LangF VM Code Generator
Due: March 20, 2009
1 Introduction
The fourth project is to implement a simple code generator for LangF, which takes a high-level intermediate representation and produces an object file for interpretation by a virtual machine. The virtual machine, described below, is a stack-based interpreter. Code generation consists of two phases. The first phase translates the high-level intermediate representation (the Core IR introduced in the third project and discussed in class) to a lower-level intermediate representation in which data representations and variable locations have been determined. The second phase translates this low-level intermediate representation to bytecode instructions.
2 Representation&Location Intermediate Representation (RepLoc IR)
The first phase (provided in the project seed code) translates the
high-level intermediate representation (the Core IR) into a
lower-level intermediate representation (the RepLoc IR). This
intermediate representation makes a number of implementation decisions
explicit. The main differences from the higher-level intermediate
representations (such as the AST and the Core IR) are that anonymous
functions have been eliminated, types have been erased, data
representations have been determined, and variable locations have been
determined. In this section, we describe some aspects of the
RepLoc IR. Nonetheless, you will need to study and understand the
module provided in the
project seed code.
2.1 Anonymous Function Elimination
In LangF, one can introduce a function either anonymously, via the fn Param1 … Paramn => Exp expression syntax, or named, via the fun varid1 Param1,1 … Param1,m1 : Type1 = Exp1 … and varidn Paramn,1 … Paramn,mn : Typen = Expn declaration syntax. The conversion from the AST to the Core IR makes some simplifications, one being that all functions take exactly one parameter. Thus, in the Core IR, one can introduce a function either anonymously, via expression syntax analogous to fn Param => Exp, or named, via declaration syntax analogous to fun varid1 Param1 : Type1 = Exp1 … and varidn Paramn : Typen = Expn.
The conversion from the Core IR to the RepLoc IR makes a further simplification: all functions are introduced via the declaration syntax. This is easily accomplished — we convert any anonymous function fn Param => Exp expression to the following expression:
let fun varidf Param : TypeExp = Exp in varidf end |
where varidf is a fresh variable identifier and TypeExp is the type of the expression Exp.
2.2 Type Erasure
As discussed in class, LangF can be interpreted and/or executed without tracking how type variables are instantiated. Recall the evaluation rules for type-function introduction and application:
Notice that the argument type Typea does not affect the evaluation of the type-function body Exp; however, also notice that the type-function body is not evaluated until the type-function is applied to a type. Similarly, recall that a datatype declaration has no effect on the environment used for subsequent evaluation:
Thus, the conversion from the Core IR to the RepLoc IR discards all type information: type arguments in data-constructor expressions, datatype declarations, type arguments in data-constructor patterns, type annotations in variable parameters, variable patterns, and val and fun declarations. Type-variable parameters and type arguments in apply expressions are also eliminated, but, as noted above, the type-function body should not be evaluated until the type-function is applied to a type. Rather than being completely eliminated, type-variable parameters and type arguments in apply expressions are replaced by a dummy variable parameter and a dummy argument. That is, we convert any (Core IR) function declaration varid [α] : Type = Exp to the following (RepLoc IR) function declaration:
varid (varidu) = Exp |
where varidu is a fresh variable identifier (and type annotations have been discarded) and we convert any (Core IR) application Exp [Type] to the following (RepLoc IR) application:
Exp Unit
where Unit
is a nullary data constructor.
2.3 Data Representations
All LangF values are represented by a single 32-bit machine word. In
many cases, this word is a pointer to a heap-allocated object, but it
might also be an immediate value. Values that are represented as
pointers (to heap-allocated objects) are called boxed values,
while values that are represented as immediate integers are called
unboxed values. As explained below, the values of a
may be both boxed and unboxed, in which case we
describe the corresponding type-constructor type as having a
mixed represntation. Since type variables can be instantiated
to any type, they have a mixed representation. The
type is represented as an immediate integer, while
the String
type is represented as a pointer (to a
heap-allocated string). Function types are also represented as
pointers (to heap-allocated records) and are described in
Section 4. Data constructors and datatype
type-constructor types are the interesting case.
The conversion from the Core IR to the RepLoc IR chooses a very simple
data representation for data constructors and datatype
type-constructor types. Consider a datatype
constructor tyconid with the following dacon declarations:
daconid0 { Type0,0 , … , Type0,k0 } | … | daconidn { Typen,0 , … , Typen,kn } |
Then the representation of daconi is determined by its
number of arguments. If daconi is nullary (i.e.,
ki = 0), then daconi is represented by the immediate
integer i; hence, it is an unboxed value. (This corresponds to
in the project
seed code.) If daconi is non-nullary (i.e., ki >
0), then
daconi { vi,0 , … , vi,ki }
is represented by a heap-allocated record
⟨i,vi,0,…,vi,ki⟩ where the first element
is the immediate integer i and the subsequent elements are the
values vi,0,…,vi,ki; hence, it is a boxed value. (This
corresponds to RepLoc
the project seed code.) If the datatype
type constructor
tyconid is comprised entirely of nullary data constructors,
then it will have an unboxed representation. If the
type constructor tyconid is comprised
entirely of non-nullary data constructors, then it will have a boxed
representation. Otherwise, it will have a mixed representation.
