CMSC23700 Common Code Library
Support code for CS23700 programming projects
This is the complete list of members for cs237::Application, including all inherited members.
__detail::TextureBase | cs237::Application | friend |
_allocBufferMemory(vk::Buffer buf, vk::MemoryPropertyFlags props) | cs237::Application | protected |
_allocImageMemory(vk::Image img, vk::MemoryPropertyFlags props) | cs237::Application | protected |
_cleanupDebug() | cs237::Application | protected |
_cmdPool | cs237::Application | protected |
_copyBuffer(vk::Buffer dstBuf, vk::Buffer srcBuf, size_t offset, size_t size) | cs237::Application | protected |
_copyBufferToImage(vk::Image dstImg, vk::Buffer srcBuf, size_t size, uint32_t wid, uint32_t ht=1, uint32_t depth=1) | cs237::Application | protected |
_createBuffer(size_t size, vk::BufferUsageFlags usage) | cs237::Application | protected |
_createImage(uint32_t wid, uint32_t ht, vk::Format format, vk::ImageTiling tiling, vk::ImageUsageFlags usage, vk::ImageLayout layout, uint32_t mipLvls=1) | cs237::Application | protected |
_createImage(uint32_t wid, uint32_t ht, vk::Format format, vk::ImageTiling tiling, vk::ImageUsageFlags usage, uint32_t mipLvls=1) | cs237::Application | inlineprotected |
_createImageView(vk::Image image, vk::Format format, vk::ImageAspectFlags aspectFlags) | cs237::Application | protected |
_createInstance() | cs237::Application | protected |
_createLogicalDevice() | cs237::Application | protected |
_debug | cs237::Application | protected |
_debugMessenger | cs237::Application | protected |
_depthStencilBufferFormat(bool depth, bool stencil) | cs237::Application | protected |
_device | cs237::Application | protected |
_featuresCache | cs237::Application | mutableprotected |
_findBestFormat(std::vector< vk::Format > candidates, vk::ImageTiling tiling, vk::FormatFeatureFlags features) | cs237::Application | protected |
_findMemory(uint32_t reqTypeBits, vk::MemoryPropertyFlags reqProps) const | cs237::Application | protected |
_getPhysicalDeviceFeatures() const | cs237::Application | protected |
_getPhysicalDeviceProperties() const | cs237::Application | protected |
_getQIndices(vk::PhysicalDevice dev) | cs237::Application | protected |
_gpu | cs237::Application | protected |
_initCommandPool() | cs237::Application | protected |
_initDebug() | cs237::Application | protected |
_instance | cs237::Application | protected |
_messages | cs237::Application | protected |
_name | cs237::Application | protected |
_propsCache | cs237::Application | mutableprotected |
_qIdxs | cs237::Application | protected |
_queues | cs237::Application | protected |
_selectDevice(vk::PhysicalDeviceFeatures *reqFeatures=nullptr) | cs237::Application | protected |
_transitionImageLayout(vk::Image image, vk::Format format, vk::ImageLayout oldLayout, vk::ImageLayout newLayout) | cs237::Application | protected |
Application(std::vector< std::string > const &args, std::string const &name="CS237 App") | cs237::Application | |
beginCommands(vk::CommandBuffer cmdBuf, bool oneTime=false) | cs237::Application | inline |
Buffer | cs237::Application | friend |
createDepthSampler(SamplerInfo const &info) | cs237::Application | |
createPipeline(cs237::Shaders *shaders, vk::PipelineVertexInputStateCreateInfo const &vertexInfo, vk::PrimitiveTopology prim, bool primRestart, vk::ArrayProxy< vk::Viewport > const &viewports, vk::ArrayProxy< vk::Rect2D > const &scissors, bool depthClamp, vk::PolygonMode polyMode, vk::CullModeFlags cullMode, vk::FrontFace front, vk::PipelineLayout layout, vk::RenderPass renderPass, uint32_t subPass, vk::ArrayProxy< vk::DynamicState > const &dynamic) | cs237::Application | |
createPipeline(cs237::Shaders *shaders, vk::PipelineVertexInputStateCreateInfo const &vertexInfo, vk::PrimitiveTopology prim, vk::ArrayProxy< vk::Viewport > const &viewports, vk::ArrayProxy< vk::Rect2D > const &scissors, vk::PolygonMode polyMode, vk::CullModeFlags cullMode, vk::FrontFace front, vk::PipelineLayout layout, vk::RenderPass renderPass, uint32_t subPass, vk::ArrayProxy< vk::DynamicState > const &dynamic) | cs237::Application | inline |
createPipelineLayout(std::vector< vk::DescriptorSetLayout > descSets, std::vector< vk::PushConstantRange > pcrs) | cs237::Application | inline |
createPipelineLayout(vk::DescriptorSetLayout descSet) | cs237::Application | inline |
createSampler(SamplerInfo const &info) | cs237::Application | |
debug() const | cs237::Application | inline |
DepthBuffer | cs237::Application | friend |
device() const | cs237::Application | inline |
endCommands(vk::CommandBuffer cmdBuf) | cs237::Application | inline |
features() const | cs237::Application | inline |
formatProps(vk::Format fmt) const | cs237::Application | inline |
freeCommandBuf(vk::CommandBuffer &cmdBuf) | cs237::Application | inline |
limits() const | cs237::Application | inline |
MemoryObj | cs237::Application | friend |
name() const | cs237::Application | inline |
newCommandBuf() | cs237::Application | inline |
props() const | cs237::Application | inline |
run()=0 | cs237::Application | pure virtual |
submitCommands(vk::CommandBuffer cmdBuf) | cs237::Application | inline |
supportedDeviceExtensions() | cs237::Application | inline |
supportedExtensions() | cs237::Application | inlinestatic |
supportedLayers() | cs237::Application | inlinestatic |
Texture1D | cs237::Application | friend |
Texture2D | cs237::Application | friend |
verbose() const | cs237::Application | inline |
Window | cs237::Application | friend |
~Application() | cs237::Application | virtual |