ad Colloq. Advertisement. [abbreviation] as & conj. (adv. As antecedent in main sentence; conj. In relative clause expressed or implied) to the extent to which … is or does etc. (am as tall as he; am as tall as he is; (colloq.) Am as tall as him; as recently as last week). —conj. (with relative clause expressed or implied) 1 (with antecedent so) expressing result or purpose (came early so as to meet us). 2 (with antecedent adverb omitted) although (good as it is = although it is good). 3 (without antecedent adverb) a in the manner in which (do as you like; rose as one man). B in the capacity or form of (i speak as your friend; olivier as hamlet). C while (arrived as i was eating). D since, seeing that (as you are here, we can talk). E for instance (cathedral cities, as york). —rel. Pron. at 1 expressing position (wait at the corner; at school). 2 expressing a point in time (at dawn). 3 expressing a point in a scale (at his best). 4 expressing engagement in an activity etc. (at war). 5 expressing a value or rate (sell at £10 each). 6 a with or with reference to (annoyed at losing; came at a run). B by means of (starts at a touch). 7 expressing motion or aim towards (aim at the target; laughed at us).  at all see *all. At hand see *hand. At home see *home. At it engaged in an activity; working hard. At once see *once. At that 1 moreover (a good one at that). 2 then (at that he left). At times see *time. [old english] ax Axe) —n. 1 chopping-tool with a handle and heavy blade. 2 (the ax) dismissal (of employees); abandonment of a project etc. —v. (axing) cut (esp. Costs or staff) drastically; abandon (a project).  an ax to grind private ends to serve. [old english] be (sing. Present am; are; is; past was; were; pres. Part. Being; past part. Been) 1 exist, live (i think, therefore i am; there is no god). 2 a occur; take place (dinner is at eight). by 1 near, beside (sit by me; path by the river). 2 through the agency or means of (by proxy; poem by donne; by bus; by cheating; divide by two; killed by robbers). 3 not later than (by next week). 4 a past, beyond (drove by the church). B through; via (went by paris). 5 during (by day; by daylight). 6 to the extent of (missed by a foot; better by far). 7 according to; using as a standard or unit (judge by appearances; paid by the hour). 8 with the succession of (worse by the minute; day by day). 9 concerning; in respect of (did our duty by them; smith by name). 10 used in mild oaths (by god). 11 expressing dimensions of an area etc. (three feet by two). 12 avoiding, ignoring (passed us by). 13 inclining to (north by north-west). —adv. 1 near (sat by). 2 aside; in reserve (put £5 by). 3 past (marched by). —n. (pl. Byes) = *bye1.  by and by before long; eventually. By and large on the whole. By the by (or bye) incidentally. By oneself 1 a unaided. B unprompted. 2 alone. [old english] em Printing unit of measurement equal to the width of an m. [name of the letter m] en Printing unit of measurement equal to half an em. [name of the letter n] et Abbr. And others. [latin et alii] gi (often attrib.) Soldier in the us army. [abbreviation of government (or general) issue] go (3rd sing. Present goes; past went; past part. Gone) 1 a start moving or be moving from one place or point in time to another; travel, proceed. B (foll. By and + verb) colloq. Expressing annoyance (you went and told him). 2 (foll. By verbal noun) make a special trip for; participate in (went skiing; goes running). 3 lie or extend in a certain direction (the road goes to london). 4 leave; depart (they had to go). 5 move, act, work, etc. (clock doesn't go). 6 a make a specified movement (go like this with your foot). B make a sound (often of a specified kind) (gun went bang; door bell went). C (of an animal) make (its characteristic cry) (the cow went ‘moo’). D colloq. Say (so he goes to me ‘why didn't you like it?’). 7 be in a specified state (go hungry; went in fear of his life). 8 a pass into a specified condition (gone bad; went to sleep). B colloq. Die. C proceed or escape in a specified condition (poet went unrecognized). 9 (of time or distance) pass, elapse; be traversed (ten days to go before easter; the last mile went quickly). 10 a (of a document, verse, song, etc.) Have a specified content or wording (the tune goes like this). B be current or accepted (so the story goes). C be suitable; fit; match (the shoes don't go with the hat; those pinks don't go). D be regularly kept or put (the forks go here). E find room; fit (this won't go into the cupboard). 