LangF Parser
Due: February 6, 2009
1 Introduction
The second project is to implement a parser for LangF, which will convert a stream of tokens into an abstract parse tree. The grammars for most programming languages are of sufficient complexity that such components of a compiler are best written using a parser generator, an external tool that takes the specification of a grammar and produces code for a corresponding parser. (Parser generators can also analyze the grammar sepecification and identify potential ambiguities.) You may use either ML-Yacc or ML-Antlr to generate your parser; both tools target Standard ML. ML-Yacc generates parsers that use an LALR(1) parsing algorithm, while ML-Antlr generates parsers that use an LL(k) parsing algorithm. There are links to the manuals for both tools in the Resources section of the course web site; ML-Yacc is also described in Chapter 3 of Modern Compiler Implementation in ML. The project seed code will provide an ML-ULex based scanner (but you may also adapt your hand-written scanner from Project 1), modules implementing the parse-tree representation, and skeleton grammar specifications for both ML-Yacc and ML-Antlr.
2 LangF Grammar
The concrete syntax of LangF is specified by the grammar given in Figures 1 and 2.
Prog ::= Exp | (Decl)* ; Exp Decl ::= type tyconid TypeParams = Type | datatype DataDecl (and DataDecl)* | val SimplePat (: Type)? = Exp | fun FunDecl (and FunDecl)* TypeParams ::= | [ (tyvarid (, tyvarid)*)? ] Type ::= [ tyvarid ] -> Type (lowest precedence) | Type -> Type (R) | tyconid TypeArgs | tyvarid | ( Type ) (highest precedence) TypeArgs ::= | [ (Type (, Type)*)? ] DataDecl ::= tyconid TypeParams = DaConDecl (| DaConDecl)* DaConDecl ::= daconid DaConArgTys DaConArgTys ::= | { (Type (, Type)*)? } SimplePat ::= varid | _ FunDecl ::= varid Param+ : Type = Exp Param ::= ( varid : Type ) | [ tyvarid ]
Exp ::= fn Param+ => Exp (lowest precedence) | if Exp then Exp else Exp | Exp orelse Exp (L) | Exp andalso Exp (L) | Exp : Type | Exp op Exp op ∈ {==,<>,<,<=,>,>=} (L) | Exp ^ Exp (R) | Exp op Exp op ∈ {+,-} (L) | Exp op Exp op ∈ {*,/,%} (L) | ~ (AtomicExp | daconid) | daconid TypeArgs DaConArgs | ApplyExp (highest precedence) DaConArgs ::= | { (Exp (, Exp)*)? } ApplyExp ::= ApplyExp ApplyArg | AtomicExp ApplyArg ::= (AtomicExp | daconid) | [ Type ] AtomicExp ::= varid | integer | string | ( Exp (; Exp)+ ) | let Decl+ in Exp (; Exp)* end | case Exp of MatchRule (| MatchRule)* end | ( Exp ) MatchRule ::= Pat => Exp Pat ::= daconid TypeArgs DaConPats | SimplePat DaConPats ::= | { (SimplePat (, SimplePat)*)? }
If one ignores the parenthetical annotations, then the grammar is ambiguous in the Type and Exp nonterminals. In order to make the grammar unambiguous, the parenthetical annotations specify the precedence and associativity of the Type and Exp productions. The Type and Exp productions are given in order of increasing precedence; higher precedence productions bind more tightly than lower precedence productions. L (resp. R) indicates left (resp. right) association of a keyword or operator.
To understand how to apply the precedence of productions to resolve ambiguity, we take Exp as an example. Consider two productions, such that the first ends with an Exp and the second starts with an Exp. For example, consider:
Exp → if Exp then Exp else Exp and Exp → Exp + Exp |
Suppose that we must parse the sequence:
… … if … then … else Exp + … … |
where Exp stands for a token sequence that has already been determined to be an Exp (if necessary, by applying precedence and associativity resolution). The higher precedence of the Exp + Exp production dictates that Exp associate to the right; that is, the sequence should be parsed as:
… … if … then … else ( Exp + … ) … correct |
and not as:
… ( … if … then … else Exp ) + … … incorrect |
The latter parse requires explicit parentheses.
The associativity of keywords and operators resolves ambiguity among productions of the same precedence. Suppose we must parse the sequence:
… … Exp1 ^ Exp2 ^ Exp3 … … |
where Exp1, Exp2, and Exp3 stand for token sequences that has already been determined to be Exps (if necessary, by applying precedence and associativity resolution). The right associativity of the ^ operator dictates that the sequence should be parsed as:
… … Exp1 ^ ( Exp2 ^ Exp3 ) … … correct |
and not as:
… … ( Exp1 ^ Exp2 ) ^ Exp3 … … incorrect |
The latter parse requires explicit parentheses.
Here are some examples:
b1 orelse b2 : Bool : Bool | ≡ | b1 orelse ((b2 : Bool) : Bool) | ||
b1 andalso b2 : Bool orelse b3 | ≡ | (b1 andalso (b2 : Bool)) orelse b3 | ||
a + b * c + d | ≡ | (a + (b * c)) + d | ||
"i = " ^ intToString i ^ "\n" | ≡ | "i = " ^ ((intToString i) ^ "\n") | ||
['a] -> 'a -> 'a -> 'a | ≡ | ['a] -> ('a -> ('a -> 'a)) | ||
fst [Integer] [Bool] 1 False | ≡ | (((fst [Integer]) [Bool]) 1) False |
3 Requirements
You should complete either the ML-Yacc
(langfc-src/parser/langf-yacc.grm) or the ML-Antlr
(langfc-src/parser/langf-antlr.grm) grammar specification.