Applying this convention to the following datatypes:
results in the following representations:
This convention is general-purpose, but has some inefficiencies in certain specific cases. We discuss a more efficient convention in Section 7.
2.4 Variable Locations
During the execution of a LangF program, the same variable may denote multiple different values, depending upon “where” the program is in its execution. Consider the following LangF program:
Clearly, the variables n
, a
, and b
take on different values at different times — for the execution of
the function application fib
, n
, a
is 55
, and b
, while for the execution of the function application
(executed as part of the execution of
), n
is 9
, a
, and b
is 21
For the tree interpretation of LangF programs developed in class, we used separate environments to keep track of the value of a variable. Saving an environment (in the function-introduction rule), replacing an environment (in the function-application rule), and extending an environment (in the function-application rule, the match-rule rule, and the let-expression rule) ensured that the proper value for a variable is available when the variable is evaluated.
Maintaining a dynamic environment is simple to implement (see, for example, the Core IR interpreter in the project seed code at langfc-src/core-ir/interpret.sml), but has some inefficiencies that can be eliminated when targetting a virtual machine (or a physical machine). In essence, we decide (once and for all) “where” to find the value of a variable when at a particular program point. The “where” is called the variable's location. In the RepLoc IR, we distinguish four kinds of locations:
- Param: The variable is the current function's parameter.
- Local(i): The variable is the ith local variable of the function. Every application of the function will have its own copy of the local variables. Local variables are variables that are bound within the body of the function.
- Global(i): The variable is the ith global variable of the function. Every application of the function shares the same global variables, which correspond to the free variables (or environment) of the function. Global variables are variables that are bound outside the function.
- Self(f): The variable is the function named f from the function's group of mutually recursive functions.
In the LangF program above, within the body of the fib
function, the variables have the following locations:
Similarly, in the program itself (that is, outside the body of the
function), the variables have the following
The conversion from the Core IR to the RepLoc IR chooses a location
for every variable. The location of a variable may vary depending
upon where the variable is being accessed from (for example, the
variables one
, two
, and fib
Local outside the body of the fib
while they are Global and Self inside the body
of the fib
For a group of mutually-recursive functions, the conversion from the Core IR to the RepLoc IR also records the list of variable locations (as accessed outside the functions) that are accessed as Global within the functions. These variables correspond to the free variables (or environment) of the functions. (See Section 4 for more details.) Finally, for each function and for the program itself, the conversion from the Core IR to the RepLoc IR records the maximum number of local variables.
The choice of variable locations used by the conversion from the Core IR to the RepLoc IR is general-purpose, but has some inefficiencies in certain specific cases. We discuss more efficient use of local variables in Section 7.
2.5 Example
To illustrate the RepLoc IR, Figure 1 gives the RepLoc IR program for the LangF program above.1
1 #(4) 2 let 3 val Local(0) = 0 4 val Local(1) = 1 5 val Local(2) = 2 6 fun $(Local(1), Local(2)) 7 and Local(3) = 8 fib__000 #(2) => 9 (case !Lte (Param, Global(0)) of 10 True@UnboxedTag(1) => Global(0) 11 | False@UnboxedTag(0) => 12 let 13 val Local(0) = Self(fib__000) (!Sub (Param, Global(0))) 14 val Local(1) = Self(fib__000) (!Sub (Param, Global(1))) 15 in 16 !Add (Local(0), Local(1)) 17 end 18 end) 19 in 20 Local(3) (!Add (10, Local(0))) 21 end
The #(4)
at line 1 indicates that the program itself has
four local variables (corresponding to zero
, two
, and fib
). Lines 3–5
correspond to the val
declarations of zero
, and two
in the LangF program.
Lines 6–18 correspond to the
) :
= ...
declaration in the
LangF program. The $
at line 6
indicates that the first and second local variables (corresponding to
and two
) should be saved (see
Section 4) in order to be accessed as
and Global
within the body of the
function. Line 7 indicates that the function will be accessed as
in the program itself, while Line 8 indicates
that the function will be accessed as Self
within the body of the function and that the function has two local
variables (corresponding to a
and b
Lines 9–18 correspond to the body of the function.
Note that the data constructors in the patterns at lines 10 and 11
have unboxed representations. The function argument n
accessed as Param
at lines 9, 13, and 15, while the free
variables one
and two
are accessed as
and Global
at lines 9, 10, 13,
and 14. Lines 13 and 14 correspond to the val
declarations of a
and b
in the LangF program;
note that the recursive use of the function name within the function
body is accessed as Self
Finally, line 20 corresponds to the fib
(10 -
expression in the LangF program. Outside the body of the
is accessed as Local
3 Virtual Machine
In this section, we describe the virtual machine (VM) to be targetted by the code generator. The virtual machine is a stand-alone program that takes an object file and executes it. An object file consists of a sequence of bytecode instructions, a literal table that contains string constants, and a C function table that contains the names of runtime-system functions (that are used to implement services such as I/O).
