Each lab will consist of a small problem and details of how to proceed. You need to submit labs to the TAs for grading--see submission instructions below. Generally, unless otherwise specified, you will have one week to complete each assigned lab.
See the syllabus for information on grading. Turning in lab assignments is required. Submit your assignments using Subversion to the pre-existing repo folder for this lab. See the directions on the syllabus page for more information.
All coding must be done in the Java Programming Language.Lab 5 Due: 5:00 pm, Monday, May 10, 2021
1 of 2 (Software Setup and Validation):
For this assignment you will make sure that your environment is set up for proper execution during the remainder of the class. This will involve making sure you have the following tools and running a test Eclipse project:
Java 1.8.0_161 (https://www.oracle.com/java/technologies/javase/javase-jdk8-downloads.html. Note you may be required to register/login first before downloading)You can
download this software for those of you running on a Mac via the
links above. For those running on linux or windows, find
the comparable downloads for your OS.
ultimate goal, and the submission for this problem, will be an
Eclipse version of this Maven project.
this setup, you will verify that your development environment is
sane and functioning, then you will compile and execute the
Maven project to make sure you can build the Camel code.
You will then convert the Maven project to an Eclipse project,
and then you will run and build the Eclipse project and execute
the program, again verifying that the program (now running
within Eclipse) executes successfully. When it all works
fine, you will submit the Eclipse project as described
below. You will not need to write or modify any code for
this problem. The code is provided for you. All you
need to do is get it to compile and execute from within Eclipse.
first thing you will need to do is to start ActiveMQ. The
easiest way to do this is to change to your ActiveMQ root
directory and run (note on the mac, activemq installed via
homebrew is via a link: /usr/local/bin/activemq ->
Now, we will view ActiveMQ's web administrative interface. Bring up a browser, and enter the following URL:
If you
are presented with a login prompt, your user id is "admin" and
the password is "admin". It is not advisable to change these
values. We can't help you remember your changes.
Once you've launched the console, you should see something like this (ignore version information, etc.):
We will not belabor this now, but you will see that you can click on several tabs, including Queues and Topics, to see the messages that are going to be put on the ActiveMQ broker. We will see a little of this in a minute. For right now, go ahead and click on "Queues" and you will see that you don't currently have any queues defined.
Now, we want you to set up your Maven repository for the sample code from Snyder et. al. ActiveMQ in Action and Ibsen & Anstey, Camel in Action. Open a terminal and navigate to ~/mpcs.51050/src (create it if necessary) and you should see two folders, one for the Camel book example source and one for the ActiveMQ book (the zipped source code for both of these can also be found here and here):
amq-in-action-example-src camelinaction-2.15.6
In order to set up your local Maven repository (which will be created by Maven and stored in a directory called ".m2" under your home directory), simply change into the amq-in-action-example-src directory and type the following command:
mvn compile
You will see a lot of activity as Maven downloads repository files and compiles code. You should see toward the end of the output something like the following lines:
[INFO] Compiling 68 source files to /home/[yourloginid]/mpcs.51050/src/amq-in-action-example-src/target/classes
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
. . .
At this point, issue the following command:
ls ~/.m2/repository
should see numerous directories under your repository
Now change into the camel src code directory which is in camelinaction2-2.21.3 which you created above, and type the same command again:
mvn compile
You will again see a lot of activity as Maven downloads repository files and compiles code. You should see toward the end of the output something like the following lines:
$ mvn compilels -1 ~/.m2/repository/org/apache
You should see output similar to the following:
activemq ant apache camel commons cxf felix ftpserver geronimo maven mina neethi openjpa servicemix velocity ws xbean
repository files for activemq are now in your ~/.m2/repository/org/apache/activemq
directory and your repository files for camel are now in your ~/.m2/repository/org/apache/camel
Now that you have ActiveMQ up and running, obtain and untar this tarball. You can put it anywhere you'd like, such as in your ~/mpcs.51050/src subdirectory. What you will see is the following directory and file structure:
$ tar
tzvf file-copy.tgz
drwx------ pbossi/guest 0 2014-04-09 14:58 file-copy/
