Know the following parts of the process, the commands to accomplish them, and variations. vi What do you press prior to typing in text? What letters on the keyboard act as navigation? How do you copy a line? How do you paste a line? How do you save a file? How do you exit vi? clang / gcc How do you compile the single file myhw1.c? How do you run the file that was produced? My program is spread in three files: mymain.c, myfuncs.c, and myfuncs.h. How do I compile it? How do I compile it if I want the executable to be named myprogram? How do I run that file that was produced? makefiles I want to put an entry in my makefile for the program, myhw1.c, above. It is the only thing in the makefile. What do I type to make it compile. Now I want to do the program above with three files. How do I add that entry? Given your answer, what do I type to compile myhw1.c? What do I type to compile myprogram? svn What steps do I need to take to submit a file named warmup2.h in a folder named hw2? Assume I already have my repository and am in hw2. I receive a message that my feedback for h2 has been pushed to my repository. How do I get it?