3.1 Values
The VM supports four types of values: 31-bit tagged integers, 32-bit pointers to heap-allocated records of values or heap-allocated strings, 32-bit pointers to stack positions, and 32-bit pointers to bytecode instructions.
An integer value i is represented by 2i + 1 in the VM (hence, is represented by a 32-bit word); this tagging is required to distinguish integers from pointers for the garbage collector. The VM takes care of tagging/untagging integers; the only impact of this representation on the VM code generator is that integer constants must be in the range −230 to 230−1, a syntactic restriction that is enforced by the type checker.
We use 32-bit word addresses for pointers to heap-allocated objects and pointers to stack positions, but use 8-bit byte address for pointers to bytecode instructions.
3.2 Configurations
The virtual machine can be described by the various components of internal state that are referenced and updated as it executes. There are three components of immutable state (loaded from the object file) and six components of mutable state. We collect these components together into a configuration:
The immutable state, loaded from the object file, is comprised of the literal table, the C function table, and the sequence of bytecode instructions.
The mutable state is comprised of a heap of heap-allocated objects (records of values and strings), a stack of values, and four special registers. The stack pointer (SP) points to the top stack element (the stack grows towards lower addresses, so pushing an element on the stack decreases the stack pointer while popping an element from the stack increases the stack pointer). The frame pointer (FP) points to the base of the current stack-frame and is used to access the function argument and local variables. The environment pointer (EP) points to the current environment and is used to access global variables. The program counter (PC) points to the next bytecode instruction to execute.
3.3 Instructions
We specify the semantics of instructions using the following notation:
which means that the virtual machine transitions from one configuration to another when the (original) program counter points to the instruction instr; the transition takes a stack with vn … v0 at the top and maps it to a stack with v′m … v′0 at the top, leaves all other stack elements unchanged, and (possibly) changes the heap, the stack pointer, the frame pointer, the environment pointer, and the program counter. We omit the immutable state, since it never changes during the execution of the virtual machine. When necessary, we use the notation ↓SP and ↓FP to indicate the elements in the stack to which the stack pointer and frame pointer are pointing (in the above, SP is pointing to v0).
In the following, we increment (resp. decrement) the stack pointer by 1 when popping (resp. pushing) a single value. Technically, since virtual machine values are 32-bit quantities, the increment (resp. decrement) should be by 4. Similarly, in the following, we increment the program counter by 1 when transfering control to the next instruction in the sequence of bytecode instructions. Technically, since different bytecode instructions have different encoding lengths, the increment should be by the length of the encoded bytecode instruction.
The instructions are organized by kind in the following description.
Arithmetic instructions
⟨H;… i1 i2;SP;FP;EP;PC⟩
⟨H;… (i1 + i2);SP+1;FP;EP;PC+1⟩
Code[PC] = add
Pops the top two stack elements (which must be integers), adds them, and pushes the result (modulo 230). -
⟨H;… i1 i2;SP;FP;EP;PC⟩
⟨H;… (i1 − i2);SP+1;FP;EP;PC+1⟩
Code[PC] = sub
Pops the top two stack elements (which must be integers), subtracts them, and pushes the result (modulo 230). -
⟨H;… i1 i2;SP;FP;EP;PC⟩
⟨H;… (i1 × i2);SP+1;FP;EP;PC+1⟩
Code[PC] = mul
Pops the top two stack elements (which must be integers), multiplies them, and pushes the result (modulo 230). -
⟨H;… i1 i2;SP;FP;EP;PC⟩
⟨H;… (i1 / i2);SP+1;FP;EP;PC+1⟩
Code[PC] = div
Pops the top two stack elements (which must be integers), divides them, and pushes the result (modulo 230). The result is undefined if i2 equals 0. -
⟨H;… i1 i2;SP;FP;EP;PC⟩
⟨H;… (i1 mod i2);SP+1;FP;EP;PC+1⟩
Code[PC] = mod
Pops the top two stack elements (which must be integers), divides them, and pushes the remainder (modulo 230). The result is undefined if i2 equals 0. -
⟨H;… i;SP;FP;EP;PC⟩
⟨H;… (− i);SP;FP;EP;PC+1⟩
Code[PC] = neg
Pops the top stack element (which must be an integer), negates it, and pushes the result (modulo 230). -
⟨H;… i1 i2;SP;FP;EP;PC⟩
⟨H;… (i1 = i2);SP+1;FP;EP;PC+1⟩
Code[PC] = equ
Pops the top two stack elements (which must be integers), compares them, and pushes 1 if i1 equals i2 and pushes 0 otherwise. -
⟨H;… i1 i2;SP;FP;EP;PC⟩
⟨H;… (i1 < i2);SP+1;FP;EP;PC+1⟩
Code[PC] = less
Pops the top two stack elements (which must be integers), compares them, and pushes 1 if i1 is less than i2 andpushes 0 otherwise. -
⟨H;… i1 i2;SP;FP;EP;PC⟩
⟨H;… (i1 ≤ i2);SP+1;FP;EP;PC+1⟩
Code[PC] = lesseq
Pops the top two stack elements (which must be integers), compares them, and pushes 1 if i1 is less than or equal to i2 and pushes 0 otherwise. -
⟨H;… v;SP;FP;EP;PC⟩
⟨H;… (v = 0);SP;FP;EP;PC+1⟩
Code[PC] = not
Pops the top stack element, compares it to zero, and pushes the 1 if v equals 0 and pushes 0 otherwise.