11 a turn out, proceed; take a course or view (things went well; liverpool went labour). B be successful (make the party go). 12 a be sold (went for £1; went cheap). B (of money) be spent. 13 a be relinquished or abolished (the car will have to go). B fail, decline; give way, collapse (his sight is going; the bulb has gone). 14 be acceptable or permitted; be accepted without question (anything goes; what i say goes). 15 (often foll. By by, with, on, upon) be guided by; judge or act on or in harmony with (have nothing to go on; a good rule to go by). 16 attend regularly (goes to school). 17 (foll. By pres. Part.) Colloq. Proceed (often foolishly) to do (went running to the police; don't go making him angry). 18 act or proceed to a certain point (will go so far and no further; went as high as £100). 19 (of a number) be capable of being contained in another (6 into 5 won't go). 20 (usu. Foll. By to) be allotted or awarded; pass (first prize went to the girl). 21 (foll. By to, towards) amount to; contribute to (12 inches go to make a foot; this will go towards your holiday). 22 (in imper.) Begin motion (a starter's order in a race) (ready, steady, go!). 23 (usu. Foll. By by, under) be known or called (goes by the name of droopy). 24 colloq. Proceed to (go jump in the lake). 25 (foll. By for) apply to (that goes for me too). —n. (pl. Goes) 1 mettle; animation (has a lot of go in her). 2 vigorous activity (it's all go). 3 colloq. Success (made a go of it). 4 colloq. Turn; attempt (i'll have a go; it's my go). —adj. Colloq. Functioning properly (all systems are go).  go about 1 set to work at. 2 be socially active. 3 (foll. By pres. Part.) Make a habit of doing. Go ahead proceed without hesitation. Go along with agree to or with. Go back on fail to keep (a promise etc.). Go begging see *beg. Go down 1 a (of an amount) become less through use (coffee has gone down). B subside (the flood went down). C decrease in price. 2 a (of a ship) sink. B (of the sun) set. C (of a curtain) fall. 3 deteriorate; (of a computer system etc.) Cease to function. 4 be recorded in writing. 5 be swallowed. 6 (often foll. By with) find acceptance. 7 colloq. Leave university. gt High-performance saloon car. [italian gran turismo great touring] he (obj. Him; poss. His; pl. They) 1 the man, boy, or male animal previously named or in question. 2 person etc. Of unspecified sex (if anyone comes he will have to wait; he who hesitates). —n. 1 male; man. 2 (in comb.) Male (he-goat). [old english] if 1 introducing a conditional clause: a on the condition or supposition that; in the event that (if he comes i will tell him; if you are tired we can rest). B (with past tense) implying that the condition is not fulfilled (if i knew i would say). 2 even though (i'll finish it, if it takes me all day). 3 whenever (if i am not sure i ask). 4 whether (see if you can find it). 5 expressing a wish, surprise, or request (if i could just try!; if it isn't my old hat!; if you wouldn't mind?). —n. Condition, supposition (too many ifs about it).  if only 1 even if for no other reason than (i'll come if only to see her). 2 (often ellipt.) Expression of regret; i wish that (if only i had thought of it). [old english] in 1 expressing inclusion or position within limits of space, time, circumstance, etc. (in england; in bed; in 1989; in the rain). 2 a within (a certain time) (finished it in two hours). it (poss. Its; pl. They) 1 thing (or occasionally an animal or child) previously named or in question (took a stone and threw it). 2 person in question (who is it? It is i). 3 as the subject of an impersonal verb (it is raining; it is winter; it is two miles to bath). 4 as a substitute for a deferred subject or object (it is silly to talk like that; i take it that you agree). 5 as a substitute for a vague object (brazen it out). 6 as the antecedent to a relative word or clause (it was an owl that i heard). 7 exactly what is needed. 8 extreme limit of achievement. 9 colloq. A sexual intercourse. B sex appeal. 10 (in children's games) player who has to perform a required feat.  that's it colloq. That is: 1 what is required. 2 the difficulty. 3 the end, enough. [old english] ma Colloq. Mother. [abbreviation of *mama] me 1 objective case of *i2 (he saw me). 2 colloq. = *i2 (it's me all right; is taller than me). [old english accusative and dative of *i2] mo (pl. -s) colloq. Moment. [abbreviation] mr (pl. Messrs) 1 title of a man without a higher title (mr jones). 2 title prefixed to a designation of office etc. (mr president; mr speaker). [abbreviation of *mister] ms Title of a married or unmarried woman without a higher title. [combination of *mrs, *miss2] mu 1 twelfth greek letter (m, m). 