Lab Deliverable 3: PhoMRE

Due Saturday, June 15th 11:59 PM


Submit your assignments in a folder called lab3 (or similar) to the subversion repository according to the directions on the syllabus page. Place all of your Lab Deliverable 3 work into one folder. You will only be graded on your material within a reasonably labeled folder. Also, please include a README text file that contains the programming language you used. If you want to give the TAs/graders instructions on how to compile, run, or even understand your code, you can place that within the README as well.

From now on, each HW and Lab Deliverable should be submitted as described here and in HW 1. Each assignment (HW or Lab Deliverable) should have its own folder with its own README inside of it. Please ask for assistance if you have any questions


In this lab you will write a music recommendation engine using the Blackboard design pattern.

Melody really likes the track "Get Back" by the Beatles, but she's growing tired of listening to the Beatles, who have been around for awhile, and wants to discover something new. She fires up PhoMRE (Phoenix Music Recommendation Engine) and types in the name of an artist and track:

>> Ask me for a recommendation based on a track of your choosing: **** artist: [here, Melody enters "The Beatles"] **** track: [here, Melody enters "Get Back"] >> Working... >> ... >> ... >> Do you like "Wonderwall" by Oasis? >> Check it out: **** response (yes/No): [here, Melody answers "No" and sighs to herself] >> Okay. I'll find another recommendation. Working... >> ... >> ... >> Do you like "Charmless Man" by Blur? >> Check it out: **** response (yes/No): [here, Melody answers "Yes"] >> Great! Would you like me to make another recommendation? **** response (yes/No): ["No"] >> Okay. Goodbye!

Eventually, Melody finds the track "Charmless Man" by Blur and decides that she likes Blur a lot better than Oasis.

To implement the PhoMRE (pronounced "farmer"), you will need a database of music. Luckily, has one of those for us to play with! Please read the following page and familiarize yourself with the idea:

The class has a account with the following information:

username: ooarch
password: blackboard

We also have a registered API account page. Everyone can use the same one:

In case you need it, here's the gmail account we used to register the account and API. Please don't abuse it, as I will be monitoring it carefully. Using the e-mail address for ANYTHING without requesting permission will result in an honor code violation and potentially failing the class:

password: blackboard

You can use the API to get information about tracks, artists, tags (that identify characteristics of tracks, artists, et cetera), and more. Here's an example link, using our account (so you must be logged in to visit it properly):

This uses the track.getInfo method to, well, get info about the Beatles track "Get Back." The base URL for making queries is Notice that the API key from our account page is used, and notice the format for specifying the artist and track. Experiment with the web interface a bit and explore the methods to which you have access.

Here are some notes about the above information, and how you can use it within your program:

Of course, getting this information is step 1, but you need to use it to produce a recommendation! Each method for manipulating this information to help produce a recommendation can be viewed as a KnowledgeSource for your Blackboard pattern. You must implement the following knowledge source:

SimilarTrack: use the track.getSimilar method, and return one of the returned tracks.

Write the infrastructure for your blackboard pattern and implement this knowledge source. Provide recommendations that come from this knowledge source only. If the knowledge source becomes exhausted and Melody has not liked any of the tracks you recommended, tell her that you're sorry, but there are no more recommendations to be had. Test your program and make sure it works as expected.

Before you continue, answer the following questions:

  1. What are the "puzzle pieces" of your blackboard?
  2. Is adding a new knowledge source to your program as easy as adding the first one? If not, describe why; then, describe a solution to make it so, and refactor your code accordingly. If so, explain the structure of your code that allows for this.
    1. This question basically guarantees that you're implementing the blackboard pattern correctly.
  3. Do you have a Controller for your blackboard? If not, describe a solution to make it so, and refactor your code to include it. If so, explain how your Controller works.
  4. Does this knowledge source need an Assumption? An Affirmation? Why, or why not? If it does and you haven't implemented it/them, make it so.
  5. What are the Dependents in your blackboard? Read about Dependent abstract class in Booch p427 and make sure your code uses them.

Melody is disappointed, because the recommendations still aren't tailored for her. Another knowledge source could improve the program drastically! First, instead of treating the similar tracks as de-facto recommendations, we'll treat them as a pool for possible recommendations. Second, we should add the most popular track from n >= 3 similar artists to this pool as well. But, now we must select the appropriate recommendation from this pool! Choose at least one of the three following knowledge sources and implement it/them to perform this selection:

All of these fields can be obtained for a given track using the track.getInfo method.

