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Com Sci 222/322
Computer Architecture
Winter 1999

Schedule of Lectures

[back] Department of Computer Science
[] The University of Chicago

Last modified: Wed Feb 3 10:27:37 CST 1999

Optional reading selections are in parentheses. I corrected the reading assignments and dates for 1999. The dates may need to be revised as the quarter progresses.

Date Topic Comp Arch Comp Org Anatomy
4-6 January Introduction - (Chapter 1) (Chapter 1)
6-11 January Boolean arithmetic, switching - Appendix B -
11-13 January VLSI electronics - 1.4 -
15-20 January Computer as a big circuit (Appendix A) 4.5 (Appendix C) -
20-25 January Fundamental issues & criteria Chapter 1 (Chapters 1, 2) -
30 January - 1 February Demonstration of VeriWell - - -
27 January - 5 February Instruction set Chapter 2
(Appendix C,D)
(Chapter 3) -
5-19 February Pipelining Chapter 3 (Chapter 6) (pp. 158-174, 218-271)
19 February - 1 March Memory hierarcy Chapter 5 (Chapter 7) (pp. 72-73, 78-79)
3-10 March Multiprocessors Chapter 8 (Chapter 9) -

Maintained by Michael J. O'Donnell, email: [] odonnell@cs.uchicago.edu