2 (m, as a symbol) = *micro- 2. [greek] my Pron. (attrib.) 1 of or belonging to me. 2 affectionate, patronizing, etc. Form of address (my dear boy). 3 in expressions of surprise (my god!; oh my!). 4 colloq. Indicating a close relative etc. Of the speaker (my johnny's ill again).  my lady (or lord) form of address to certain titled persons. [from *mine1] nu Thirteenth letter of the greek alphabet (n, n). [greek] of Expressing: 1 origin or cause (paintings of turner; died of cancer). 2 material or substance (house of cards; built of bricks). 3 belonging or connection (thing of the past; articles of clothing; head of the business). 4 identity or close relation (city of rome; a pound of apples; a fool of a man). 5 removal or separation (north of the city; got rid of them; robbed us of £1000). 6 reference or direction (beware of the dog; suspected of lying; very good of you; short of money). 7 objective relation (love of music; in search of peace). 8 partition, classification, or inclusion (no more of that; part of the story; this sort of book). 9 description, quality, or condition (the hour of prayer; person of tact; girl of ten; on the point of leaving). 10 us time in relation to the following hour (a quarter of three).  be of possess, give rise to (is of great interest). Of an evening (or morning etc.) Colloq. 1 on most evenings (or mornings etc.). 2 at some time in the evenings (or mornings etc.). Of late recently. Of old formerly. [old english] on 1 (so as to be) supported by, attached to, covering, or enclosing (sat on a chair; stuck on the wall; rings on her fingers; leaned on his elbow). 2 carried with; about the person of (have you a pen on you?). 3 (of time) exactly at; during (on 29 may; on the hour; on schedule; closed on tuesday). 4 immediately after or before (i saw them on my return). 5 as a result of (on further examination). op Colloq. Operation. [abbreviation] ox (pl. Oxen) 1 large usu. Horned ruminant used for draught, milk, and meat. 2 castrated male of a domesticated species of cattle. [old english] pa Colloq. Father. [abbreviation of *papa] ph Measure of the acidity or alkalinity of a solution. [german potenz power, h (symbol for hydrogen)] pi 1 sixteenth letter of the greek alphabet (p, p). 2 (as p) the symbol of the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter (approx. 3.14). [greek] po (pl. -s) colloq. Chamber-pot. [from *pot1] si = *te. [french from italian] te (also ti) seventh note of a major scale. [earlier si: french from italian] up 1 at, in, or towards a higher place or a place regarded as higher, e.g. The north, a capital or a university (up in the air; up in scotland; went up to london; came up in 1989). 2 a to or in an erect or required position or condition (stood it up; wound up the watch). B in or into an active condition (stirred up trouble; the hunt is up). 3 in a stronger or leading position (three goals up; am £10 up; is well up in class). 4 to a specified place, person, or time (a child came up to me; fine up till now). 5 higher in price or value (our costs are up; shares are up). 6 a completely (burn up; eat up). B more loudly or clearly (speak up). 7 completed (time is up). 8 into a compact, accumulated, or secure state (pack up; save up; tie up). 9 out of bed, having risen (are you up yet?; sun is up). 10 happening, esp. Unusually (something is up). 11 (usu. Foll. By before) appearing for trial etc. (up before the magistrate). 12 (of a road etc.) Being repaired. 13 (of a jockey) in the saddle. —prep. 1 upwards and along, through, or into (climbed up the ladder; went up the road). 2 from the bottom to the top of. 3 a at or in a higher part of (is up the street). B towards the source of (a river). —adj. 1 directed upwards (up stroke). 2 of travel towards a capital or centre (the up train). —n. Spell of good fortune. —v. (-pp-) 1 colloq. Start, esp. Abruptly, to speak or act (upped and hit him). 2 raise (upped their prices).  be all up with be hopeless for (a person). On the up (or up and up) colloq. Steadily improving. Up against 1 close to. 2 in or into contact with. 3 colloq. Confronted with (a problem etc.). us 1 objective case of *we (they saw us). 2 colloq. = *we (it's us again). 3 colloq. = *me1 (give us a kiss). [old english] we (obj. Us; poss. Our, ours) 1 pl. Of *i2. 2 used for or by a royal person in a proclamation etc. Or by an editor etc. In a formal context. [old english] xi Fourteenth letter of the greek alphabet (x, x). [greek]