Working with Physical Turtlebots

These are instructions for running ROS code on a physical Turtlebot3 in the John Crerar Library.

Handy Links


Each Turtlebot uses a Raspberry Pi 3B+ and an OpenCR 1.0 module to communicate with its peripherals. To run your ROS programs on a physical Turtlebot, you will need to establish a connection to your robot of choice.

The Raspberry Pi 3B+ is a tiny computer running its own Linux distribution, Raspbian. When the robot is powered on, the Pi can interface with each of the robot's peripherals (wheel/arm motors, LiDAR, and camera) through bringup nodes that you will need to run when executing your programs. Bringup nodes will publish and subscribe to ROS topics that are used with the Turtlebot, namely /cmd_vel, /odom, /scan, and others. Thus, a robot running a bringup node is effectively connected to the ROS network; it will respond to messages published to certain topics and send sensor data over others.

Connecting to Turtlebot3

1. WiFi Network Connection for Your PC

First, you will need to ensure your computer is connected to the correct wifi network:

2. Environment Variable Setup

Next, you'll have to setup some environment variables to establish communication between your PC and the robot: ROS_MASTER_URI and ROS_HOSTNAME. Both ROS_MASTER_URI and ROS_HOSTNAME should be set to the IP address of the PC you are working from.

  1. Obtain your PC's IPv4 IP address. If you're using a VM, you'll want to use the VM's IP address instead. The command hostname -I or ifconfig may be helpful here.
  2. Update your .bashrc file with the command below. (nano could be replaced with any other editor.)
    $ nano ~/.bashrc
  3. To the end of the file, add the following lines:
    $ export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://IP_OF_YOUR_PC:11311
  4. Once those lines are appended, source the .bashrc file.
    $ source ~/.bashrc

Note: If you are planning to use ROS on a different network, you will need to redefine these environment variables to use your new IP address. If you are working offline, you should make sure the ROS_MASTER_URI and ROS_HOSTNAME environment variables are either undefined or set to http://localhost:11311 and localhost respectively. This will ensure that the ROS environment you are launching is independent of whatever network you are connected to.

For further details on configuring the variables on your PC, refer to Section 3.1.6 of the Turtlebot3 manual.

3. Connecting Your PC to the Turtlebot

Next, you will need to set the environment variable on the robot's Raspberry Pi, ROS_MASTER_URI, that will inform the robot which computer it should be connecting to (your computer).

  1. Connect to the Raspberry Pi of the robot you want to control using its IP address. The IP address can be found in this spreadsheet. The password is turtlebot.
    $ ssh pi@IP_OF_TURTLEBOT
  2. Set the ROS_MASTER_URI environment variable on the robot so that it knows to connect with your computer:
    $ export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://IP_OF_YOUR_PC:11311
    To save time, we've also defined an alias for this command (set_ip) that you can use instead. The IP addresses assigned by the router only differ in their last three digits, so the command simply takes a three-digit number corresponding to the last three digits of your IP address.
    $ set_ip LAST_THREE_DIGITS

For further details on configuring the variables on your PC, refer to Section 3.1.6 of the Turtlebot3 manual.

If you want to connect to a different Turtlebot or use a different computer to launch ROS, you will need to repeat this process and change the IP addresses accordingly.

Running code on Turtlebot3

The procedure for running code on a physical Turtlebot3 differs slightly from that of the Gazebo simulator. You will need to manage a couple of terminals running on the PC, as well as one terminal running on the Pi.

  1. In one terminal on the PC, run
    $ roscore
  2. In a second terminal, SSH into the Raspberry Pi of the robot you want to connect to (remember the password is turtlebot), and set the ROS_MASTER_URI environment variable to your computer's IP address (if you use set_ip enter the last 3 digits of your IP address):
    $ ssh pi@IP_OF_TURTLEBOT
    $ set_ip LAST_THREE_DIGITS
    This will now be the "Pi terminal" from which bringup will be run.
  3. In the Pi terminal, once you've connected successfully to the robot's Pi, run
    $ roslaunch turtlebot3_bringup turtlebot3_robot.launch
    or use the handy alias bringup to do the same thing:
    $ bringup
  4. In a third terminal on the PC, run
    $ rosrun [package-name] []
    where [package-name] is the name of the ROS package the file is located in, and [] is the name of the file to be run.
Note: roscore and bringup only need to be run once, even if you are running multiple ROS nodes.

To stop the robot, quit bringup and run in the Pi terminal:

$ stop_bot

Note: If you are running code on the Turtlebot, simply quitting bringup will not stop the robot's movement! You must run stop_bot in the Pi terminal to explicitly tell the robot to stop moving.

bringup and stop_botare aliases for ROS commands that launch Bringup and publish an empty Twist message, respectively, on the Pi.

The full commands for both aliases are below.


To make it easier to run common commands on the Turtlebot3, several aliases have been defined in each Raspberry Pi's ~/.bashrc file.

alias command
bringup roslaunch turtlebot3_bringup turtlebot3_robot.launch
bringup_named [ROBOT_NAME] roslaunch turtlebot3_bringup turtlebot3_named_robot.launch [multi_robot_arg:=ROBOT_NAME]
bringup_cam roslaunch turtlebot3_bringup turtlebot3_rpicamera.launch
bringup_cam_named [ROBOT_NAME] roslaunch turtlebot3_bringup turtlebot3_named_rpicamera.launch [multi_robot_arg:=ROBOT_NAME]
set_ip REMOTE_PC_IP_LAST_3_DIGITS export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://128.135.203.REMOTE_PC_IP_LAST_3_DIGITS:11311
stop_bot rostopic pub -1 /cmd_vel geometry_msgs/Twist '{linear: {x: 0.0, y: 0.0, z: 0.0}, angular: {x: 0.0, y: 0.0, z: 0.0}}'

Using the named commands will run variants of the usual bringup nodes that allow you to specify a prefix, which will change the names of all the topics used by bringup. For example, using the prefix tb01 will result in the TurtleBot publishing to the topic tb01/scan and listening to the topic tb01/cmd_vel. Launching the named bringup nodes without a default argument will give the topics default prefixes corresponding to the TurtleBot that the node is being launched from (e.g. tb01 for TurtleBot 01). This can be useful if you are working on a project that requires you to control multiple TurtleBots at the same time from a single machine.

