CMSC23700 Common Code Library
Support code for CS23700 programming projects
▼Ncs237 | |
▼N__detail | |
CAABB | Axis-Aligned Bounding Box parameterized over the scalar type |
CImageBase | |
CPlane | Representation of a oriented 3D plane |
CTextureBase | |
▼CApplication | Base class for applications |
CQueues | Information about queue families |
CSamplerInfo | |
CSwapChainDetails | |
CBuffer | A base class for buffer objects of all kinds |
CCreateWindowInfo | Structure containing parameters for creating windows |
CDataImage2D | A 2D Image used to store 2D data, such as a normal map |
CDepthBuffer | This class is a wrapper around the |
CImage1D | |
CImage2D | |
CIndexBuffer | Buffer class for index data; the type parameter I is the index type |
CMemoryObj | Wrapper around Vulkan memory objects |
CShaders | |
CTexture1D | |
CTexture2D | |
CUniformBuffer | |
CVertexBuffer | |
▼CWindow | Abstract base class for simple GLFW windows used to view buffers, etc |
CDepthStencilBuffer | Information about the optional depth/stencil buffers for the window |
CSwapChain | Collected information about the swap-chain for a window |
CSwapChainDetails | Information about swap-chain support |
CSyncObjs | Container for a frame's synchronization objects |
▼Njson | |
CArray | JSON arrays |
CBool | |
CInteger | |
CNull | |
CNumber | Base class for JSON numbers |
CObject | JSON objects |
CReal | |
CString | |
CValue | |
▼NOBJ | |
CGroup | |
CMaterial | Structure that defines a material in a model |
CModel | A model from an OBJ file |
▼Ntqt | |
CTextureQTree |