PA 5 — Due: Fri Nov 3 11pm CT
Recall the academic
integrity policy: turn in your own work and cite all sources.
This week we are going to make our Code 128 barcodes more hip. First, we will support switching between code sets to optimize barcode lengths. Second, we will generate and interpret barcodes as images, rather than bitstrings, using the Haskell Image Processing (HIP) Library. Lastly, there is an optional challenge idea to scan barcode images designed with some extra-hip flair.
% cabal run hip-barcodes -- encode images/barcode.png 200 5 "Hip, hip, hooray\!"
Wrote to:
% cabal run hip-barcodes -- decode images/barcode.png
Hip, hip, hooray!
❗ ❗ Note: HIP currently does not work with the latest version of Haskell. So, we will use a handy tool, called GHCup, that allows installing and running older versions of Haskell (see instructions below). ❗TRY IT OUT ASAP❗
The starter code contains several files:
: Same as before. U Can’t Touch This.
: Copy over your previous solution, take a
look at your work with fresh eyes, and refactor and polish if you wish.
But don’t add any required new functionality here…
: This is where the required work for
this assignment will be done:
: This runs some tests on
, encode
, and
: This sets up two executables:
cabal run hip-barcodes
cabal run tests
You may tweak the .cabal
file with additional packages
and language extensions, if needed.
issues sooner rather than later.
Last time, we supported barcodes encoded entirely with code set B or entirely with code set C. Now let’s support switching between code sets B and C, via the values “[Code B]” and “[Code C]”. As we will soon discuss, mixing and matching code sets allows shorter barcodes in some cases. (We are still ignoring code set A in this assignment, so “[Shift]” values will remain unsupported symbols.)
encode :: TheCodes -> String -> Either Error BC
decode :: TheCodes -> BC -> Either Error String
Decoding is the easier part, so let’s start with that.
The decode
function should be a relatively simple
combination of decodeB
and decodeC
before, plus new support for switching between code sets B and C.
Consider defining a helper function for decoding that uses an argument —
of type Bool
ean or some other two-valued type, such as
data CodeSet = B | C
— to track which code set is currently
As you rework decodeB
and decodeC
into one,
look for opportunities to use fmap
) on Either Error
values. That is,
wherever you might write something like
Left err -> Left err
Right x -> Right $ SOME_FUNCTION x
consider rewriting as:
Optimizing barcode length during encoding is the harder part. This is optional and worth a small amount of extra credit.
Skip this part for now (the starter code sets up a strawman
implementation of encode
that makes a simple (non-optimal)
choice between encodeB
and encodeC
) and come
back after working on the image processing parts. If and when you are
ready to work on encode
, uncomment the following line in
runTests $ tests_encode theCodes
Consecutive digits require one symbol using code set C instead of two symbols using B. But each switch costs a symbol.
When is it profitable to use code set C? The Wikipedia article provides a nice summary. (Below, “N+” means mean “N or more” as opposed to some kind of Haskell section!)
