CS151 (Winter 2020) | University of Chicago

Welcome to CS151!

General Information


CMSC 15100

Introduction to Computer Science I

Instructor 1:

Adam Shaw

JCL 213

Instructor 2:

Kartik Singhal

JCL 291


Anne Farrell

Tyler Skluzacek

Qiming Wang

Lang Yu

Section 1:

MWF 11:30am–12:20pm

Stuart Hall 104

Section 2:

MWF 1:30pm–2:20pm

Rosenwald Hall 011


W 2:30-3:50   

CSIL 3 & 4

W 4:00-5:20   

CSIL 3 & 4

W 5:30-6:50   

CSIL 3 & 4

Q&A, Announcements:


Git Server:

mit (GitLab)



Course content will appear both at this site and on Piazza.

Please read our very own Notes on Typed Racket here.


  • Mon Dec 9 — The waitlist for CS 151 is now open. If you did not get a spot during pre-registration and would still like to be considered for the Winter offering, please sign up.


The lectures are MWF at 11:30am (Section 1) and 1:30pm (Section 2) — please be on time.


Lab assignments will be posted to Piazza the day of the lab.

Attendance at lab sessions is expected and you are responsible for the material presented in labs. Labs are held in the CSIL (Computer Science Instructional Laboratory) on the first floor of the John Crerar Library. Labs are held at three different times; you must register for one of them, and attend that one each week.

The lab meeting times are as follows:

  • Wednesday 2:30-3:50 (CSIL 3, CSIL 4)

  • Wednesday 4:00-5:20 (CSIL 3, CSIL 4)

  • Wednesday 5:30-6:50 (CSIL 3, CSIL 4)

Office Hours

Please also keep the College Core Tutor Program in mind. Tutors are on staff every Sunday through Thursdays night from 7pm-11pm starting 2nd week.

Course Work

The assignments in this class are all programming assignments, but they come in three different flavors:

  1. Lab assignments: These will be posted before Lab on Wednesdays and will be due on Fridays. The Lab TAs will usually present material specific to the lab and be available to help while you work during Lab.

  2. Homework assignments: These exercises will be posted on Thursdays or Fridays and will be due the following Tuesday.

  3. Projects: <TBA>

All assignments will be posted on Piazza.

We use git, which is a distributed version control system, to collect assignments. The use of git will be explained in the first lab.

Exams and Quizzes

The midterm will be on Monday, Feb 3, 7pm-9pm and the final will be on Monday, Mar 9, 7pm-9pm. Both exams will be given in KPTC 120.

Academic Honesty

College-wide honesty guidelines are here.

The following rules of thumb summarize honesty as it pertains to CS151:

  • Never copy work from any other source and submit it as your own.

  • Never allow your work to be copied.

  • Never submit work identical to another student’s.

  • Document all collaboration.

  • Cite your sources.

Dishonesty will not be tolerated. There will be serious consequences to dishonest behavior.