Assignments for CS 102-02

If you email your code, you MUST follow the subject line convention below. If you don't, your assignment will be treated as though it had been etched on stone tablets in Sanskrit (which is to say, it won't be graded).


Assignment 1

Assignment 2

Assignment 3

Assignment 4

Assignment 5

Assignment 6

Assignment 7

Homework Guidelines

There seems to be a bit of confusion regarding the homework, so I've listed some guidelines below.

Resubmitting Homework

You can resubmit problems that you have submitted earlier by writing a new solution to the problem, and attaching it to the original, graded problem. The standards for grading the solution will be slightly higher than those for the original grading, but don't let that discourage you from resubmitting work.

How Do I Hand in Homework?

Usually there will be two kinds of problems: essay answers and programming problems. You should hand in a single document which contains both your essay answers and any code that you wrote for the programming problems.

You can email your completed assignment, but you should include in the subject line "CS 102: Homework Assignment ##", with ## replaced by the assignment number. For full credit, your email must be time-stamped before the start of class. You can also turn in a printed copy before class.

Do NOT post your solutions or Java source code as a Web page.

What Should be Included in Each Answer?

For essay answers, just the text of your answer. But for programming problems, you need two things:

  1. All the source code you wrote
  2. A pointer to the working code.

If you wrote an applet (which will usually be the case), you should list (along with your source code) a publicly accessible Web address (your account on the classes server will be just dandy) of the HTML file that contains the applet tag. If you've written an application, you can either include a Web adress of your compiled classes, or attach them to an email.

Late Homework

Each day your homework is late, 5% will be deducted. So if your homework is 3 days late, you'll receive 85% of the score you would have received for an on-time homework. (Weekends count too, so you might want to email late assignments to save time.)

Tips for Homework