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zamod, zkmod, zacl, zkcl

   kr  zkmod    ksig, kzkmod
   ar  zamod    asig, kzamod
       zacl     kfirst, klast
       zkcl     kfirst, klast 


Opcodes to clear and modulate the za and zk spaces.


zkmod is a unit generator intended to facilitate the modulation of one signal by another, where the modulating signal comes from a zk variable. Either additive or mulitiplicative modulation is provided.

ksig - is the input signal, to be modulated and sent to the output of the zkmod unit generator.

kzkmod - controls which zk variable is used for modulation. A positive value means additive modulation, a negative value means multiplicative modulation. A value of 0 means no change to ksig - it is transferred directly to the output.

For instance kzkmod = 23 will read from zk variable 23, and add the value it finds there to ksig. If kzkmod = -402, then ksig is multiplied by the value read from zk location 402.

kzkmod - can be an i or a k rate value.

zamod - Modulation of one audio rate signal by a second one - which comes from a za variable. The location of the modulating variable is controlled by the i or k rate variable kzamod. This is the audio rate version of zkmod described above.

zacl - This will clear to zero one or more variables in the za space. Useful for those variables which are accumulators for mixing things during the processing for each cycle, but which must be cleared to zero before the next set of calculations.

zkcl - This will clear to zero one or more variables in the zk space. Useful for those variables which are accumulators for mixing things during the processing for each cycle, but which must be cleared to zero before the next set of calculations.


Robin Whittle
May 1997

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