When a track is rejected by Melody, you should do three things:

Test your code again, and see if it behaves as you expect. Before you continue, answer the following questions:

  1. How do you differentiate between tracks you blackboard thinks might be good recommendations? You must never select a suggestion randomly. Randomly means:
    1. You picked a track at random from the pool of possible recommendations.
    2. Many other recommendations could have been chosen, but because of some heuristic within your program, the program selected that particular recommendation. Exception: two tracks have exactly the same playcount, listeners, or duration value.
  2. What is the user? Is the user a knowledge source now? Which portion of the blackboard does the user impact?
  3. There seems to be a "short-term" and "long-term" portion of the blackboard. The short-term portion of the solution is to find a track to recommend next. The long-term solution is to find a track the user likes.
    1. How are these represented within your blackboard object?
    2. What is the relationship between them?
    3. When does each portion get updated, i.e., what is the "update-cycle" for each section? How do you perform this update?
    4. How does each knowledge source influence the blackboard? In your answer, describe which knowledge sources influence which timescales, and how. Some may correspond to just one timescale, while others, both.

Now, document and implement a knowledge source of your own. Be creative: there are no restrictions here, except for that you cannot simply implement the knowledge sources you didn't implement from the previous part. The idea must be your own.

Finally, think of and document a strategy (yes, the design pattern kind) for tuning your Blackboard Controller; it can be a simple manual control strategy where Melody specifies, in some user-friendly way, how much she cares about the different knowledge sources, or it can be complicated, like an automatic learning algorithm. We might offer extra credit for really stellar tuning mechanisms! But, the point here is not to come up with an amazing method, but to make sure the functionality for adjusting the relative influence of knowledge sources was implemented in the first place, enforcing modularity.

Test your code, and answer the following questions:

  1. Draw a UML diagram for your Blackboard and include it as an image file with your code. Visually identify the long-term and short-term components of your Blackboard. Visually identify the relationship between them.
  2. Say you were reading on the internet and found a new knowledge source that was not the API, but a different one, that contained aural data about the song files themselves, such as the loudest frequencies at each second of a track.
    1. How would you incorporate this knowledge source into your program? What parts of your design pattern you need to modify, and what parts of the code should NOT need to be modified? (Hint: the former group should be as small as possible, and the latter group as big as possible.)
    2. Amend your UML diagram showing where the new knowledge source would be added and how it would interact with your current code.
  3. Input a track of your choosing to your program, and get recommendations. Say "no" to your program at least 5 times, and eventually say "yes."
    1. Provide the output for the entire recommendation session.
    2. For each recommendation, show explicitly why your code made the recommendation it did and justify that it behaved as expected.
    3. For each "no" you respond with, describe how the state of your blackboard changes and justify that it behaved as expected.
    4. Describe the state of your blackboard when/after you made your "yes" response, and describe in detail how the state of the blackboard differed from the state it began in, when you first input the track from which to begin the recommendation process.
    5. For b-d, you may present the answers visually and with phrases instead of complete sentences and paragraphs, if you choose.
  4. Does your program work better with more knowledge source? Informally describe the difference in behavior, as perceived by the user, between your program after just the first knowledge source, and your completed program. There are no wrong answers to this question.

Whoa, that was a lot of information! The next section contains a summary of it all.

What you need to implement:

  1. Develop a basic version of the final program that you can use as scaffolding:
    1. Implement the blackboard design pattern pattern and minimal UI as exemplified above.
    2. Implement the SimilarTrack knowledge source.
    3. Make sure you're using Controllers, Dependents, Assumptions, and Affirmations correctly, and that you continue to do so.
    4. Test your code and answer the questions for this section.
  2. Flesh out your program:
    1. Make the SimilarTrack knowledge source construct a pool of possible recommendations instead of using it to select a specific track.
    2. Add to this pool at least 3 tracks from similar artists.
    3. Implement at least one of the three specified additional knowledge sources and its corresponding strategy.
    4. Test your code and answer the questions for this section.
  3. Add your own creative extension to your program:
    1. Implement your own knowledge source. Document it.
    2. Implement a strategy for tuning your Blackboard's Controller. Document it.
    3. Test your code and answer the questions for this section.
  4. Show your completed program to your best friend and blow their mind! Celebrate with some spam (or asparagus, if you prefer healthy and/or vegetarian celebratory foods).

Notes and hints: