Course Search Engine: Crawling the catalog

Due: Friday, January 29th at 4pm

You may work alone or in a pair on this assignment.

Over the span of this and the next assignment, you will be building parts of a course search engine. We have put together a simple web application that will use your code to do the work of finding courses that match the users criteria.


In this part of the assignment, you will be building a web crawler that crawls a shadow copy of the college catalog to construct a simple index. The purpose of this assignment is to give you more Python programming experience and to have you work with HTML documents extracted from the web. You will use this kind of index in PA #3.

Before describing the specifics of your task, we will briefly explain how to work with URLs and grab pages from the web.

Working with URLs

URL stands for uniform resource locator. A URL, for example:

has the following format:

protocol://site address/path/filename

The protocol field (http, in our example) specifies which protocol should be used to interact with the resource. Common protocols include http, https, ftp, etc. We will be working with http and https, the hypertext transport protocols. The site address specifies the host computer name (www), the domain name (classes.cs.uchicago), and the top level domain (edu). The path specifies part of the hierarchical location (archive/2021/winter/12200-1) of the desired file (index.html) in the file system on the host computer. The path to the archive directory is supplied by the configuration of the web server program running on the host machine. The full path in the department’s file system for the example above is: /stage/classes/archive/2021/winter/12200-1/pa/index.html. URLs can also include a port number, which we will not be using.

Within a web page, a link can refer to an absolute URL (that is, it starts with http:// or https://) or a relative URL, which can be converted into an absolute URL. A relative URL refers to a page with a location that is relative to the current page (much like relative path names in Linux). For example, here is a URL taken from the index page for assignments mentioned above:


The absolute URL for this page is:

URLs can use a fragment (denoted by a #) to refer to a specific location (known as an anchor) on a page. For our purposes, we only need the part of the URL that comes before the #.

We have provided some useful functions for working with URLs:


Takes a URL and returns true if it is an absolute URL and false otherwise.

util.convert_if_relative_url(url1, url2):

Takes the URL for a page (url1) and a URL found on that page (url2). If url2 is an absolute URL, then this function will just return it. If url2 is a relative URL, the function will return an equivalent absolute URL. The function will return None if it is unable to convert the URL.

The following code, for example:

url1 = ""
url2 = "pa1/index.html"
util.convert_if_relative_url(url1, url2)

would yield:

as expected.


Takes a URL and removes the # and any text following it in the URL. For example, given the relative URL index.html#minorprogramincomputerscience, the function would return index.html. If the URL does not contain a fragment, the function just returns the original URL.

Retrieving a web page

We will be using requests, a Python package, for making http connections and retrieving documents. We have supplied the following wrapper functions:


Takes a URL and returns a request object. This function will return None if the request fails.


Takes a request object and returns a string containing the HTML document retrieved by the request.

This function may generate a warning of the form:

WARNING:root:Some characters could not be decoded, and were replaced with REPLACEMENT CHARACTER.

You may ignore this warning.


Takes a request object and returns the associated URL. Note that the returned URL may be different than the URL provided to the original call to get_request. This seeming anomaly occurs when the original URL redirects to another URL.

Note that your crawler should be checking for failures (that is, checking if the output of any of these functions is None before proceeding further).

Note also that even though the recent lab used a different library to download web pages, for this assignment, you should use the above functions.

Catalog Pages

For this assignment, we will be interested in three different types of HTML tags: a, div, and p. We will use the first to find links to other pages, the second to find sections of the page pertinent to a particular course, and the third to extract actual course titles and descriptions from within the div tags.

For example, here are three links from a page in the course catalog:

<a href="">The University of Chicago</a>
<a href="../../azindex/index.html">AZ Index</a>
<a href="index.html#minorprogramincomputerscience"></a>

The first specifies a link using an absolute URL. The second specifies a link using a relative URL. And the third specifies a link using a relative URL with a fragment.

Course descriptions are enclosed in a div tag of the form <div class="courseblock main">. For example, here is the entry for Software Construction:

<div class="courseblock main">
  <p class="courseblocktitle">
    <strong>CMSC&#160;22001.  Software Construction.  100 Units.</strong>
  <p class="courseblockdesc">
    Large software systems are difficult to build. The course discusses
    will be expected to actively participate in team projects in this
  <p class="courseblockdetail">
    Instructor(s): S. Lu&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;Terms Offered: Autumn<br />
    Prerequisite(s): CMSC 15400<br />

Course titles and descriptions can be found in p tags nested within the div tag.

