CMSC 22610
Implementation of Computer Languages - I
Winter 2009

Homework 1

Due: January 13, 2009

  1. Consider a language of propositional formulae formed from variables (a, b, c, …), negation (¬), conjunction (∧), and disjunction (∨), according to the following abstract syntax:

     |¬ φ 
     |φ1 ∧ φ2 
     |φ1 ∨ φ2

    We can represent propositional formulae in SML using the following datatype:

    datatype prop = Var of string | Not of prop | And of prop * prop | Or of prop * prop

    For example, the formula a ∧ ¬(b ∨ ¬ c) is represented as the following SML value:

    And (Var "a", Not (Or (Var "b", Not (Var "c"))))

    The language of disjunctive normal formulae (DNF) is given by the following abstract syntax:

     |¬ a 
     |A ∧ C 
     |C ∨ D

    We can represent disjunctive normal formulae in SML using the following datatypes:

    datatype atom = Var of string | Not of string datatype conjunct = Atom of atom | And of atom * conjunct datatype disjunct = Conj of conjunct | Or of conjunct * disjunct

    Because we have used the same constructor names, we must put the prop and disjunct types in separate modules:

    structure Prop = struct datatype prop = ... end structure DNF = struct datatype atom = ... datatype conjunct = ... datatype disjunct = ... end

    One can convert an arbitrary formula to DNF by repeated application of the following rewrite rules:

    ¬(φ1 ∧ φ2)¬φ1 ∨ ¬φ2 
    ¬(φ1 ∨ φ2)¬φ1 ∧ ¬φ2 
    φ1 ∧ (φ2 ∨ φ3)1 ∧ φ2) ∨ (φ1 ∧ φ3
    1 ∨ φ2) ∧ φ31 ∧ φ3) ∨ (φ2 ∧ φ3)

    Write an SML function toDNF that converts propositional formulae to their equivalent DNF. It should have the following signature:

    val toDNF : Prop.prop -> DNF.disjunct

    Your solution should consist of four files: prop.sml (holding the module Prop), dnf.sml (holding the module DNF), convert.sml (holding the module Convert, which contains the toDNF function), and (containing the CM specification). Please ensure that your name appears in a comment at the beginning of each file.

    The CM specification should be as follows:

    Library structure Prop structure DNF structure Convert is $/ prop.sml dnf.sml convert.sml

    Submission: Put your solution in a directory named xxx-hw1, where “xxx” is your login ID. Create a tar file from the directory (please do not include the .cm subdirectory) and email it to the TA ( by 1:30pm, January 13.

    Hint: One approach to this problem is to stage it as two steps: first you push the negations to the leaves, which results in a “simple” formula formed from disjunction, conjunction, and atoms. Then convert the simple formula into DNF.

  2. In the following, you are asked to give LangF declarations. The purpose of this exercise is to familiarize yourself with the LangF language and to understand its syntax and semantics. Be sure to carefully review the LangF project overview handout.

    1. Give a LangF declaration for a datatype Prop that represents propositional formulae; that is, translate the SML datatype prop given above into LangF.

    2. Give a LangF declaration for a polymorphic datatype Option with one type parameter and two constructors — one constructor has no arguments and the other constructor has one argument having the type of the type parameter; that is, translate the SML datatype 'a option into LangF.

    3. Recall the list datatype from the LangF project overview:

      datatype List ['a] = Nil | Cons {'a, List ['a]}

      Give a LangF declaration for a function exists, with the LangF type

      ['a] -> ('a -> Bool) -> List ['a] -> Bool

      such that applying exists to a type ty, a function p, and a list l, applies p to each element of the list l, from left to right, until p applied to an element evaluates to True; it returns True if such an element exists and False otherwise.

      For example, the following LangF expression should evaluate to False:

      exists [Integer] (fn (i: Integer) => i > 15) (Cons [Integer] {10, Cons [Integer] {5, Cons [Integer] {0, Nil [Integer]}}})

      and the following LangF expression should evaluate to True (without aborting):

      exists [Integer] (fn (i: Integer) => if i < 5 then fail [Bool] "" else i == 5) (Cons [Integer] {10, Cons [Integer] {5, Cons [Integer] {0, Nil [Integer]}}})
    4. Give a LangF declaration for a function map, with the LangF type

      ['a] -> ['b] -> ('a -> 'b) -> List ['a] -> List ['b]

      such that applying map to a type ty1, a type ty2, a function f, and a list l, applies f to each element of the list l, from left to right, returning the list of results.

      For example, the LangF expression:

      map [Integer] [Integer] (fn (i: Integer) => i * 2) (Cons [Integer] {10, Cons [Integer] {5, Cons [Integer] {0, Nil [Integer]}}})

      should evaluate to the LangF value:

      (Cons [Integer] {20, Cons [Integer] {10, Cons [Integer] {0, Nil [Integer]}}})

    Submission: Hand in your solutions at the beginning of class on January 13. Since there are syntactic elements of LangF programs that could be difficult to distinguish when hand written (e.g., { vs. (, lower-case vs. upper-case), typing up and printing out your solution is recommended.

Document history

January 9, 2009
Fixed typo in datatype disjunct Or constructor type (should be conjunct, not conjuct) and toDNF type (should be -> DNF.disjunct, not -> DNF.conjunct).
January 8, 2009
Fixed typo in datatype conjunct (missing Atom variant) and datatype conjunct (missing Conj variant).
January 7, 2009
Fixed typos in datatype prop (And and Or variants), DNF syntax (second D production), and in rewrite rule (last RHS).
January 6, 2009
Original version

Last modified: Fri Feb 6 12:59:50 CST 2009