5 Details for MPCS 51205
will consist of a small problem and details of how to
proceed. Each lab is intended to give every student hands-on
experience with the core technologies utilized during the
course. A student may concentrate, as a team member, on
one technology over another for the final project, but labs are
designed to give each and every student exposure to all the
technologies that come into play. You need to submit labs
to the TAs for grading--see submission instructions below.
Generally, unless otherwise specified, you will have one week to
complete each assigned lab.
syllabus for information on grading. Turning in lab
assignments on time is required, without exception, and all late deliveries will be
penalized, regardless
of cause. Submit your assignments to the
subversion repository according to the directions on the
syllabus page.
write these solutions in either
Java or C++...your choice.
Lab 5
Due: 5:00 pm, Tuesday, December 3,
1: Playing With Docker and PostgresSQL:
all programming problems, learning a new technology is not an
exercise in reading but rather and exercise in typing.
This lab is designed to give you hands-on experience in (a)
running a dockerized RMI client program that (b) communicates
with an RMI server program in another docker container which
then gets sample data from a PostgresSQL database and (b)
returns that data to the dockerized RMI client program.
You will generally find the References section below helpful in
addition to the required and recommended reading. When we
talk about "Docker", we are talking specifically about the Stable Community Edition of
Docker, which is the version we will be using in this
class. The Stable Community Edition provides the basic
container engine and built-in orchestration, networking, and
Note that this lab will focus on and exercise interprocess communication
and accessing Postgres from a remote
client via an RPC metaphor (Java RMI). Please keep in mind
that in your actual microservices architecture that you are
creating for the final project deliverable, as each microservice has its own
datastore, you will likely only be hitting Postgres
from a local
microservice, which is of course simpler, and not
shared persistence among
microservices is generally a NO-NO. Consider also
that each microservice
will likely have an instance of either PostgresSQL or MongoDB as their datastore, and will be
making local calls to
that datastore.
fifth lab, we are going to code a little microservice that will
accept a synchronous call over RMI to a server with a backing
PostgresSQL database. That RMI Server will obtain data
from the PostgresSQL database, and return it to an RMI Client
running in a separate container. You will not need to run
a script capture on this lab, as you will be submitting your two
client and server docker containers.
sure docker is running either on your laptop (Option I from the
first lab) (or in your VM if you are working in VirtualBox,
Get Java RMI working in a
Docker Container (CLIENT)
First, get
down the Apache Httpd Server version 2.4 container. Do
this by executing the following command (make sure you understand
the meaning and significance of -p 8080:8080):
docker run -dit -p 8080:8080 --name Lab5HttpdServer
Once you have that container down (and running), obtain a bash
shell in that container by running docker exec into the
container. Once you are in that httpd container, install
some software in the container. You will
update the ubuntu OS, then install the vi editor, the Java 1.7.x
JDK, and net-tools, which will allow you to run network-related
utilities including ifconfig.
apt-get update
apt-get install -y vim
apt-get install -y default-jdk
apt-get install -y net-tools
apt-get install -y openssh-client
Create a subdirectory called "/src/lab5/RMI". Next,
download ~mark/pub/51205/src.labs/RMI.tgz and copy it into your
container and untar the contents into your RMI
subdirectory. You could also scp it from the Linux cluster
directly into your container as well. Cat the README file
and compile the java client and server. Then execute the
server and in a new terminal window execute the client, to make
sure everything is running. Refer again to the README file
on how to run the client and server. You can just
use "localhost" for the <server host address> on the
client command line.
This container will server as your "CLIENT" container for the
synchronous exercise of this lab. Don't be confused by the
name of this container. Although it is the httpd server
and is named Lab5HttpdServer, it will still function as our CLIENT for this lab.