You will be constructing an index that maps words to lists of course identifiers. A course identifier is an integer that uniquely identifies a specific course code (“CMSC 12200”, for example). We will provide a dictionary that maps course codes to course identifiers. Course codes can be found at the beginning of each course title. The string &#160; represents a single html character entity (non-breaking space). You will need to replace it with a regular space when you construct a course code.

You might wonder why we need both course codes and course identifiers. In the next assignment, you will be using a relational database that will contain an index like the one you are constructing along with information that we have scraped from the UChicago time schedules. The course identifiers will be used in this database to link different types of information about a course, such as the title, section dates, times, and locations for a given quarter, etc.


If a group of courses forms a sequence, the UChicago course catalog lists the course title and description for both the sequence (class="courseblock main") and the individual courses associated with that sequence (class="courseblock subsequence"). We will refer to the individual courses as subsequences. See below for an example:

<div class="courseblock main">
  <p class="courseblocktitle"><strong>CMSC&#160;12100-12200-12300.
     Computer Science with Applications I-II-III.</strong>
  <p class="courseblockdesc">
    This three-quarter sequence teaches computational thinking and
    skills to students who are majoring in the sciences, mathematics,
    and economics. ... Students learn Java, Python, R and C++.

<div class="courseblock subsequence">
  <p class="courseblocktitle"><strong>CMSC&#160;12100.
    Computer Science with Applications I.  100 Units.</strong>
  <p class="courseblockdesc">
  <p class="courseblockdetail">
    Instructor(s): A. Rogers&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;Terms Offered: Autumn<br />
    Prerequisite(s): Placement into MATH 15200 or higher, or consent of instructor<br />
    Note(s): This course meets the general education requirement in the mathematical sciences. <br />

<div class="courseblock subsequence">
  <p class="courseblocktitle"><strong>CMSC&#160;12200.
    Computer Science with Applications II.  100 Units.</strong>
  <p class="courseblockdesc">
  <p class="courseblockdetail">
    Instructor(s): A. Rogers&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;Terms Offered: Winter<br />
    Prerequisite(s): CMSC 12100<br />
    Note(s): This course meets the general education requirement in the
    mathematical sciences. <br />

<div class="courseblock subsequence">
  <p class="courseblocktitle"><strong>CMSC&#160;12300.
    Computer Science with Applications III.  100 Units.</strong>
  <p class="courseblockdesc">
    The course revolves around core ideas behind the management and
    computation of large volumes of data ("Big Data").  ...
    Hadoop. ... the entire dataset.<br />
  <p class="courseblockdetail">
    Terms Offered: Spring<br />
    Prerequisite(s): CMSC 12200<br />

Working with HTML

You will use Beautiful Soup to parse and navigate HTML documents. Here is a brief summary of the material on Beautiful Soup from lecture.

You will import Beautiful Soup as bs4. To create a soup object from a string text, containing the text of an HTML document, you can use the statement:

soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(text, "html5lib")

Note that in our case, the parameter text will be the string returned from a call to read_request.

Once you have a soup object, you can use the find_all method to extract a list of the tag objects in the soup that match a particular pattern. For example, the expression:


would return a list of tags, one for each div block that occurs in the text. You can narrow the search by including information about attributes and their values. For example, the expression:

soup.find_all('div', class_="courseblock main")

would return a list of tag objects, one for each div block in which the class attribute has the value courseblock main. Note the use of class_ as the attribute name rather than the expected name of class. The underscore is required because class is a reserved word in Python.

There are various useful operations you can do on a tag object t and attribute name a:


Extract the text associated with the tag t.


Returns true if the tag contains an attribute a.


Returns the value associated with attribute a in the tag. This expression will fail if a is not an attribute of t.

You can also call find_all on tag objects to extract nested tags.

Your task

A search engine relies on an index that maps words to the pages in which they appear. This index is built by crawling the web and indexing the information on the pages the crawler visits. The crawler starts at a specified page and follows the links on that page to other pages and from those pages to yet more pages and so on until it has visited all pages reachable from the initial page.

Your task is to complete the function go in This function takes a number of pages to crawl, the name of a JSON file that contains the course code to course identifier dictionary, and the output filename as arguments. Your implementation should crawl the course catalog to create an index that maps words to lists of course identifiers, and then generate a CSV file from the index.

