_count_better(2, seq4)
[('GC', 3), ('AA', 4), ('AG', 4), ('CC', 1), ('CG', 3), ('GG', 3), ('GA', 3)]
In [27]:
kmer_count_better(3, seq4)
[('AAG', 3),
 ('GAA', 2),
 ('CCG', 1),
 ('GGA', 2),
 ('AGA', 1),
 ('GGC', 1),
 ('GCG', 2),
 ('GCC', 1),
 ('GAG', 1),
 ('AAA', 1),
 ('AGG', 2),
 ('CGC', 2),
 ('CGG', 1)]

Note: we use %timeit instead of %time because the running times are going to be pretty small. %timeit automatically runs the statement multiple times and takes an average.

In [28]:
%timeit kmers = kmer_count_better(1, seq_drosofila)
183 ms ± 439 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10 loops each)
In [29]:
%timeit kmers = kmer_count_better(2, seq_drosofila)
228 ms ± 2.31 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)
In [30]:
%timeit kmers = kmer_count_better(3, seq_drosofila)
235 ms ± 1.98 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)
In [31]:
%timeit kmers = kmer_count_better(4, seq_drosofila)
242 ms ± 4.94 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)

The running time is essentially the same regardless of $k$! Why? Accessing/updating a dictionary is done in amortized constant time, so the number of operations in this algorithm is proportional only to $n$ (the length of the sequence). Notice, however, that we're making a copy of the substring in each step, so it's actually proportional to $n\cdot k$ (this is still much much much better than $n\cdot k \cdot 4^k$). So, you'll start to see (slightly) longer running times as $k$ increases.

In [32]:
%timeit kmers = kmer_count_better(100, seq_drosofila)
615 ms ± 13.5 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)
In [33]:
%timeit kmers = kmer_count_better(500, seq_drosofila)
875 ms ± 4.26 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)
In [34]:
%timeit kmers = kmer_count_better(1000, seq_drosofila)
1.26 s ± 65.9 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)