drwx------ pbossi/guest 0 2014-04-09 14:58 file-copy/data/
drwx------ pbossi/guest 0 2014-04-09 14:58 file-copy/data/inbox/
-rwx------ pbossi/guest 89 2014-03-28 10:56 file-copy/data/inbox/message1.xml
-rwx------ pbossi/guest 6711 2014-03-28 11:42 file-copy/pom.xml
-rwx------ pbossi/guest 389 2014-03-28 10:56 file-copy/readme.md
drwx------ pbossi/guest 0 2014-04-09 14:58 file-copy/src/
drwx------ pbossi/guest 0 2014-04-09 14:58 file-copy/src/main/
drwx------ pbossi/guest 0 2014-04-09 14:58 file-copy/src/main/java/
drwx------ pbossi/guest 0 2014-04-09 14:58 file-copy/src/main/java/camelinaction/
-rw------- pbossi/guest 2189 2014-03-28 11:37 file-copy/src/main/java/camelinaction/FileCopierWithCamel.java
drwx------ pbossi/guest 0 2014-04-09 14:58 file-copy/src/main/resources/
-rwx------ pbossi/guest 1738 2014-03-28 10:56 file-copy/src/main/resources/log4j.properties
Give the following commands now to extract the files and change into the new directory:
$ tar
xzvf file-copy.tgz
$ cd file-copy
These files are taken and modified from the simple file-copy example provided in Chapter 1 of the text Camel in Action by Ibsen and Anstey (pp. 10ff). The code has been modified because we are not only trying to validate that Camel is set up and ready for business but also that your ActiveMQ environment is up and running. The modified file-copy program accomplishes just that. cd into your new file-copy subdirectory.
Now we are ready to use Maven to compile our example program.
mvn compile
You may see a bunch of files downloading, but if things go well, you should also see something like this at the end:
[INFO] Building Camel in Action :: Chapter 1 :: File Copy
Example 1.0.0
--- maven-resources-plugin:2.5:resources (default-resources) @
chapter1-file-copy ---
execute contextualize
Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources.
Copying 1 resource
--- maven-compiler-plugin:2.3.2:compile (default-compile) @
chapter1-file-copy ---
Compiling 1 source file to
Total time: 2.877s
Finished at: Fri Mar 28 12:44:21 CDT 2014
Final Memory: 20M/81M
What you're looking for is that happily green capitalized "BUILD SUCCESS". if you see that, that's a good thing. If you see errors, that's of course a bad thing. You should not see any errors if you've set up your environment correctly. If you do encounter errors, start posting to the Piazza site for help from any and all.
Once you've got your Maven project compiled, you can then execute it by typing the following command:
mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass=camelinaction.FileCopierWithCamel
You should see a lot of activity, hopefully no errors, and after completion, you should see something like this:
Clearing cache[size=0, hits=57, misses=58, evicted=0]
Apache Camel 2.12.3 (CamelContext: camel-1) uptime 2.529
Apache Camel 2.12.3 (CamelContext: camel-1) is shutdown in
0.015 seconds
Total time: 6.041s
Finished at: Fri Mar 28 14:10:20 CDT 2014
Final Memory: 13M/81M
After running the above, you should be able to refresh your browser (or click on Queues from the home screen) and you should see something like this:
Seeing that you now have a new queue (created by your file-copy program) called MPCS51050_config_test, and that it has one message on the queue (Number of Pending Messages) is a GREAT THING. You're almost done. You can even click on the queue name and on the next screen click on the message identifier to investigate the actual message:
Here you can see the details of your message, including, at the bottom, the actual text of the message itself. You can compare this to the text in your Maven build directory in the file:
$ cat data/inbox/message1.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<order name="motor" amount="1" customer="honda"/>
If you've made it this far, you're are almost done. Next we are going to create an Eclipse project for the code we just ran.
Click the top left and enter "ecl" at the Whisker menu and hit enter to launch Eclipse:
You will be prompted with a dialog that looks like this (these prompts were taken on a linux installation...similar dialogs/screens will appear whether you're on a mac or windows):
Set your
Eclipse workspace to /home/mpcs/workspace and make sure you
check the "Use this as the default and do not ask again"
option. Click on "OK".
that's left now is to import this Maven project into Eclipse and
run it from there. Start Eclipse. Once you've started it,
from the Eclipse main menu choose "File", then "Import", then
expand "General" and choose "Existing Projects into
Workspace". Then click on "Next". You should select
the file-copy directory in which you ran the above Maven
commands in by clicking "Browse". Then click on
"OK". Once you've selected that directory and clicked on
"OK", you should see the following dialog filled out (of course
your home directory will vary). Before clicking on
"Finish", make sure you check the option "Copy
projects into workspace". Once your dialog looks like the
one below, click on Finish.
