M6: Recursion

This module provides an introduction to recursive functions and recursively-defined data structures.

Textbook Chapters

The chapters corresponding to this module are:

A PDF version of the textbook is also available here.

You will be asked to log in with your CNetID before you can see the textbook.

Please note that the lectures do not assume you have read the book chapters ahead of time. Unless you prefer to get a feel for the material ahead of a lecture, we suggest you instead plan to read the book chapters after the lectures, as a way to ensure you understood the material covered in the lectures, as well as to dig deeper into topics that we only cover at a high level in the lectures.

Team Tutorial

Team Tutorial #6: Recursion

Remember that the Team Tutorial is not graded, but we nonetheless encourage you to complete it before Programming Assignment #5 is released.

Short Exercises

Short Exercises #6, due Friday, Dec 3 at 4:30pm CST

Programming Assignment

Programming Assignment #6, due Friday, Dec 3 at 4:30pm CST