Homework 2: Linked List
Due Monday, July 3, 2023 at 11:59pm
In this assignment, you will implement a linked list in C.
- Compile and test frequently
- Read the entire assignment first before you start
- Start early and do not do all of the assignment in one sitting; coding is fun but fighting for hours with broken code is not
- Do not hesitate to seek help if you are stuck
In this homework, you will work in the lib
: You will copy your implementation of readline
last homework to here. If you do not have a working implementation, you can use
mine in the solution once it is published.
: The majority of code you are going to write for
this assignment lives in this file. This file should implementation the header
file at lib/include/linked-list.h
Written: You will answer some simple questions at the end.
Learning Objectives:
- Even more pointer juggling
- Implement your first data structure
- Practice heap allocation and manual memory management
Getting started
We will keep using the coursework
repository, same repository where you wrote
. First of all, you should run git status
to see if you have any
uncommitted changes; if so, commit
and push
them before proceeding.
Run git pull upstream main
. Doing this almost certainly triggers an automerge
by git
. When vim
is launched that shows the merge commit message, press
to save and quit the editor (look at the bottom-left
corner of your screen if you don't know where you're typing).
Run ls
to confirm that you have received a lib
Pay attention to any error messages that you might encounter and please ask for help if you run into any problems.
What have we provided to you?
The lib
directory is organized as follows:
contains all.h
header files. They define the interface of the modules and it is what the user#include
s when using this library.src/
contains all.c
files implementing those.h
files. They contain the implementation of the functions declared in the header files. Usually, for every.c
file insrc
, there is a.h
file ininclude
with the same name.unittests/
contains all unit-testing code for the modules. They use thetests.h
framework in this library. After runningmake test
, the unit tests are turned into executables that live inbin/
contains the produced unit tests executable to run.lib/
contains the produced library.Makefile
is the Makefile that specifies how to build this library.test_all.sh
is a Bash script that runs all tests inbin/
Before you start, read through unittests/linked-list-test.c
and understand
the interface fully before you start implementing.
Running unit tests
No more Criterion! I built a minimalist testing framework (see
for more detail).
While you are not required to write any tests for this assignment, you need to
understand what the tests in unittests/linked-list-test.c
are testing so that
when your implementation fails a test, you know where to debug.
After running make test
, you should see the bin
directory populated with the
unit tests. Run them as you would with any other executable, e.g.
, and don't forget to run valgrind ./linked-list-test
check for memory leaks/errors.
Your first task is to copy your implementation of readline
The specification of linked-list
is documented in the header file. If anything
is uncleared, please let me know.
Suggested order of functions to implement
, which releases the memory taken by the linked list.llist_prepend
, which adds an element to the front of the list.llist_len
, which returns the length of the linked list.llist_concat
, which concatenates two linked lists.llist_append
, which adds an element to the back of the list.llist_copy
, which returns a newly-allocated list containing the same elements.llist_remove_at
, which removes an element at a given index.llist_insert_at
, which adds an element at a given index.
The unit tests are also ordered this way.
You need to answer some questions in hw2/WRITTEN.txt
Submission checklist
In lib/
contains your implementation of thelinked-list
contains your implementation of thereadline
function.make lib
andmake test
produce no errors.
In hw2/
is finished.
All changes are committed and pushed to your github repository. Submit your program to Gradescope by selecting your coursework directory and the correct branch.
Percentage | |
Correctness | 70% |
Style | 20% |
Written | 10% |
Warning: If your program cannot be compiled using the commands above without error or warning, you will receive 0 points in correctness since there is no executables for us to run.