Stack instructions
⟨H;… i;SP−1;FP;EP;PC+1⟩
Code[PC] = int(i)
Pushes the integer i. -
⟨H ⊕ {p ↦ "stringn"};… p;SP−1;FP;EP;PC+1⟩
Code[PC] = literal(n),
p ∉ dom(H),
LitTbl[n] = "stringn"
Heap allocates a string, initialized from the nth string literal, and pushes a pointer to the newly allocated object. -
⟨H;… caddr;SP−1;FP;EP;PC+1⟩
Code[PC] = label(l), CAddrOf(l) = caddr
Pushes the code address named by the label l. Note that in the encoding of this instruction, the code address is specified as an offset from the program counter (PC). -
⟨H;… v1 v0;SP;FP;EP;PC⟩
⟨H;… v0 v1;SP;FP;EP;PC+1⟩
Code[PC] = swap
Swaps the top two stack stack elements. -
⟨H;… vn vn−1 … v1 v0;SP;FP;EP;PC⟩
⟨H;… v0 vn−1 … v1 vn;SP;FP;EP;PC+1⟩
Code[PC] = swap(n)
Swaps the top stack element with the nth element from the top of the stack. Note, the swap instruction is equivalent to swap(1), but with a shorter instruction encoding. -
⟨H;… v0;SP;FP;EP;PC⟩
⟨H;… v0 v0;SP−1;FP;EP;PC+1⟩
Code[PC] = dup
Duplicates the top stack element. -
⟨H;… vn vn−1 … v1 v0;SP;FP;EP;PC⟩
⟨H;… vn vn−1 … v1 v0 vn;SP−1;FP;EP;PC+1⟩
Code[PC] = push(n)
Pushes the nth element from the top of the stack. Note, the dup instruction is equivalent to push(0), but with a shorter instruction encoding. -
⟨H;… v0;SP;FP;EP;PC⟩
Code[PC] = pop
Pops the top stack element. -
⟨H;… vn vn−1 … v1 v0;SP;FP;EP;PC⟩
Code[PC] = pop(n)
Pops the top n stack elements. Note, the pop instruction is equivalent to pop(0), but with a shorter instruction encoding.
Heap instructions
⟨H;… v0 … vn−1;SP;FP;EP;PC⟩
⟨H ⊕ {p ↦ ⟨ v0, …, vn−1 ⟩};… p;SP+n−1;FP;EP;PC+1⟩
Code[PC] = alloc(n),
p ∉ dom(H)
Heap allocates a record of n elements, initialized from the top n stack elements, and pushes a pointer to the newly allocated object. -
⟨H;… p;SP;FP;EP;PC⟩
⟨H;… v0 … vn−1;SP+1−n;FP;EP;PC+1⟩
Code[PC] = explode,
HP[p] = ⟨ v0, …, vn−1 ⟩
Pops a pointer to a heap-allocated record and pushes the record elements. -
⟨H;… p;SP;FP;EP;PC⟩
⟨H;… vi;SP;FP;EP;PC+1⟩
Code[PC] = select(i), H[p] = ⟨ v0, …, vn−1 ⟩
Pops a pointer to a heap-allocated record and pushes the ith record element. Hint: Use this instruction to implement pattern matching on a data constructor with aTaggedBox
representation. -
⟨H;… p i;SP;FP;EP;PC⟩
⟨H;… vi;SP+1;FP;EP;PC+1⟩
Code[PC] = index, H[p] = ⟨ v0, …, vn−1 ⟩
Pops an index i and a pointer to a heap-allocated record and pushes the ith record element. NOTE: This instruction should not be needed to complete the project (with or without extra credit). -
⟨H;… p i v′i;SP;FP;EP;PC⟩
⟨H ⊕ {p ↦ ⟨ v0, …, v′i, …, vn−1 ⟩};…;SP+3;FP;EP;PC+1⟩
Code[PC] = update, H[p] = ⟨ v0, …, vi, … vn−1 ⟩
Pops a value, an index i, and a pointer to a heap-allocated record and updates the ith record element with the value. NOTE: This instruction should not be needed to complete the project (with or without extra credit). -
⟨H;… v;SP;FP;EP;PC⟩
⟨H;… (v ∈ dom(H));SP;FP;EP;PC+1⟩
Code[PC] = boxed
Pops a value and pushes 1 if the value is a pointer to a heap-allocated object and pushes 0 otherwise. Hint: Use this instruction to implement pattern matching on adatatype
type constructor with a mixed representation.