Limitations of Turtlebot3

The Turtlebot3 has various physical limitations and constraints that differ from the Gazebo simulator.

Teleoperation of Turtlebot3

Now that you've connected to your Turtlebot3, you can teleoperate the robot via your PC. This is a good way to check that you're properly connected to the Turtlebot.

  1. In one terminal on the PC, run
    $ roscore
  2. In a second terminal, SSH into the Raspberry Pi of the robot you want to connect to:
    $ ssh pi@IP_OF_TURTLEBOT
    $ set_ip LAST_THREE_DIGITS
    This will now be the "Pi terminal" from which bringup will be run.
  3. In the Pi terminal, once you've connected successfully to the robot's Pi, run the bringup alias, which runs roslaunch turtlebot3_bringup turtlebot3_robot.launch
    $ bringup
  4. In a third terminal on the PC, run
    $ roslaunch turtlebot3_teleop turtlebot3_teleop_key.launch

Things to keep in mind when teleoperating the robot:

If you've launched teleoperation successfully, you should be able to move around your robot similar to the following:

Turtlebot3 teleop in terminal
Turtlebot3 moving around the floor

Working with the LiDAR

The Turtlebot3s in this course come either with a LDS-01 LiDAR or a RPLIDAR-A1 LiDAR. These LiDARs have different settings, so you'll need to familiarize yourself with them in order to understand how to interpret the sensor input you get from these two different LiDAR sensors.

Once you've run bringup on your turtlebot, you can learn more about the LiDAR sensor you're using by running rostopic echo /scan, where you can see the messages that the LiDAR is sending. This information contains the range of the sensor measurements, the minimum and maximum angles, and more. Below, we've summarized the main differences you'll want to keep in mind when using these different LiDARs.



  • Number of sensor readings: 360
  • Distance detection range: [0.12m, 3.50m]
  • Value if nothing is detected: 0.0
  • Angle range: [0, 2*pi]



  • Number of sensor readings: 1147
  • Distance detection range: [0.15m, 12.00m]
  • Value if nothing is detected: inf
  • Angle range: [-pi, pi]

Working with the Raspberry Pi Camera

The Turtlebot3 uses a separate bringup node to handle image data captured with the on-board Raspberry Pi camera. Due to the large size of these images, they are sent over the network in a compressed format via the raspicam_node/compressed topic; this behavior is notably different from the Gazebo simulator, which publishes raw images to the camera/rgb/image_raw topic. Therefore, you will either need to decompress the images directly in your code or run an image_transport node on your own machine. We highly recommend using an image_transport node since it will republish the decompressed images on a topic of your choice; by publishing to the camera/rgb/image_raw topic, this will save you from having to modify your code every time you want to switch between a real Turtlebot and the simulator.

  1. In one terminal on the PC, run
    $ roscore
  2. Next, you will need to run both bringup and bringup_cam (an alias for roslaunch turtlebot3_bringup turtlebot3_rpicamera.launch) on the Pi at the same time. You can either do this in two terminals by connecting to the Pi twice, or you can do this in a single terminal by running the nodes in the background using &:
    $ ssh pi@IP_OF_TURTLEBOT
    $ set_ip LAST_THREE_DIGITS
    $ bringup &
    $ bringup_cam &
  3. In a third terminal on the PC, run
    $ rosrun image_transport republish compressed in:=raspicam_node/image raw out:=camera/rgb/image_raw
    If you are decompressing the images in your code, you can skip this command.
  4. In a fourth terminal on the PC, run
    $ rosrun [package-name] []
    where [package-name] is the name of the ROS package the file is located in, and [] is the name of the file to be run.
Note: When you run a process in the background, the number you see in the terminal output is the job number associated with it. You can use this job number to bring the process to the foreground (fg [JOB_NUMBER]) or stop the process (kill [JOB_NUMBER]).

Operating the OpenMANIPULATOR Arm

Turtlebot3 teleop in terminal

Much like with the actual Turtlebot, the OpenMANIPULATOR arm can also be operated via the remote PC, through the OpenMANIPULATOR GUI or by running code. The OpenMANIPULATOR arm has its own Bringup that must be run every time it is operated, in addition to MoveIt!. Follow the steps below:

  1. Terminal 1 [PC]:
    $ roscore
  2. Terminal 2 [Pi]:
    $ ssh pi@IP_OF_TURTLEBOT
    $ set_ip LAST_THREE_DIGITS
    $ bringup
  3. Terminal 3 [PC]:
    $ roslaunch turtlebot3_manipulation_bringup turtlebot3_manipulation_bringup.launch
  4. Terminal 4 [PC]:
    $ roslaunch turtlebot3_manipulation_moveit_config move_group.launch
  5. Terminal 5 [PC]:
    • For RViz [recommended]:
      $ roslaunch turtlebot3_manipulation_moveit_config moveit_rviz.launch
    • For the ROBOTIS GUI:
      $ roslaunch turtlebot3_manipulation_gui turtlebot3_manipulation_gui.launch
    • For running code:
      $ rosrun [package-name] [file-name]

The gripper opens to a maximum width of 7cm and closes to a minimum width of 2.7cm, so ensure that the objects you want the arm to pick up are within this width range.