When the entire string consists of digits, and the string length is either 2 or 4+ (but not 3)
If this number is odd, it doesn’t matter whether the first or last of these digits is encoded by C
However, in this assignment, we will always choose to use code set B for the first of these digits and then code set C for the rest
> run encode ""
Right (104,[],1,106) -- Right (105,[],2,106) is also fine
> run encode "1"
Right (104,[17],18,106)
> run encode "12"
Right (105,[12],14,106)
> run encode "123"
Right (104,[17,18,19],8,106)
> run encode "1234"
Right (105,[12,34],82,106)
> run encode "12345"
Right (104,[17,99,23,45],53,106)
When 4+ consecutive digits appear at the beginning of the string
If this number is odd, it’s best to use code set C for all except the last of these digits
> run encodeB "1234x"
Right (104,[17,18,19,20,88],13,106)
> run encode "1234x"
Right (105,[12,34,100,88],13,106)
> run encodeB "12345x"
Right (104,[17,18,19,20,21,88],0,106)
> run encode "12345x"
Right (105,[12,34,100,21,88],82,106)
When 4+ consecutive digits appear at the end of the string
If this number is odd, it’s best to use code set C for all except the first of these digits
> run encodeB "x1234"
Right (104,[88,17,18,19,20],44,106)
> run encode "x1234"
Right (104,[88,99,12,34],47,106)
> run encodeB "x12345"
Right (104,[88,17,18,19,20,21],67,106)
> run encode "x12345"
Right (104,[88,17,99,23,45],16,106)
When 6+ consecutive digits appear in the middle of the string (surrounded by symbols encoded using code set B)
If this number is odd, it doesn’t matter whether the first or last of these digits is encoded by C
However, in this assignment, we will always choose to use code set B for the first of these digits and then code set C for the rest
> run encodeB "098x1234567y23"
Right (104,[16,25,24,88,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,89,18,19],14,106)
> run encode "098x1234567y23"
Right (104,[16,25,24,88,17,99,23,45,67,100,89,18,19],101,106)
> run encodeB "x123456y123456z"
Right (104,[88,17,18,19,20,21,22,89,17,18,19,20,21,22,90],41,106)
> run encode "x123456y123456z"
Right (104,[88,99,12,34,56,100,89,99,12,34,56,100,90],8,106)
Turn the outline above into code. (No need for dynamic programming as suggested in the Wikipedia article, just fiddly list munging.) The first two cases — entire string and beginning of string — should be straightforward, if a bit tedious. The latter two cases — middle and end of string — are trickier.
Define simple helpers processB
and processC
for processing a (sub)string entirely with code set B or C,
Define a (much longer) helper which, assuming that code set B is active, takes an input string with a non-empty prefix of non-digit characters and (i) encodes that prefix with code set B and (ii) decides what to do with the rest of the string — with the help of all the helpers.
Check out these standard Prelude functions:
span :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> ([a], [a])
splitAt :: Int -> [a], ([a], [a])
even :: Integral a => a -> Bool
odd :: Integral a => a -> Bool
> span isDigit "01234abc56789de"
> splitAt 1 [1..10]
We will use the Haskell Image Processing (HIP) Library to manipulate barcode images.
The build-depends
entry of our .cabal
includes hip
, a package containing modules Graphics.Image,
and more.
If you try to build, you will get an error that looks something like:
% cabal build
[__3] skipping: base-, base-, base- (has the same
characteristics that caused the previous version to fail: excluded by
constraint '>=4.8 && <4.17' from 'repa')
[__3] fail (backjumping, conflict set: base, hip-barcodes, repa)
The trouble is hip depends on repa (>= && <4), which depends on base (>=4.8 && <4.17). But this is incompatible with the current stable versions of GHC: 9.4 corresponds to base 4.17, 9.6 to 4.18, and 9.8 to 4.19.
There is a nice tool called GHCup to manage the installation of updates to GHC and associated tools.
It is fun to imagine GHCup organizing different versions of the Haskell toolchain into separate cups. Thanks, Sam, for this delightful double entendre!
See what versions of GHC and related tools are installed on your machine:
% ghcup list
To get HIP to work, install the following older version:
% ghcup install ghc 9.2.8
To set which version of GHC is active:
% ghcup set ghc 9.2.8
[ Info ] GHC 9.2.8 successfully set as default version
Check that you are now running the older version:
% ghci
GHCi, version 9.2.8: :? for help
When you’re done working on this assignment, you can reset things to
the most recent version. You can do that by running set
without a version number:
% ghcup set ghc
[ Info ] GHC 9.4.7 successfully set as default version
In addition to the commands above, you can also run the following (on Linux or Mac, but not Windows):
% ghcup tui
Check out this sweet terminal UI! Almost makes you want to say hello again to Hello, Again Wordle, doesn’t it?
Try this right now to make sure your development environment works.
% cabal build
In addition to compiling, also check that you can access
via GHCi for interactively exploring the library and
testing your program. (Notice the handy cabal repl
which will launch ghc
and load the packages listed in the
% cabal repl hip-barcodes
> import Graphics.Image
Two more options:
% ghci
> :set -package hip
> import Graphics.Image
Alternatively, you might run the following to install
in a more global place so it’s available from GHCi
without :set -package hip
% cabal install --lib hip
% ghci
> import Graphics.Image
Part of the goal in this assignment is to practice working with a large library… even if we don’t grok all the types and type classes and type families (a Haskell feature we are not discussing in this course) and multi-parameter type classes (another such feature).