Environment-pointer instructions
⟨H;… EP;SP−1;FP;EP;PC+1⟩
Code[PC] = pushep
Pushes the environment pointer (EP). -
⟨H;… v;SP;FP;EP;PC⟩
Code[PC] = popep
Pops the top stack element and stores it in the environment pointer. -
⟨H;… v;SP−1;FP;EP;PC+1⟩
Code[PC] = loadglobal(i), H[EP] = ⟨ v0, …, vn−1 ⟩
Interprets the environment pointer (EP) as a pointer to a heap-allocated record and pushes the ith record element.
Frame-pointer instructions
⟨H;… v2 v1 ↓FPv0 v−1 v−2 …;SP;FP;EP;PC⟩
⟨H;… v1 ↓FPv0 v−1 … vi;SP−1;FP;EP;PC+1⟩
Code[PC] = loadlocal(i)
Fetches the value at the word addressed by FP+i and pushes the value. Note that a function's argument will be at offset 2, the function's return address will be at offset 0, and the local variables will start at offset −1. -
⟨H;… v2 v1 ↓FPv0 v−1 v−2 … v′i;SP;FP;EP;PC⟩
⟨H;… vi+1 v′i vi−1 …;SP+1;FP;EP;PC+1⟩
Code[PC] = storelocal(i)
Pops a value and stores it at the word addressed by FP+i. -
⟨H;… ↓SPv0;SP;FP;EP;PC⟩
⟨H;… v0 ↓SP−1FP w0 … wn−1;SP−1−n;SP−1;EP;PC⟩
Code[PC] = entry(n)
Pushes the frame pointer (FP), sets the frame pointer to the updated stack pointer (SP−1, in terms of the original stack pointer SP), and pushes n uninitialized values.
Control-flow instructions
Code[PC] = jmp(l),
CAddrOf(l) = caddr
Transfers control to the code address named by the label l. Note that in the encoding of this instruction, the code address is specified as an offset from the program counter (PC) -
⟨H;… v;SP;FP;EP;PC⟩
Code[PC] = jmpif(l), v = 1, CAddrOf(l) = caddr -
⟨H;… v;SP;FP;EP;PC⟩
Code[PC] = jmpif(l),
v ≠ 1
Pops the top stack element, compares it to one, and transfers control to the code address named by the label l if v equals 1 and transfers control to PC+1 otherwise. -
⟨H;… va caddr;SP;FP;EP;PC⟩
⟨H;… va (PC+1);SP;FP;EP;caddr⟩
Code[PC] = call
Pops the to-be-called function's code address, pushes the address of the next instruction (PC+1), and transfers control to the popped code address. -
⟨H;… va caddrret ↓FPsposfp … vr;SP;FP;EP;PC⟩
⟨H;… vr;FP+2;sposfp;EP;caddrret⟩
Code[PC] = ret
Returns from a function. Pops the result (vr), sets the stack pointer to the frame pointer, pops the saved frame pointer (sposfp) and sets the frame pointer to the saved frame pointer, pops the return code address (caddrret), pops the function argument (va), pushes the result, and transfers control to the return code address. -
⟨H;… v caddrret ↓FPsposfp … va caddr;SP;FP;EP;PC⟩
⟨H;… va caddrret;FP+1;sposfp;EP;caddr⟩
Code[PC] = tailcall
Tail calls a function. Pops the the to-be-called function's code address (caddr) and the to-be-called function's argument (va), pops the current frame (like the ret instruction), stores the argument, and transfers control to the popped code address. NOTE: This instruction should not be needed to complete the project, unless undertaking the extra credit portion of Section 7.3.
Miscellaneous instructions
⟨H;… v1 … vm;SP;FP;EP;PC⟩
⟨H′;… v;SP+m−1;FP;EP;PC+1⟩
Code[PC] = ccall(n),
CFunTbl[n] = cfunn,
H;cfunn(v1,…,vm) ⇒ H′;v
Calls the nth C function. The C function will pop its m arguments from the stack and push its result. The C function may allocate in the heap and may perform I/O. -
Code[PC] = nop
Performs no operation other than incrementing the program counter. -
Code[PC] = halt
Halts the virtual machine.
3.4 Runtime functions
The virtual machine provides the ccall instruction to invoke C functions. C functions take their arguments from the stack and return their result on the stack. The ccall instruction specifies the C function by an index into the C function table.
The virtual machine provides the following runtime system functions.
