Recursive types
Recursion lets us repeat a computation an arbitrary number of times, but we also want to be able to represent arbitrary collections of data. For example, you might want to represent the students in a class and write computations to compute average grades etc.
Bespoke lists
Suppose that we want to have lists of shapes?
Informally, we might think of a list of shapes as being either
an empty list
a pair of a shape and a list of shapes
This is an example of an inductively defined set. We can define such sets in Typed Racket as follows:
(define-type Shape-List
(U 'empty-shape-list Shape-List-Cons))
(define-struct Shape-List-Cons
([shape : Shape]
[rest : Shape-List]))
The Shape-List
type is an example of an inductive type,
i.e., a type that is defined by one or more base cases (e.g., 'empty-shape-list
and one or more inductive cases (e.g., Shape-List
Inductive types are naturally processed by recursive functions. When writing recursive functions over inductive types, we usually follow a standard pattern of base cases for the base cases in the type definition and recursive cases for the inductive cases in the type definition. For example, say we want to write a recursive function to count the number of shapes in a list. We start with the header and a skeleton:
(: count-shapes : Shape-List -> Natural)
;; count the number of shapes in a list
(define (count-shapes cl)
(match cl ...)
We then add a clause to the match for our base case: the empty list, which has length 0:
(define (count-shapes cl)
(match cl
['empty-shape-list 0]
We also need a recursive case for the non-empty list. In that situation, the length of the list will be one plus the length of the rest of the list. The complete function is
(define (count-shapes cl)
(match cl
['empty-shape-list 0]
[(Shape-List-Cons _ r) (+ 1 (count-shapes r))]))
Polymorphic functions and types
Just as functions allow us to abstract over specific values, polymorphism allows us to abstract over types.
Consider the following definition of pairs of integers with a function for swapping values:
(define-struct Two-Ints ([fst : Integer] [snd : Integer]))
(: swap-ints : Two-Ints -> Two-Ints)
(define (swap-ints pair)
(match pair [(Two-Ints a b) (Two-Ints b a)]))
And this similar definition of pairs of booleans:
(define-struct Two-Bools ([fst : Boolean] [snd : Boolean]))
(: swap-bools : Two-Bools -> Two-Bools)
(define (swap-bools pair)
(match pair [(Two-Bools a b) (Two-Bools b a)]))
These types and functions have the same structure, but we had to write them twice in order to get the types right.
When we have a family of function and/or type definitions that are parametric in their definition, we can use polymorphic definitions that allow us to write one implementation that can be used at many types. The idea is very similar to writing functions as a way to parameterize dynamic behavior, but in this case we are parameterizing static behavior.
For example, we can define a polymorphic representation of pairs
(define-struct (Two-Things A B) ([fst : A] [snd : B]))
(: swap : (All (A B) (Two-Things A B)-> (Two-Things B A)))
(define (swap pair)
(match pair [(Two-Things a b) (Two-Things b a)]))
In the define-struct
, we have introduced two type variables A
and B
which represent the types of the first and second elements (resp.). This
declaration defines a type constructor Two-Things
. Type constructors are
functions that make a type out of other types (we have already seen two built-in
type constructors: U
and ->
). We can now represent pairs of integers
as the type (Two-Things Integer Integer)
and pairs of Booleans as (Two-Things Boolean Boolean)
The syntax of |
We also use type variables in the definition of the polymorphic swap
The syntax
(All (A B) (Two-Things A B) -> (Two-Things B A))
is called universal quantification and it means "for all types A and B a function
from (Two-Things A B)
to (Two-Things B A)
". If we apply swap
to a value
of type (Two-Things Integer Boolean)
(swap (Two-Things 42 #t))
we will get back a value of type (Two-Things Boolean Integer)
(Two-Things #t 42)
Type instantiation
Sometimes it is necessary to instantiate a polymorphic function at a specific
type. We use the inst
special form to do this operation. The syntax is
(inst id ty1 ty2 ...)
where id
is the polymorphic function and the ty1
, ty2
, … are type arguments
(one per variable in id
's type). For example, we can instantiate the type of swap
by giving it two type arguments:
(: swap-ib : (Two-Things Integer Boolean) -> (Two-Things Boolean Integer))
(define swap-ib
(inst swap Integer Boolean))
If, when working with polymorphic functions, you receive a type checker error
that does not seem to indicate any actual mismatch in types, you may need to
use inst
to provide more information about the actual types being used with the function.