In addition to writing a grammar specification for LangF, your grammar
specification should include semantic actions that construct an
abstract parse tree representation of the input LangF program. The
module is provided in the
seed code; the PARSE_TREE
signature implementation is at
langfc-src/parse-tree/parse-tree.sig and the
structure implementation is at
langfc-src/parse-tree/parse-tree.sml. Your parser should
return a value of type ParseTree
The project seed code includes a compiler control
(-Cparser=yacc / -Cparser=antlr) that selects between
the ML-Yacc parser and the ML-Antlr parser. After deciding between
ML-Yacc and ML-Antlr, you should change the default setting to match
your chosen parser. This default is specified by the
value in the
langfc-src/parser/wrapped-parser.sml file (lines 36 – 42).
3.1 Errors
Both ML-Yacc and ML-Antlr utilize parsing algorithms that integrate
automatic error repair. Hence, your parser specification need not
explicitly support error reporting. (ML-Yacc does support
declarations for improving error recovery, which you are welcome to
include in your specification.) However, the automatic error repair
mechanisms require that semantic actions be free of significant side
effects, because error repair may require executing a production's
semantic action multiple times. All of the functions in the
structure are pure; thus, they may be freely
used in semantic actions.
In order to support error reporting in the type-checker (to be
implemented in Project 3), the abstract parse tree must be annotated
with position information. Therefore, each object in the parse tree
is constructed with a source span (Source
which pairs the left and right source positions
) of the object.
The Source
module is provided in the seed code;
signature implementation is at
langfc-src/common/source.sig and the Source
structure implementation is at langfc-src/common/source.sml.
Source positions and spans of terminals are provided by the scanner.
Consult the ML-Yacc and ML-Antlr manuals for information about how to
access position information in semantic actions.
4 GForge and Submission
Sources for Project 2 have been (or will shortly be) committed to your repository in the project2 sub-directory. You will need to update your local copy, by running the command:
svn update |
from the cnetid-proj directory.
We will collect projects from the SVN repositories at 10pm on Friday, February 6; make sure that you have committed your final version before then. To do so, run the command:
svn commit |
from the cnetid-proj directory.
5 Hints
- There is no “better choice” between ML-Yacc and ML-Antlr. Both tools and underlying parsing algorithms have features that will make some portions of the LangF grammar more natural to specify and will make other portions more difficult to specify. The reference solutions are of nearly identical length and complexity.
- To complete the assignment, you should only need to make changes to the cnetid-proj/project2/langfc-src/parser/wrapped-parser.sml file and either the cnetid-proj/project2/langfc-src/parser/langf-antlr.grm file or the cnetid-proj/project2/langfc-src/parser/langf-yacc.grm file.
- Executing the compiler (from the
cnetid-proj/project2 directory) with the command
will produce a file that contains the abstract parse tree returned by the parser. Use this control and its output to check that your parser is working as expected. The tests/parser directory includes a number of tests (of increasing complexity); for each testNN.lgf file, there is either a testNN.out file containing the parse tree to be returned by the parser or, if the test has syntax errors, a testNN.err file containing sample error messages../bin/langfc -Ckeep-parse=true file.lgf - Because ML-Yacc and ML-Antlr provide automatic error repair, their error messages (and resulting parses) are dependent upon the grammar specification. Hence, you are likely to produce error messages slightly different from those found in the textNN.err files (and parses slightly different from those found in the textNN.out).
6 Extra: Integrating a Hand-Written Scanner
If you would like to adapt your hand-written scanner from Project 1,
then you will need extend your implementation to include position and
span information for tokens. You should copy your implementation from
which implements the LangFHandScanner
signature is as follows:
Note that scan
is now a function that
takes a character reader and returns a
* ('
* '
reader. To support position
information and error reporting, the LangFHandScanner
function takes an initial argument with
: '
-> '
function for querying the current position of the input character stream, - a
: '
-> '
function for computing the position n characters forward from a given position, and - a
: '
for reporting an error at a given position.
Figure 3 sketches how a hand-written scanner should use
to get the left position of a token and
to compute the right position of a token. The
tests/scanner directory includes the tests from Project 1,
updated with position information in the output and error files.
structure T = Tokens fun scan {getPos: 'strm -> 'pos, forwardPos: 'pos * int -> 'pos, reportErrorAt: 'pos * string -> unit} (charRdr: (char, 'strm) StringCvt.reader) : (Tokens.token * ('pos * 'pos), 'strm) StringCvt.reader = scan strm0 = let val pos0 = getPos strm0 in case charRdr strm0 of NONE => NONE | SOME (#"+", strm1) => SOME ((T.PLUS, (pos0, forwardPos (pos0, 1))), strm1)| ...endin scan end
The project seed code includes a compiler control
(-Cscanner=ulex / -Cscanner=hand) that selects
between the ML-ULex scanner and the hand-written scanner. Use this
control to select the hand-written scanner for an invocation of the
compiler; alternatively, you can change the default setting. This
default is specified by the scannerCtl
value in the
langfc-src/scanner/wrapped-scanner.sml file (lines 36 – 42).
The testNN.out and testNN.err files in the tests/scanner directory have been updated with position and span information for tokens and error messages.
Document History
- February 4, 2009
Figure 2: Removed AtomicExp → daconid production and revised ApplyArg → AtomicExp and Exp → ~ AtomicExp productions to ApplyArg → ( AtomicExp | daconid ) and Exp → ~ ( AtomicExp | daconid ), respectively. This resolves an unintentional ambiguity in the grammar. - January 29, 2009
- Changed due date to February 9, 2009.
- January 27, 2009
Section 2: are given in order of decreasing precedence ⇒ are given in order of increasing precedence - January 22, 2009
- Original version