H;"VM_Argc"(v) ⇒ H;i
Ignores its argument and returns the number of arguments (including the name of the object file) passed to the virtual machine. -
H;"VM_Arg"(i) ⇒ H ⊕ {p ↦ "argi"};p
p ∉ dom(H)
Heap allocates a string, initialized to the ith argument passed to the virtual machine, and returns a pointer to the newly allocated object. The 0th argument is the name of the object file. -
H;"VM_Print"(fid,p) ⇒ H;0
p ∈ dom(H),
H[p] = "string"
Prints the string pointed to by p to the file specified by fid and return theUnit
value (represented by the tagged integer value 0). Use 0 for the standard output. -
H;"VM_Size"(p) ⇒ H;n
p ∈ dom(H),
H[p] = "string",
|string| = n
Returns the size of the string pointed to by p. -
H;"VM_Concat"(p1,p2) ⇒ H ⊕ {p ↦ "string1string2"};p
p1 ∈ dom(H), H[p1] = "string1", p2 ∈ dom(H), H[p2] = "string2", p ∉ dom(H)
Heap allocates a string, initialized to the concatenation of the strings pointed to by p1 and p2, and returns a pointer to the newly allocated object. -
H;"VM_Sub"(p,i) ⇒ H;c
p ∈ dom(H), H[p] = "string", string[i] = c
Returns the integer code of the character in the string pointed to by p at the index i.
If any of these functions encounters an error (e.g., index out of bounds), then the virtual machine halts (with an error message).
4 Implementing Functions
LangF supports higher-order functions, which requires representing functions as heap-allocated objects. For example, consider the function:
When applied to an integer argument i, the add
returns a function that will add the integer i to its argument. The
representation of the result of add
must include the value
of i. In general, the representation of a function will include the
free variables of the function stored in a heap-allocated record,
called the function's environment. In this example, the
environment of the function add
has no elements and the
environment of the function returned by add
has a single
element (the value of the argument x
). The representation
of a function must also contain the address of the function's code.
We could store this address in the environment record, but for reasons
that we explain below, we instead represent a function as a
two-element record of its code address and a pointer to its
environment. This record is the closure representation of the
function. Thus, the generated code for add
might look
something like the following:
Label | Instruction | Comment |
add: | entry(0) | |
loadlocal(2) | push argument variable x | |
alloc(1) | allocate environment | |
label(f) | push code address f | |
swap | swap environment pointer and code pointer | |
alloc(2) | allocate closure (code ptr, env. ptr) | |
ret | return closure | |
f: | entry(0) | |
loadglobal(0) | push global variable x from environment | |
loadlocal(2) | push argument variable y | |
add | ||
ret | return sum |
Things are only a bit more complicated with mutually recursive functions. All functions in a group of mutually recursive functions share the same common environment, which will include all of the free variables of all of the functions (except the variables denoting the functions themselves). For example, consider the following pair of mutually recursive functions:
In this case, the environment of f
and g
have three values: x
, y
, and z
4.1 Calling Convention
A RepLoc IR function application “e1 e2” is implemented using
a four part protocol. (Remember, all LangF function applications of
the form Exp [Type] have been replaced by
function applications of the form Exp Unit
in the conversion to the RepLoc IR.)
The caller pushes its own environment pointer (in order to
restore it after the called function returns) using the pushep
instruction and then evaluates the function and argument expressions
from left to right, leaving the results on the stack. Then a
swap instruction is used to move the function closure to the
top of the stack, which is then exploded into its code-pointer and
environment-pointer components. The environment pointer is loaded
into the EP register using the popep instruction.
Then the function is called using the call instruction, which
has the effect of pushing the address of the following instruction
on the stack. This protocol is realized by the following sequence
of instructions:
Instruction Stack Comment pushep … epcaller push caller's environment pointer evaluate e1 … epcaller ⟨f,epcallee⟩ evaluate function (to a ptr to a code-ptr/env-ptr record) evaluate e2 … epcaller ⟨f,epcallee⟩ arg evaluate argument swap … epcaller arg ⟨f,epcallee⟩ swap the closure and argument values explode … epcaller arg f epcallee pop the closure and push the code ptr and env ptr popep … epcaller arg f pop the callee's environment pointer into EP call … epcaller arg raddrcaller call the function - The first instruction in the function is an entry
instruction, which pushes the caller's frame pointer, sets the new
frame pointer to the top of the stack, and then allocates space for
n local variables.
Instruction Stack Comment … epcaller arg raddrcaller stack on function entry entry(n) … epcaller arg raddrcaller ↓FPfpcaller w0… wn−1 initialize callee's stack frame - When the callee is finished and the return result is on the top
of the stack, it executes a ret instruction, which pops the
result, deallocates the space for local variables, restores the
caller's frame pointer, pops the return address and the function
argument, pushes the result, and transfers control to the return
Instruction Stack Comment … epcaller arg raddrcaller ↓FPfpcaller w0… wn−1 res stack on function exit ret … epcaller res return to caller - When control is returned to the address following the call
instruction in the caller, a swap instruction is used to move
the caller's environment pointer to the top of the stack and a
popep instruction is used load it into the EP
Instruction Stack Comment … epcaller res stack on function return swap … res epcaller swap the caller's environment pointer and the function result popep … res pop the caller's environment pointer into EP
This protocol is general-purpose, but has some inefficiencies in certain specific cases. We discuss variations on this protocol in Section 7.
