As we will be programming the turtlebots for the first time during class on Friday, please complete the following:
For this exercise, please get yourselves into groups of three students.
Let's start working on the Braitenberg Vehicle exercise. You'll complete this exercise individually (on your own computers) and your are heavily encouraged to communicate with your group members (what's working, what's not working, asking & sharing what's working well). Feel free to share your screen with your group members if that's helpful.
So let's start exploring this Braitenberg vehicle simulator. The following example below shows how to execute the "love" Braitenberg vehicle:
If you click on the robot's light sensors (see gif below), it will display (and allow you to edit) the motors connected to that sensor (a sensor and motor are "connected" if they are either both black or both white) as well as the sensor strength.
First, go through each of the basic Braitenberg vehicle options (Fear, Aggression, Love, and Exploration) in the simulator. Do they behave as you expect? Try moving the robot around the room. Also try and see how the vehicles behave with multiple light sources.
Next, try to adjust the simulator parameters to have your vehicle act similarly to the "love" vehicle with one major change: stopping farther away from the light source. Are there several approaches that could accomplish this goal?
Once you have a solution that looks like it's working, try putting your robot in various locations in your environment to test many different edge cases to ensure that your vehicle is working as you expect.
Once you've implemented a vehicle that stops farther away from light sources than the "love" vehicle, try implementing other vehicle behaviors:
The original source for Braitenberg Vehicles is: Braitenberg, V. (1986). Vehicles: Experiments in synthetic psychology. MIT press. The Braitenberg Vehicle exercise is based on the exercise presented in A Computational Introduction to Robotics course's Day 01 page.