should see the file-copy project appear in the Package Explorer
in Eclipse:
You should not see any errors. At this point, you should be able to execute the project in Eclipse. After giving the Run command, you will be prompted for a main function to use, and you should select FileCopierWithCamel, and then your project should run to completion. You should now go back into your ApacheMQ console, and you should refresh the pages and verify that you now have two messages in your MPCS51050_config_test queue:
2 of 2 (Point-To-Point Exercise: Reading data from
files, consuming those files, putting them on a queue, and
then consuming them from the queue):
In this lab, you will use Camel's DSL to create a Producer program that consumes data from files in an input directory and for each file writes that data onto a Point-To-Point Message Queue. You will also write a Consumer Program that reads those messages from that Point-To-Point Queue and writes those messages out to an output directory.
What you need to implement:
The data files are CSV files that each contain trade data that contains a Ticker, a Buy Price, a Quantity, and a Sell Price and Sell Quantity. Each line in the CSV files looks something like this:
So in this example, the ticker would be "MSFT", the buy price would be 22.81, the Buy Quantity would be 118 (shares), the Sell Price would be 22.82, and the Sell Quantity would be 68 (shares).
You can
create 100 CSV files of this type of data by running this script and executing on this data input file. Something like
this (you can put first.100.csv wherever you want, just remember
where you put it). (Note you will need gawk installed on
your system if you don't already have it. Mac users can
use: brew install gawk).
broadcaster.sh first.100.csv
(If you get an error that gawk is not found, please type
this command and then try typing in the command above again:
sudo apt-get install gawk .)
suggestion would be to put the broadcaster.sh shell script in a
directory that is part of your $PATH, so you can execute it from
any directory. One suggestion would be /usr/local/bin,
because the convention for that directory is suited to a
miscellaneous script you'd like to install to the local machine.
We are assuming that you have thoroughly read chapters 1-3 of Ibsen & Anstey, Camel in Action, prior to working on this lab. You will also find Appendix A on the Simple expression language helpful for this lab as well.
Copy your previous lab 5 project in eclipse to a new project named "MPCS-Lab5-Consumer". You can do this by selecting your lab 5 project "chapter1-file-copy", pressing "Ctrl-C" (or right-clicking and choosing "Copy"), and then pasting a copy of that project by right clicking in the Package Explorer and choosing "Paste", and in the Copy Project dialog renaming the copy to "MPCS-Lab5-Consumer" as you paste, like this (ignore the "Lab6" reference in the image):
Now do the same thing again, this time copying your MPCS-Lab5-Consumer project you just pasted and creating a new copy of that project and calling that "MPCS-Lab5-Producer". Now you have three projects in the Package Explorer: chapter1-file-copy, your new MPCS-Lab5-Consumer project, and your MPCS-Lab5-Producer project. (Of course they are all three identical copies for the moment). The advantage of copying chapter1-file-copy is that you bring with you all the maven jarballs that you will need, so you don't have to manually add them through the project properties/Java Build Path.
Now, in a terminal, navigate to your your MPCS-Lab5-Producer directory under your eclipse workspace, and change to the data/inbox subdirectory. Mine looks like this:
Remove the message1.xml file that's there, so the directory is empty. Now (we are assuming that broadcaster.sh is in a directory in your $PATH), execute the following line:
broadcaster.sh /home/[youruserid]/mpcs.51050/first.100.csv
(Note we are assuming you've put the first.100.csv file under the mpcs.51050 subdirectory under your home directory. You can put it anywhere you want, just make sure you remember where you put it and refer to it in the line above).
Once that command has executed, do an "ls" in your ~/workspace/MPCS-Lab5-Producer/data/inbox directory. You should see 100 files that look something like this:
$ ls
08-05-14_09-55-33.csv 08-05-14_09-56-02.csv
08-05-14_09-56-31.csv 08-05-14_09-57-01.csv
08-05-14_10-47-56.csv 08-05-14_10-54-02.csv
08-05-14_09-55-34.csv 08-05-14_09-56-03.csv
08-05-14_09-56-32.csv 08-05-14_09-57-02.csv
08-05-14_10-47-57.csv 08-05-14_10-54-03.csv
08-05-14_09-55-35.csv 08-05-14_09-56-04.csv
08-05-14_09-56-33.csv 08-05-14_09-57-03.csv
08-05-14_10-47-58.csv 08-05-14_10-54-04.csv
Your exact filenames will be slightly different as the date-time will have changed. Now, cat out one of the files, and you will see something like this:
Each of
the 100 files will contain a single line of data similar to the
above. These 100 data files will constitute your
Producer's "input". Your Producer will roll through these
100 files, and load the content of each file onto an ActiveMQ
message queue.