4.2 Example
To illustrate the implementation of functions, consider the following LangF program:
The fact
function has two variables in its environment
and one
), one argument (n
and no local variables. The argument n
will be located at
offset 2 from the frame pointer, while zero
will be located at offset 0 and offset 1 from the
environment pointer. The program has three local variables
, one
, and fact
will be located at offset -1 from the frame pointer,
will be located at offset -2 from the frame pointer,
will be located at offset -3 from the frame pointer.
One possible sequence of bytecode instructions for this program is
given in Figure 2.
Label Instruction Comment _main: entry(3) initialize stack frame with 3 local variables int(0) storelocal(-1) store local variable zero int(1) storelocal(-2) store local variable one loadlocal(-1) load local variable zero loadlocal(-2) load local variable one alloc(2) allocate fact's environment label(fact) swap alloc(2) allocate fact's closure storelocal(-3) store local variable fact nop begin function call fact 5 pushep push _main's env ptr loadlocal(-3) evaluate function; load local variable fact int(5) evaluate argument swap swap the closure and argument values explode popep set EP to callee's environment call swap swap _main's env ptr and result popep restore EP to _main's env ptr halt fact: entry(0) initialize stack frame with 0 local variables loadlocal(2) load function parameter n loadglobal(0) load environment variable zero lesseq compute n <= zero jmpif(L1) loadlocal(2) load function parameter n nop begin function call fact (n - 1) pushep label(fact) evaluate function; load self variable fact pushep evaluate function; load env ptr for self variable fact alloc(2) evaluate function; allocate self variable fact's closure loadlocal(2) evaluate argument; load function parameter n loadglobal(1) evaluate argument; load environment variable one sub evaluate argument; compute n - one swap swap the closure and argument values explode popep set EP to callee's environment call swap swap fact's env ptr and result popep restore EP to fact's env ptr mul compute n * (fact (n - one)) jmp(L2) L1: loadglobal(1) load environment variable one L2: ret
5 Code Generation API
The code generation API is organized into three modules. The
module implements code streams,
which are an abstraction of the generated object file. The
module implements labels for naming code
addresses. The Instruction
module implements
an abstract type of virtual machine instructions.
5.1 Code Streams
The CodeStream
module provides a container to
collect the instructions emitted by your code generator. The
function creates an empty code stream. The
function saves an instruction at the end
of the code stream. The CodeStream
functions registers string literals
and C functions and returns the corresponding index to be used with
the literal and ccall instructions.
5.2 Labels
The Label
module provides an abstract type of label
that is used to represent code locations. The
function associates a label with
the current position in the code stream. The control-flow
instructions take a label as an argument and there is an instruction
for pushing the value of a label onto the stack, which is required to
create closures.
5.3 Instructions
The Instruction
module provides an abstract
type that represents virtual machine bytecode instructions. For those
instructions that take arguments, the module provides constructor
functions and for those instructions without arguments, the module
provides abstract values.
6 Requirements
You should implement a virtual machine code generator for LangF. Your implementation should include (at least) the following module:
signature is as follows:
The structure
modules are provided
in the seed code; the REPLOC_IR
signature implementation
is at langfc-src/reploc-ir/reploc-ir.sig; the
structure implementation is at
langfc-src/reploc-ir/reploc-ir.sml; the
signature implementation is at
langfc-src/code-stream/code-stream.sig; and the
structure implementation is at
Note that your implementation of VMCodeGenerator
should call CodeStream
to create a code stream in
which to emit instructions and return this code stream. Your
implementation should not call CodeStream
— writing the code stream to an object file is handled by the
top-level driver (langfc-src/driver/main.sml).
6.1 Errors
None! A program which has been verified by the front-end (scanner, parser, and type checker) should compile and generate an object file without errors.
7 Extra Credit (10pts)
As noted throughout this document, various choices, conventions, and protocols are general-purpose, but have some inefficiencies in certain specific cases. For extra credit, you may attempt to address some of these inefficienies. If you do so, please modify the cnetid-proj/project4/README file to list which improvements you have undertaken and a few sentences about how you addressed the inefficiencies. It should be clear from reading the following sections that these are only a small number of the possible improvements one can make. Take CMSC22620 to learn more!!
Note: Make sure that you have a completely working virtual machine code generator before undertaking these improvments.
7.1 Improve Data Representations: DaCon Representations (2pts)
The data representation for data constructors given in
Section 2.3 (and used by the
module provided in
the project seed code) assigns a unique tag to every data constructor.
However, some data constructors do not need a tag. Consider the
data constructor; it is the one and only data
constructor for the Pair
type constructor. Any pattern
match on a value of Pair
type must match the
data constructor, so there is no need to check the
tag. Similarly, consider the Nil
and Cons
data constructors. Any pattern match on an unboxed value of
type must match the Nil
data constructor
while any pattern match on a boxed value of List
type must
match the Cons
data constructor; again, there is no need
to check the tag.
