CMSC 12300: Computer Science with Applications III
The University of Chicago, Spring 2021
Code snippets from lectures
- Lecture 2: 1-grams and using less memory
- Lecture 4: Top k most frequent
- Lecture 5-6: Multi-process max
- Lectures 8-9: Word count on MapReduce with mrjob
- Lecture 9: MapReduce examples
- Lecture 10: More MapReduce examples
- Lectures 11-12: C example
- Lectures 12-13: Leap Year (C conditionals)
- Lecture 13: School types (C conditionals)
- Lecture 14: Loops in C
- Lectures 15-16: Arrays in C
- Lecture 17: Strings in C
- Lecture 17: Multidimensional arrays in C
- Lecture 18: structs in C
Lectures 18-19: Multithreading
Lecture 21: Synchronization
Lectures 22-23: MPI