We have seen an example of a bespoke list (the list of shapes). We could define other specific kinds of lists, but it would be painful to have to write essentially the same type definitions and functions every time we wanted to make a list of values.
Fortunately, Typed Racket has a generic (or polymorphic) list type. Most functional languages, including Racket, use lists as their primary mechanism for dealing with sequences. Therefore, they support lists as a built-in mechanism.
Let us consider the simple example of representing lists of booleans.
;; A (Listof Boolean) is either
;; - empty, (written '()) or
;; - (cons b bs), where b is a Boolean and bs is a (listof Boolean)
The empty list '()
and the list constructor cons
come with the language.
There are corresponding predicates empty?
and cons?
with type any -> Boolean
. There is also a predefined
variable empty
that stands for the empty list.
(: empty : Null)
(: empty? : Any -> Boolean : Null)
(: cons : (All (T) T (Listof T) -> (Listof T)))
(: cons? : Any -> Boolean : (Listof Any))
The type Listof
is a type constructor. The function cons
is polymorphic.
The types of |
Let’s write down a few lists of booleans.
(cons true empty)
(cons true (cons false empty))
(cons false (cons true (cons false empty)))
We can also construct lists using the quotation syntax:
(list true)
'(#t #f)
(list false true false)
While it is important you be comfortable reading the '(…)
format for lists, since the
REPL will print out list values this way, it is best to avoid writing lists in this
manner yourself. This is because Racket "distributes" the quotation mark over the list
when given a list of identifiers, making them all symbols. For instance, '(true false)
becomes the same as (list 'true 'false)
, a list of two Symbols. This list is completely
different than (list #t #f)
. a list of Booleans and probably what you intended.
The functions first
and rest
are selectors on cons
(: first : (All (T) (Listof T) -> T))
(: rest : (All (T) (Listof T) -> (Listof T)))
(: second : (All (T) (Listof T) -> T))
(: eighth : (All (T) (Listof T) -> T))
(first '(2)) -> 2
(rest '(2)) -> '()
Your program will halt with an error if you try to take, for instance, the first element of an empty list, or the seventh element of a list with only five. Thus, these functions should be used cautiously, only when the list is known to have the requisite element. Often, pattern matching with cases that cover the different possible list lengths is a more robust approach.
There are also more historical names: car
, cdr
(: car : (All (T) (Listof T) -> T))
(: cdr : (All (T) (Listof T) -> (Listof T)))
We will not use these less-intuitively named versions in class, so you needn’t memorize them. We include them here just so you may recognize them if you ever encounter them.
Functions on lists
Typed Racket provides various standard operations on lists as polymorphic functions. We can compute the length of a list with
(: length : (All (X) (Listof X) -> Integer))
(check-expect (length '()) 0)
(check-expect (length '(1 2 3)) 3)
Reverse the order of a list using
(: reverse : (All (X) (Listof X) -> (Listof X))
(check-expect (reverse '(1 2 3)) '(3 2 1))
Two or more lists can be concatenated using the append
(: append : (All (X) (Listof X) * -> (Listof X)))
(check-expect (append '(1 2 3) '(4) '(5 6))
'(1 2 3 4 5 6))
That star means that you can provide any number of lists to append to a
single call of append
We can extract an element from a list by its index using
(: list-ref : (All (X) (Listof X) Integer -> X))
(check-expect (list-ref '(1 2 3) 0) 1)
(check-expect (list-ref '(1 2 3) 1) 2)
(check-expect (list-ref '(1 2 3) 2) 3)
Notice that indexing starts at 0
. (This convention is common across
most programming languages.) Specifying a negative index or one that
is too large results in an error.
Lastly, the make-list
function creates a list of the given length, where
all of the list elements are the same value.
(: make-list : (All (X) (Integer X -> (Listof X)))
(check-expect (make-list 3 "hi") (list "hi" "hi" "hi"))