Mini crawler

Your crawler should:

  1. Start at the specified starting URL.

  2. Only visit pages that have URLs that are OK to follow (see below).

  3. Stop after it has visited the specified maximum number of pages.

  4. Visit the pages in order of occurrence (first in, first out).

  5. Visit a page only once to avoid cycles (for example, A->B->C->A).

  6. Avoid calling get_request on the same URL multiple times.

We have provided a function, is_url_ok_to_follow(url, limiting_domain) that takes a URL and a domain and returns true, if the URL:

  • is an absolute URL,

  • falls within a specified domain,

  • does not contain an “@” or “mailto:” symbol,

  • does not direct the crawler to archived course catalog pages, and

  • has a file name that ends with either no extension or the extension “html”.

The provided code also includes the appropriate starting URL and limiting domain. Do not change these.

You should visit the links in “first-in, first-out” order, which means that a queue is the appropriate data structure for managing the links. A queue typically has operations to add values to the end, to remove values from the front or head, and to determine whether the queue is empty. You can implement a queue with a few simple list operations or you can use the Python Queue library.

Starting at the main page of our shadow catalog with a maximum number of pages to visit of 1000, our implementation visited fewer than 100 pages. You can find a list of the links visited (in the order visited) here.

When tracking visited pages, make sure to handle the fact that, as noted above, the URL returned by get_request_URL may differ from the URL used in the call to get_request. This occurs if a web page redirects to another location. The method get_request_URL will tell you the new location to which you were redirected. It is critical that you use this location, not the original one, as the base URL when calling convert_if_relative_url to convert relative links on this page to absolute URLs.

Mini indexer

You will need to write code that produces an index that maps a word to a list of course identifiers. A course identifier should be included in the index entry for a word if the word appears in the title or the description of the course in the course catalog. Your implementation should construct the index as your crawler visits the pages.

Your indexer should be case insensitive. For example, your indexer should not distinguish between "Foo" and "foo". Recall that you can convert a string, s, to lower case using the expression s.lower().

For the purposes of this assignment, we will define a word to be a string of length at least one that starts with a letter and contains only letters and digits. We recommend using a regular expression and the regular expression library (re) to extract a list of words from course titles and descriptions. Note that although the pattern \w is meant to denote characters that can be used to form words, this pattern also matches some characters not included in the above description of what constitutes a word, so you should not use it.

Some words occur very frequently in normal English text (“a”, “and”, “of”, etc) and some occur very frequently in the catalog (“include”, “students”, “units”, etc). We have defined a constant (INDEX_IGNORE) with a list of words that your indexer should not include in the index.

If subsequences exist for a given courseblock main, your indexer should map words in the main title and description to all the courses in the sequence. In addition, it should map words that appear only in the description of a subsequence to the course identifier for that subsequence, not all the identifiers for all courses in the sequence. For example, the unique identifiers that correspond to “CMSC 12100”, “CMSC 12200”, and “CMSC 12300” should appear in the index entries for “sciences”, “mathematics”, and “economics” , while only the unique identifier for “CMSC 12300” should appear in the index entry for “hadoop”.

We have provided a useful function, named util.find_sequence(tag), for working with subsequences. This function takes a bs4 tag for an overall sequence (courseblock main div tag) and checks for associated subsequences. If subsequences exist, the function returns a list of the div tag objects for the subsequences; otherwise, it returns an empty list.


In PA #3, you will be loading the kind of index generated by this assignment into a relational database. To facilitate this process, you need to create a CSV file from your index. Each line in the file should contain one course identifier and a word, in that order, and separated by a bar (|). Here are the first few lines of the file generated by our implementation:


Notice that the same word may appear in multiple lines of the file (corresponding to the word appearing in the descriptions of multiple courses). Any given course identifier/word pair should occur at most once. (FYI, aanl is a department code, not a true English word, but it fits our definition of “word”.)

Code organization

Think carefully about the appropriate decomposition of work for this task. You should not do everything in one function. Our implementation of has six functions, including go, and is about 150 lines of code

Getting started

Follow these start-up instructions if you plan to work alone.

Follow these start-up instructions if you are going to work in a pair.


Follow these submission instructions if you are working alone.

Follow these submission instructions if you are working in a pair.

Acknowledgments: This assignment was written by Anne Rogers and originally inspired by an assignment written by Mari Hearst at UC Berkeley. Trevor Coyle suggested the idea of building a course search engine and helped with the necessary revisions.