Get PostgresSQL working in a
Docker Container (SERVER)
Next, in a separate terminal window get down
a PostgresSQL version 10.10 container by running this command:
docker run --name Lab5PostgresServer -e
POSTGRES_PASSWORD=mysecret -p 3306:3306 -p 5432:5432 -d
Docker exec a bash shell into your new PostgresSQL server and
poke around a bit. Run the following updates in your
apt-get update
apt-get install -y vim
apt-get install -y openjdk-8-jdk
apt-get install -y net-tools
apt-get install -y openssh-client
apt-get install -y unzip
Go here: and click on
the red "Download DVD Rental Sample Database" button and follow
the instructions to download and load your Postgres instance
with the sample employees database. You may find that
obtaining the dvdrental.tar file onto your host system, and then
using docker cp to copy it into your container will be
easiest. You may also find it easier to obtain the tarball
of this sample database off my pub directory ~mark/pub/51205/src.labs/dvdrental.tar. It's
contents are identical to the zip file referred to on the website above. Once
you've retrieved the sample DVD rental database file, run the
following instructions to install the sample database into
your Postgres container:
1: Get into a postgres shell:
docker exec -it Lab5PostgresServer
psql --username postgres
2: At the postgres shell prompt (postgres=#),
create a new database called dvdrental and then exit out of your
postgres shell (\q):
create database dvdrental;
dvdrental=# create database
dvdrental; //this will create the
dvdrental database: DO NOT FORGET the terminating
';' !
dvdrental=# \q
3: Now run gp_restore to load the dvdrental.tar SQL
commands to create the set of tables in your dvdrental database
you just created. From your container's prompt, run:
pg_restore -U postgres -d dvdrental
You should see no output and no errors. At this point, you
can hop back into your postgres shell and take a look at the new
tables you've created (it will match the logical diagram of the
dvd rental sample database here:
psql --username postgres
//this command from the container prompt will put you back in
the PostgresSQL shell
dvdrental=# \c
dvdrental; //this will change
to the dvdrental database
dvdrental=# \l
//this will list all the database instances in your
PostgresSQL instance (you should see "dvdrental")
dvdrental=# \dt
//this will
list (dump) all the tables in the dvdrental database (this
should match the logical diagram linked above)
Now, issue a few SQL commands to investigate the data (don't
type the bold prompt and make no changes of course!):
dvdrental=# select count(*) from customer;
dvdrental=# select count(*) from film;
dvdrental=# select * from customer
limit 10;
dvdrental=# select customer_id,
first_name, last_name from customer limit 10;
Examine the output from these commands carefully, especially the
output from the last. Now exit out of psql:
Create a new
subdirectory called "/src/lab5/RMI" in your Lab5PostgresServer
container. Next, download
~mark/pub/51205/src.labs/RMI.tgz and copy it into your container
and untar the contents into your RMI subdirectory. You
could also scp it from the Linux cluster directly into your
container as well. Cat the README file and compile the
java client and server. Then execute the server and in a
new terminal window execute the client, again making sure
everything is running. Refer again to the README file on
how to run the client and server. Again you can use
"localhost" for the <server
host address> on the client command line.
Are you having fun yet?
NOTE: There is a free GUI front end for MacOS for
PostgresSQL that is available for download here called PSequel.
You may choose to install it. Here's a snapshot of PSequel
executing that last select query above (hitting our dvdrental
database in our PostgresSQL container):

There may be other tools for other OSs
similar to PSequel on the mac.
This container will serve as your SERVER container for the synchronous exercise of
this lab.
Verify the Java JDK in the
PostgresSQL working in the Docker Client Container
Exec into your httpd CLIENT container Lab5HttpdServer (if you're
not already there).
Now, let's make sure that our Java programs can hit our Postgres
server. Get the Postgres java driver down. You can
scp it from inside your container from my pub server at
~mark/pub/51205/src.labs/postgresql-42.2.8.jar. Store it
in the root directory of your Lab5HttpdServer
container. Now, set your CLASSPATH so that
it includes this directory, something like:
export CLASSPATH=/postgresql-42.2.8.jar:.
Make sure that you
don't forget the final ":." in that line above!
Now, get from the cluster at
~mark/pub/51205/src.labs/, and copy it into your
Lab5HttpdServer container, maybe into the same subdirectory
you're using for you RMI code. Now compile Make sure whatever terminal you use to
execute javac or java has the CLASSPATH set above.
Find out the
IP address of the Server container. Inside your
Lab5PostgresServer container,
type ifconfig.
Note the IP address of the eth0 interface in that container (it
should be something like "inet addr:" or something
like that). Pay particular attention to the proper
IP address of your Postgres server container. It may be or or something
else. You may need to replace the connectionUrl string's
IP address in your file with the correct actual
server IP. Note that the root user and password secret
lines should be fine. Recompile and run
it. Hopefully, you will get output that matches the same
output from the last query command you typed in the PostgresSQL
shell above, namely, you'll see Jared Ely, Mary Smith, Patricia
Johnson, all good friends of mine. If so, you're in great
shape. Your JdbcTest java test program running on the
CLIENT just hit your Postgres instance in your SERVER.
