CMSC 22610
Implementation of Computer Languages - I
Winter 2009

Lab 0: A Constructive Introduction to ML Programming


Welcome! By working through this lab you will gain experience programming in ML. If you have written a lot of ML already, this lab might not be worth your time, in which case, so be it. If, on the other hand, you have not yet produced any ML code, working through this exercise will give you good foundational experience.

1  Set up your subversion repository.

We will use a system called gforge to manage a subversion repository for each of you. Your subversion repository will contain your coursework (and store sequential versions of your work over time).

Your assignments will be automatically collected from your subversion repository by a script. Please note that the assignment-collection scripts, as is their nature, are cold, mechanical, heartless, somewhat obtuse entities. They can hear no excuses for lateness, nor can they tolerate any deviation from the path names we ask you to use. More concretely, if we ask you to save Lab 0 work in a directory called username-proj/labs/lab0, make sure your directory name is exactly that. Consider yourself forewarned.

If you haven't yet activated your gforge account, do so now by checking your uchicago email, clicking the appropriate link, and logging in with password compilers.

Please change your password right away.

Matthew or Adam will need to add you as a developer to your gforge project after you're active.

Somewhere in your CS account, create a directory to hold your CS 226 coursework. Navigate there. Check out your subversion repository with the following instruction:

  svn co

(Substitute your username for username, of course.) This will create a directory with the name username-proj.

You will create the following directory for this lab:


Note: You do this with svn mkdir labs from inside username-proj, then svn mkdir lab0 inside labs.

2  Preliminary coding tips.

You are now ready to write some code. Here are some suggestions rooted in bitter experience.

3  The exercise: a multitude of sorts.

We will use sorting as our first problem area since it consists of a body of nontrivial algorithms already known to you.

3.1  Write a signature to specify your software.

Save the following code under the filename sort.sig.

signature SORT = sig type 'a order = ('a * 'a) -> bool val sort : 'a order -> 'a list -> 'a list end

3.2  Write a CM file to manage compilation.

Save the following under the filename

Group signature SORT is $/ sort.sig

Fire up an interactive session with sml and type

  - CM.make "";

to make sure your ducks are in a row. as it were.

3.3  Implement three sorts.

Implement three popular comparison sorting algorithms. We suggest insertion sort, mergesort, and quicksort. If you have other favorites, you may implement those instead, but assistance in the implementation of exotic sorting algorithms is not guaranteed!

Each sort should look more or less like this:

structure Mergesort : SORT = struct type 'a order = ('a * 'a) -> bool fun sort ... end

Each sort stucture should live in its own file, with names like mergesort.sml. It is important to ascribe each sorting structure with the signature SORT. That ascription is done in the first line above, where Mergesort is followed by a colon and the signature name SORT. Having made this signature ascription, the compiler will check that the structure provides whatever the signature says it must. (Signatures are similar to Java's interfaces.)

Note the convention among ML programs is to name signatures in all capitals (SORT), and to capitalize structure names (Mergesort).

3.4  Write a functor to drive your sorts.

A functor is a structure that is paramaterized over other structures. It is in some ways a higher-order structure. This may be more clearly understood by making one than by reading a description of one.

Create a file try-fn.sml and type this text into it:

functor TryFn (S : SORT) = struct val data = [5,0,4,2,1,3] fun main () = let val up = raise Fail "todo" (* code to sort data ascending *) val down = raise Fail "todo" (* code to sort data descending *) in (up, down) end end

Replace the two exception-raisings with working code. Inside the functor, you can call the sort function of the structure S by using the qualified name S.sort.

(By convention, functor names often end with Fn.)

3.5  Use your functor.

If you haven't added all your files to the file, do so now. Then interact with sml as follows:

- CM.make ""; ... (* you may have some type errors to deal with here! *) - structure I = TryFn(InsertionSort); ... - structure M = TryFn(Mergesort); ... - structure Q = TryFn(Quicksort); ...

You can now try any sort, say Q, by typing Q.main ().

4  You're done.

Mazel tov! You're finished. For the sake of practice, you should add all your files to your subversion repository, and check them all in.

To do so, type

> svn add > svn add sort.sig ...

and so on. Shell hackers might write a for loop at the prompt to do this.

Having added each file to the repository, you can check them in using

> svn commit

or svn ci for short.

(Google "subversion manual" for Subversion's documentation, which is good. You may want to bookmark it for future reference.)

5  Errata

Revision 1 (Jan 8)

Last modified: Thu Feb 5 18:27:27 CST 2009