Homework 3 is due Tuesday, April 27, 2021 at 11:59pm (Chicago Time)
You will submit your work in a file called hw3.rkt
, which should be
located in a directory called hw3
in your repository. You will
need to create the directory and file on your machine
and then add, commit, and push it to GitLab. Be careful to get the
directory and file names right.
To get started, make sure that your local repository is up to date.
cd cs151
git pull
assuming that cs151
is the name of your local repository.
The following shell commands, will get you started. Note the
second command (the touch
) creates an empty file in the hw3
and the third command adds the hw3
directory, which includes the hw3.rkt
(so it will be added too).
mkdir hw3
touch hw3/hw3.rkt
git add hw3
git commit -m "getting ready for homework 3"
git push
At this point, you have added, committed, and pushed an empty file
named hw3.rkt
and the hw3
directory to your repository on the server.
It is important that this file has exactly this name and location, since
we will be looking for your work under this name at collection time.
Open the hw3.rkt
file in DrRacket.
Once you have opened your hw3.rkt
file with DrRacket, go to the
Language menu, then select Choose Language…, and then choose
"Determine language from source" from the popup menu on the lower left edge
of the application window.
Adding boilerplate
The first step is to add the standard comments, require directives, and testing command to the file. Copy the following code into the file and save it.
#lang typed/racket
;; CMSC15100 Spring 2021
;; Homework 3
;; include CS151-specific definitions
(require "../include/cs151-core.rkt")
;; include testing framework
(require typed/test-engine/racket-tests)
;; run tests
You should replace "<YOUR NAME HERE>
" with your name and your
solution to the questions below should replace the
Homework Problems
For every function you write, you must preface the function definition
with a type signature and a purpose comment.
You must also follow the function with tests with check
, check-within
, etc.). Write helper
functions where it seems like a good idea to do so. All functions
need contracts, purposes and tests, even if they are "only" helper
Problem 1
This problem involves writing a number of simple recursive functions over lists.
Your solution should not use any of the list functions provided
by Typed Racket, other than |
fifths : (Listof Exact-Rational) -> (Listof Exact-Rational)
divide all numbers in the list by five.
scale-list : Real (Listof Real) -> (Listof Real)
multiply the first argument to each element of the second argument.
> (scale-list 7 '(1 2 3))
'(7 14 21)
negatives : (Listof Integer) -> (Listof Integer)
filter out any non-negative numbers in the list
> (negatives '(0 -1 1 0 -3))
'( -1 -3)
replicate : (All (A) (Integer A -> (Listof A)))
takes a length n and a value v, and returns a list of length n where every element in the list is v. For example,
> (replicate 4 "hello")
'("hello" "hello" "hello" "hello")
If n is less-than or equal to zero, then return the empty list.
list-sum : (Listof Number) -> Number
compute the sum of the numbers in the list.
exactly-one : (Listof Boolean) -> Boolean
should return true if exactly one item in the list is true and false otherwise. Furthermore, your solution should terminate as soon as it sees more than one true item.
that-many : (Listof Integer) -> (Listof (Listof Integer))
build a list of lists containing "that many" of each; for example,
> (that-many '(2 1 3))
'((2 2) (1) (3 3 3))
You should use the empty list for negative values; for example,
> (that-many '(-2 1 3))
'(() (1) (3 3 3))
drop : (All (A) (Listof A) Integer -> (Listof A))
given a list xs and an integer n, this function returns the list that remains after discarding the first n elements. If n is less than zero then it returns xs and if n is greater than the length of xs it returns the empty list.
Problem 2
We can represent a natural number \(n\) as a sequence of
\(k\) binary digits (bits) \(b_0, b_1, \ldots, b_{k-1}\), where
\(n = \sum_{i=0}^{k-1} b_i 2^{i}\).
We can represent such a bit sequence as a (Listof Boolean)
, where
we use #f
for 0
and #t
for 1
and the first element of the
list corresponds to \(b_0\).
For example, \(19 = 2^0 + 2^1 + 2^4\), which corresponds to the
list (list #t #t #f #f #t)
Copy the following code into your hw3.rkt
;; a representation of natural numbers as a sequence of bits; least-significant
;; bit first.
(define-type Nat-Bits (Listof Boolean))
For the functions below, you do not need reverse
or length
to implement
A Nat-Bits
value is said to be valid if the last bit in the list
is #t
(a #f
or zero-bit in the last position does not add information).
Note that with this restriction, zero is represented as the empty list
of bits.
Write a function that tests if a Nat-Bits
value is valid and returns
if it is and #f
if it is not valid.
Write a function bits->natural
that converts a Nat-Bits
value to its
equivalent Natural
Consider a four digit number \(b_0 \, b_1 \, b_2 \, b_3\). The sum \(b_0 2^0 + b_1 2^1 + b_2 2^2 + b_3 * 2^3\) can be computed as \(b_0 + 2 (b_1 + 2 (b_2 + 2 (b_3)))\). |
Write a function add
that takes two Nat-Bits
values as arguments
and returns their sum as a Nat-Bits
value. Your solution
should work directly on the Nat-Bits
representation (i.e., solutions
that convert to a Natural
and back will not be accepted).
The result should be a valid Nat-Bits
Recall the method that you learned to do multi-digit addition in grade school
using carries. You will need a recursive helper function that takes a carry in and
propagates a carry out to implement addition.
You may find it useful to write a second helper function that propagates a carry of
one (i.e., think about what happens for |
Write a function greater
that takes two Nat-Bits
values as arguments
and returns #t
if the first argument is greater than the second, and
otherwise. Your solution
should work directly on the Nat-Bits
representation (i.e., solutions
that convert to a Natural
will not be accepted).
Submission Instructions
Your solution to the assignment must be pushed to the GitLab server by Tuesday, April 27, 2021; we do not accept late work. Remember that to submit your work you will have to add and commit it to your local repository, and then push your changes to the server. You can verify that your work has been submitted by using the web interface to the server.
We strongly recommend pushing your code after you write and test each function; do not wait to the last minute to discover that you cannot commit your work for some reason!! Only your last commit before the deadline will be evaluated by your graders. Note, however, that you should not submit code that has syntax or type errors in it. If you cannot figure out how to fix a particular type error, comment out the offending code and include a note for the grader.
For the present, do not worry about functions being passed bogus inputs, e.g., a negative income. We will deal with erroneous arguments to functions later in the quarter.