You are indeed a Boss.
Verify that your RMIClient
program running in your docker client can talk to the
RMIServer program running in your docker server.
Find out the IP address of the Server
container. Inside your Lab5PostgresServer container,
type ifconfig. Note the IP address of the eth0 interface
in that container (it should be something like "inet
addr:" or something like that).
Now we need to connect our RMIClient running on our CLIENT (Lab5HttpdServer) to the
RMIServer running on our SERVER (Lab5PostgresServer). To do
this, on your Lab5PostgresServer
SERVER execute the RMIServer program.
On your Lab5PostgresServer
SERVER, execute java RMIServer.
Note the "using address" line, especaially the IP address.
Now, in your CLIENT container ((Lab5HttpdServer), execute
your client against your server, using a command similar to
this: "java RMIClient 12345 hi". Of
course you would use the correct IP address. Make sure
that your RMIServer prints out the string you passed
in. Once that's done, you're almost finished. You
can stop your RMIServer program.
Modify your RMIServer and
RMIClient to execute a remote database access call and return
the result to the remote client.
On your Lab5PostgresServer
SERVER that is running your Postgres
instance, use vi (or whatever you've installed as its
alternative) to modify the code.
Change the RemoteInterface classes's recieveMessage method so
that instead of returning void, it returns an int.
Then, modify on the CLIENT the source code for, and make the same change to the return
value of the receiveMessage() call from void to int, as your new
receiveMessage() function will be returning an int instead of a
Then, create a function in your source (very similar to the main()
function in JdbcTest class in on your SERVER that
when called and passed in a String tableName, hits the (local to the container)
PostgresSQL database table whose name was passed in, and
executes a SELECT COUNT(*) on that table, and returns the
numeric result of the number of records in the table returned
from the SELECT call. So, for example, if you pass in the
table name "customer" to the client, the remote server would
return the int 599 to the client, because there are 599 records
in the customer table. If you were to pass in the table
name "film" to the client (running on CLIENT (Lab5HttpdServer), such as:
# java RMIClient 12345 film
the remote server would return 1000, because there are 1000
records in the film table on the server. So the prototype
of the new function might be something like:
public int execute_it(String tableName)
//this code will hit the local Postgres database table
"tableName" and execute a query similar to "select *
from departments",
//and will return the
result set's result, in this case, the int "9" because there
are 9 records in the departments table...
Then simply have your receiveMessage function that implements
RemoteInterface call your new function and return the result,
such as:
public int
receiveMessage(String tableName) throws RemoteException
RMIServer's receiveMessage method. Received TableName: "
+ tableName);
int y =
execute_it(tableName); // the return value is the number
of rows in tableName
return y;
Run it all.
Your output should look something
like this (doesn't have to exactly match this but this is the
root@3f2c68786aae:/src/lab5/RMI# java RMIClient
12345 film
sending film to
returned count: 1000
root@3f2c68786aae:/src/lab5/RMI# java RMIClient 12345 customer
sending customer to
returned count: 599
root@62007982f963:/src/lab5/RMI# java RMIServer
using address=62007982f963/,port=12345
In RMIServer's receiveMessage method. Received
TableName: film
In RMIServer's receiveMessage method. Received
TableName: customer
Once you have your new changes all executing properly, you're
done. Submit as instructed below.
find the following references helpful (in addition to the links
from previous labs):
The docker page
for Postgres
General Docker Tutorial Links
For Labs:
Each student should submit their LabN files and any supporting
materials to the repo. Please include a README text file that
contains any instructions or additional details for the TAs to
assist with grading.
When you open the invitation URL in a browser tab, you will have to
complete the following steps:
Github may ask you to grant permission for GitHub Classroom to have
access to your GitHub account. If you are asked this question, you
should say yes and grant access to Github Classroom.
You must click “Accept this assignment” or your repository will not
actually be created. Do not skip this step!
If you run into any issues, please ask for help.
Use the folder named "lab_5" in your Subversion repository (create
it if necessary). Upload your Lab 5 CLIENT and SERVER tarballs
(docker export) to this repo. gzip each tarball before
submitting. Please include a README text file that contains
any instructions for the TAs to assist with grading (especially with
instructions on how to run/launch your containers), and design notes
are often a useful thing to provide.