You will likely need only a handful of functions provided by the library. As a first example, the following loads an image and gets a pixel at a given position:
> :set -package hip
> import Graphics.Image
> img <- readImageRGB VU "images/barcode-1.png"
> let pixel = index img (0, 0)
> pixel
> let PixelRGB r g b = pixel in (r, g, b)
> toPixelY pixel
> let PixelY y = toPixelY pixel in y
This example demonstrates:
where VU
is one of the internal Array
representations of the dataindex
and PixelY
, where PixelY
values are
defined by a single grayscale number (a “Luma”)toPixelY
converts to Luma, via a class called ToY
Now consider a second example, that creates an image:
> cabal repl hip-barcodes
> import Graphics.Image
> let grayscale :: Image VU Y Double = makeImageR VU (200, 200) (\(i, j) -> PixelY (fromIntegral i / 200))
> writeImage "images/grayscale.png" grayscale
This example demonstrates:
Not demonstrated above, but a few more possibly helpful functions, among others:
Now that you’re hip to HIP, it’s time to get barcoding!
First, a function for generating barcode images:
makeBarcode :: FilePath -> Int -> Int -> BCString -> IO ()
makeBarcode filePath imageHeight moduleWidth (BCString symbols) =
The imageHeight
is specified in pixels, and
argument is the number of pixels for each module. The image should not
have quiet zones on the
left or right, nor any padding on top or bottom.
Next, implement a barcode “scanner.” Given a “perfect” barcode image
generated from makeBarcode
(no rotation, no graininess, no
defects whatsover), decode it:
scanBarcode :: FilePath -> IO BCString
scanBarcode filePath =
Consider implementing the following helper functions. (No need to
worry about MArray
— just note VU
is a member of this class.)
imageToBCString :: (MArray arr cs e, ToY cs e) => Image arr cs e -> BCString
isBlack :: (ToY cs e) => Pixel cs e -> Bool
It is important to notice that scanBarcode
not know either the imageHeight
or the
that was used to create the image. Do not
assume they are 200
and 5
as in the sample at
the top of the page. Determining the height is not a big deal.
Determining module width requires a bit of finagling. Consider
implementing and using the following two helpers:
getModuleWidth :: [Bool] -> Int
takeEvery :: Int -> [a] -> [a]
The images/
directory in the starter code provides a
handful of barcodes to test:
% cabal run hip-barcodes -- decode images/barcode-0.png | grep -A1 Decoding
Hip, hip, hooray!
% cabal run hip-barcodes -- decode images/barcode-1.png | grep -A1 Decoding
% cabal run hip-barcodes -- decode images/barcode-2.png | grep -A1 Decoding
CMSC 22300? HOT Programming in Haskell!
% cabal run hip-barcodes -- decode images/barcode-3.png | grep -A1 Decoding
% cabal run hip-barcodes -- decode images/barcode-4.png | grep -A1 Decoding
These tests are also included in Tester.hs
% cabal run tests
Wikipedia showcases some “designed barcodes”:
If you’re up for a lot more work and fun (maybe the seed of a project idea?), define another function, called
, that recognizes barcodes with some
extra flair. The challenge is to recognize as many of the examples above
(and others like them) as possible. Unlike the simple, ideal barcode
images supported by scanBarcode
, this version will need to
do much more — to identify which pixels comprise the barcode data, to
tolerate noise, and so on.
While you’re at it, you might also design your own designed barcodes, either programmatically with Haskell/HIP, or with a graphic design tool, or some combination of both. If you do, tell us about what you made and share them with the world to enjoy.
Here is an outline of the grading rubric (10 points total):
(extra credit:
Clean (Haskell) code (based on the style
guidelines)Once you are finished, check that you add
ted, and push
ed everything to your
repository before the deadline (or within an eligible late period):
Functional Image Synthesis, Conal Elliott (2001)