CMSC 27200/37000: Algorithms -- Winter 2005

Course info | Text | Grading | Test dates | Policy on collaboration

assignments | Handouts | Statistics


FINAL EXAM : Friday, March 18, 10:30 -- 12:30.


What's New

Mar. 15
    Tue 5pm
    Wed 12:30 pm AND 1:30 pm
    Thu 5pm
in Ryerson-255.

Course information

This page last updated: 2-07-2005. Homework assignments updated after each class.
Instructor: László Babai
Office: Ryerson-164
Office hours: by appointment (best after class or by e-mail)

Sourav Chakraborty (team leader)
Ivona Bezakova
Hariharan Narayanan
Nanda Raghunathan

TA sessions: Tuesday 5 to 6pm, Wednesday 12:30 to 1:20pm or 1:30 to 2:20pm depending on demand, Thursday 5 to 6pm, Saturday 11am to noon.
Location: Ry-255 or Ry-256.

Undergraduate/graduate course: In this classroom, the undergraduate course CMSC-27200 and the graduate course CMSC-37000 are co-located. While the lectures you hear are the same, the requirements for CMSC-37000 credit are considerably higher, including more in-depth understanding, substantial extra reading and additional, more difficult assignments. Undergraduates should regard these harder assigments as "challenge problems" and may hand them in for bonus points.

Homework assignments, are posted on this site in pdf format. You may download them by clicking on the link.


Cormen -- Leiserson -- Rivest -- Stein: Introduction to Algorithms. MIT Press.
Second edition. Available at the Seminary Co-op Bookstore, 5757 S University Avenue.

If you have the first edition, you will be fine except for the occasional need to convert chapter/page numbers.


Grades are based on regular homework assignments (28%), 2 quizzes (5% each), 2 midterm exams (16% each), the final exam (30%).

All tests are closed book. No text or notes, no scratch paper allowed. You may use a pocket calculator.

Test dates

Wed Jan 19: Quiz 1
Wed Feb 2: Midterm 1
Mon Feb 21: Quiz 2
Mon Mar 7: Midterm 2
Fri Mar 11: Last class. ATTENDANCE REQUIRED. Review for final exam.
Fri Mar 18, 10:30-12:30: Final exam

Policy on collaboration

Collaboration in reviewing class material, including exam problems (after, not during, the exam), is strongly encouraged. Don't miss the valuable resource offered by discussing class material with your peers.

However, collaboration on written homework assignments is discouraged, although not prohibited. The limitation is this: discussing is ok, copying is not. If you discuss a problem with someone, clearly state the fact, the person you discussed with, and the nature and extent of the discussion. If you worked on paper or blackboard, you must throw it away/erase it and you must write your own solution WITHOUT THE DIRECT AID OF ANY WRITTEN MATERIAL. Permitted "indirect aid" means you remember and understand what had been discussed, and are able to reconstruct it strictly on your own. Policy on solutions found in books or on the web. The same policy applies to the use of printed and electronic sources for solving homework: if you find a solution in a book, DO NOT COPY IT: understand it and reconstruct it on your own; disclose the source. Searching the web for homework solutions is discouraged though not prohibited. The web will not help you develop the skills needed for the tests.

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