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zir, zkr, ziw, zkw, zkwm, ziwm
ir zir indx
kr zkr kndx
ziw isig, indx
zkw ksig, kndx
ziwm isig, indx [,imix]
zkwm ksig, kndx [,imix]
There are two short, simple, fast opcodes which read a location in zk space,
at either i time or at the k rate. Likewise, two write to a location in
zk space at i time or at the k rate.
isig, ksig - i or k rate. Value to write to the zk location.
indx,kndx - i or k rate. Which zk location to write it to.
These are fast and always check that the index is within the range of zk
space. If it is out of range, an error is reported and 0 is returned, or
no writing takes place.
For instance,:
zkw kzoom, p8
can be used so that parameter 8 of the instrument's command line could
control where in zk space the output is written.
zkw kzoom, 7
This will always write it to zk location 7.
ziwm and zkwm are like ziw and zkw above, except that
they can mix - add the sig to the current value of the variable. If no
imix is specified, they mix, but if imix is used, then 0 will cause writing
(like ziw and zkw) any other value will cause mixing.
kxxx phasor 1
kdest = 40 + kxxx * 16
zkw kzoom, kdest
;This will write kzoom to locations 40 to 55 on a one second scan
Robin Whittle
May 1997