Instructions for Team Meetings with TAs

Each team will enter Alan's Personal Zoom Meeting Room at the time specified below (a waiting room will be enabled...DO NOT be late), and will spend 30 minutes in a "dry run" demo of their project.  Your project should follow the Pareto Principle:  that is, be 80% complete and 20% yet to have the final polish applied...  You should take the TAs on a quick tour of your high level architecture and technology stacks, followed by a live running demo of your auction site.  Your coded auction site should basically run, that is to say, you should be able to log in with multiple users, create an auction, bid on items, search for items, etc.  It is intended that your project will be mostly done at this point, with the final week dedicated to merely working out the final problems and less important aspects you've intentionally put off.

The TAs will offer any final advice (but will not suggest major surgery) to help you drive forward to your final project presentation the following week.  If there are any final pain points that you still need help with, now would be the time to discuss them with the TAs.  For graduating students, this is our opportunity to "see where you stand" in relation to the final deliverables and graduation.

Team-TA Assigned Time Slots:

20-Meeting Time Slots
1:  WXHD 4:30 PM - 5:00 PM CST
2:  git push -f and forget 5:00 PM - 5:30 PM CST
3:  HawkDev 5:30 PM - 6:00 PM CST
4:  Tech Titans 6:00 PM - 6:30 PM CST