Standard ML
- Implementations
- Standard ML of New Jersey (SML/NJ) — used for course project
- MLton
- MLKit
- PolyML
- Books
- ML for the Working Programmer, Lawrence Paulson
- Elements of ML Programming, Jeffrey Ullman
- The Definition of Standard ML (Revised), Robin Milner, Mads Tofte, Robert Harper, and David MacQueen — not for the faint of heart!
- Tutorials
- Standard ML Tutorial — slides from class
- Programming in Standard ML, Bob Harper
- Notes on Programming SML/NJ, Riccardo Pucella
- A Gentle Introduction to ML, Andrew Cumming
- Programming in Standard ML '97: An On-line Tutorial, Stephen Gilmore
- Libraries
- Standard ML Basis Library — use $/ in CM files
- SML/NJ Library — use $/ in CM files
- Tools
- Coding standards
- Style Guide — these are useful (and common) conventions among SML programmers, but the are not required for submitted code