MPCS 51082 - Introduction to Unix Systems

Course Staff


Teaching Assistants

  • Nirman Gupta

  • Vedant Kodagi


  • Jyotsna Rajaraman

Course Description

This course aims to introduce to the fundamental concepts, principles, and abstractions that underlie the design and architecture of Unix systems. Students will learn how a Unix system works from the hardware level all the way up to the application level. The course will also focus on teaching students develop a command of the Unix shell environment by ensuring a basic understanding of Unix commands and utilities, and networking capabilities. Students will also be able to learn about the fundamentals of systems programming in a Unix environment.

After taking this course, students will develop a more-depth understanding of Unix and be able to use this knowledge to better implement programs on a Unix operating systems such as Linux or OS X.

Prerequisite: Core Programming (or concurrently),