MPCS 51082 - Introduction to Unix Systems¶
Course Staff¶
Teaching Assistants
Nirman Gupta
Vedant Kodagi
Jyotsna Rajaraman
Course Description¶
This course aims to introduce to the fundamental concepts, principles, and abstractions that underlie the design and architecture of Unix systems. Students will learn how a Unix system works from the hardware level all the way up to the application level. The course will also focus on teaching students develop a command of the Unix shell environment by ensuring a basic understanding of Unix commands and utilities, and networking capabilities. Students will also be able to learn about the fundamentals of systems programming in a Unix environment.
After taking this course, students will develop a more-depth understanding of Unix and be able to use this knowledge to better implement programs on a Unix operating systems such as Linux or OS X.
Prerequisite: Core Programming (or concurrently),