CMSC 33281: Topics in Human-Robot Interaction

Fall 2021

The field of human-robot interaction (HRI) is a new and growing field of research that explores the interface between people and robots. Applications of HRI research include developing robots to tutor elementary students, assist human workers in manufacturing contexts, provide museum tours, interact with families within their homes, and help care for the elderly. The field of HRI is highly interdisciplinary, incorporating methods and techniques from human-computer interaction, robotics, psychology, artificial intelligence, and other fields.

The University of Chicago's CMSC 33281 Topics in Human-Robot Interaction course exposes students to a broad range of recent and cutting-edge research in HRI. The topics covered in this course include: nonverbal robot behavior, verbal robot behavior, social dynamics, norms & ethics, collaboration & learning, group interactions, applications, and future challenges of HRI. Course meetings will involve students in the class leading discussions about cutting-edge peer-reviewed research HRI publications. Throughout the quarter, teams of students in the course will also complete an HRI course project of their choosing where they will investigate an HRI research question of interest to them.

This course is offered as both a seminar (no course project) and an HCI elective (including the course project). The course has no prerequisites, however backgrounds in robotics or human-computer interaction is encouraged. Programming knowledge is not necessary, however, may be useful for those students completing a course project.

Topics in HRI

Course Info

Teaching Team

Sarah Sebo

Sarah Sebo (she/her/hers)
Call me by my first name.

Valerie Zhao

Valerie Zhao (she/her/hers)