Now you
have some reading to do. Make sure you understand what
Camel is doing and basically how it works by reading the first
three chapters of Ibsen & Anstey Camel in Action along with Appendix A.
As we have moved past using maven in favor of eclipse, you can
ignore the maven-related instructions (but of course you're free
to execute the examples all you want and that would prove
instructive). You can also ignore the java spring
information. We will not be using java spring in the
course, but plain old java POJOs (Plain Old Java Objects).
Your your MPCS-Lab5-Producer will do the following:
Read Camel In Action (Note, references below are to both
edition 1.0 and edition 2.0 of Camel In Action. So, "CIA
v.1 7.1" would reference section 7.1 in edition 1.0 (first ed.)
of CIA and "CIA v2: 6.1" would reference section 6.1 in the 2nd
edition of the text).
You are to read through this file using Camel's DSL, establishing a Camel Route that [References to sections of Camel in Action in brackets]:
Consume the input directory "data/input" [CIA v.1: 2.3 &
7.1-7.2; CIA v.2: 2.3 & 6.1-6.2]
2. Logs the string "RETRIEVED: ${file:name}" [CIA
v.1 & v.2:
Appendix A]
3. Unmarshals the data read [CIA v.1 & v.2: 3.4]
4. Runs the CSV translator on the data [CIA v.1 &
v.2: 3.4.2]
5. Splits the body (so that the individual lines go on the
queue as individual messages) [CIA v.1 &
v.2: 3.4.2]
6. Sends the output to jms:queue:MPCS_51050_LAB5 [CIA
& v.2: 3.4.2]
Read especially the File Component sections on configuration options in CIA 7.2.1, especially understanding the "noop" option and the "fileName" option. You may find that setting "noop=true" will make your testing a bit easier as Camel will not remove the input files as it processes them (which relieves you from having to recreate them with each test using broadcaster.sh).
Once you have developed your code, test it out (this will require several iterations to figure it all out) and you should see that you are publishing 100 messages to your MPCS_51050_LAB5 queue. Once you see that you are doing that, congratulate yourself, and take a break.
Next, you will begin work on your Consumer, in the project you created called MPCS-Lab5-Consumer. Your Consumer will consume the messages off your MPCS_51050_LAB5 queue. As it takes off each message, the message will be removed from the queue. Your route will be fairly simple. In your Consumer route you will need to do the following [References to sections of Camel in Action in brackets]:
Consume messages from the MPCS_51050_LAB5 queue [CIA
v.1: 7.3; CIA v.2: 6.3]
2. Log the string "RECEIVED: jms queue: ${body} from
file: ${header.CamelFileNameOnly}" [CIA v.1 & v.2:
Appendix A]
3. Convert the body of the message taken from the queue
into a string using a String.class conversion [CIA v.1 &
v.2: 3.6.2]
4. Write the resulting set of messages out to
"file:data/outbox" [CIA v.1: 7.2.1; CIA v.2: 6.2.1]
appending ".out" to the the current thread name and the original
Camel input file name in the the output file name [CIA
v.1 & v.2: Table A.1], with the result that you have
100 files in the data/outbox directory that look something like
$ ls
Thread-Camel (camel-1) thread #0 -
Thread-Camel (camel-1) thread #0 -
Thread-Camel (camel-1) thread #0 -
Thread-Camel (camel-1) thread #0 -
You can use the fileName= option in the output line such
Notes and Hints:
In the referenced Camel
in Action sections, you will find code examples.
Use these as a guide as to the DSL syntax for accomplishing the
requirements of this lab. You will likely find this lab
impossible to accomplish without reading the assigned sections.
everything is working, you are ready to submit your lab 5.
You should submit your Eclipse directories for the File
Copy, Producer, and Consumer projects (3 projects). Submit
using Subversion into the pre-existing folder for this lab.
It's a good idea to do a Clean before you submit, or if
using Subclipse it should take care of not submitting
generated binaries and such. Please include a README text file that contains any
instructions for the TAs to assist with grading, and design
notes are often the most useful thing you can provide. We do not
need any info on how to compile your code for these
Eclipse/maven projects.