Consider a datatype
type constructor tyconid with
the following dacon declarations:
where we have separated the n nullary data constructors (daconid0,…,daconidn−1) from the m non-nullary data constructors (daconid′0,…,daconid′m−1). The following table gives a more efficient representation for the data constructors and the type constructor, based on the number of nullary and non-nullary data constructors, the number of arguments to non-nullary data constructors, and the representation of the arguments to non-nullary data constructors.
Applying this convention to the datatypes from Section 2.3 results in the following representations:
7.2 Improve Calling Convention: Self Application (2pts)
The calling convention for a function application given in Section 4.1 always evaluates the function expression to a closure (a pointer to a record of a code-pointer and an environment-pointer). However, if the function expression is a variable accessed as Self(f) (i.e., it is a recursive call of the function or a call of another function in the same mutually-recursive group), then we already know that the code-pointer will be the code address of the label f and the environment pointer will be the same as the environment pointer of the caller function (hence, already in the EP register). Furthermore, there is no need to save and restore the EP register of the caller function.
Figure 3 gives an improved sequence of
bytecode instructions for the fact
function from
Figure 2.
Label Instruction Comment fact: entry(0) initialize stack frame with 0 local variables loadlocal(2) load function parameter n loadglobal(0) load environment variable zero lesseq compute n <= zero jmpif(L1) loadlocal(2) load function parameter n nop begin function call fact (n - 1) loadlocal(2) evaluate argument; load function parameter n loadglobal(1) evaluate argument; load environment variable one sub evaluate argument; compute n - one label(fact) evaluate function; load self variable fact call mul compute n * (fact (n - one)) jmp(L2) L1: loadglobal(1) load environment variable one L2: ret
7.3 Improve Calling Convention: Tail Calls (2pts)
If a function application appears in tail position (i.e., as the last action a function performs before returning), then, according to the calling convention of Section 4.1, the generated code will always look like the following:
Label | Instruction | Comment |
pushep | save caller's env ptr | |
⋮ | ||
call | ||
swap | swap caller's env ptr and result | |
popep | restore EP to caller's env ptr | |
ret |
(with some minor variations if the calling-convention improvement of Section 7.2 has been adopted). Note that the caller function never accesses its parameter or its local variables after the callee function returns; hence, the caller's stack frame wastes space during the execution of the call. The virtual machine has a special tailcall instruction that discards the caller's stack frame and does not push a return address.
Tail calls should be used to implement looping in functional languages like LangF. For example, consider the mutually-recursive even/odd functions:
Note that there are a tail calls at lines 3, 6, 11, and 14.
7.4 Improve Calling Convention: Caller Env Ptr (2pts)
The calling convention for a function application given in Section 4.1 always saves and restores the EP register of the caller function. However, the environment pointer of a function never changes during the execution of the function. Therefore it can be more efficient to save the EP register once into the caller function's stack frame, and then restore it from the stack frame. We can adapt the general-purpose protocol from Section 4.1 to reflect this more efficient protocol:
The caller does not push its own environment pointer; the
rest of the first part of the protocol remains the same.
Instruction Stack Comment evaluate e1 … ⟨f,epcallee⟩ evaluate function (to a ptr to a code-ptr/env-ptr record) evaluate e2 … ⟨f,epcallee⟩ arg evaluate argument swap … arg ⟨f,epcallee⟩ swap the closure and argument values explode … arg f epcallee pop the closure and push the code ptr and env ptr popep … arg f pop the callee's environment pointer into EP call … arg raddrcaller call the function - The first instruction in the function is an entry
instruction, which pushes the caller's frame pointer, sets the new
frame pointer to the top of the stack, and then allocates space for
the function's environment pointer and n local variables. The
function's environment pointer is saved to FP−1. Note
that the function's local variables will now start at offset −2 from
the FP register.
Instruction Stack Comment … arg raddrcaller stack on function entry entry(n+1) … arg raddrcaller ↓FPfpcaller w w0… wn−1 initialize callee's stack frame pushep … arg raddrcaller ↓FPfpcaller w w0… wn−1 epcallee push callee's environment pointer storelocal(-1) … arg raddrcaller ↓FPfpcaller epcallee w0… wn−1 save callee's environment pointer to FP−1 - The third part of the protocol remains the same.
Instruction Stack Comment … arg raddrcaller ↓FPfpcaller epcallee w0… wn−1 res stack on function exit ret … res return to caller - When control is returned to the address following the call
instruction in the caller, a loadlocal(-1) instruction is used to move
the caller's environment pointer to the top of the stack and a
popep instruction is used load it into the EP
Instruction Stack Comment … res stack on function return loadlocal(-1) … res fetch the caller's environment pointer popep … res pop the caller's environment pointer into EP
Note that this revised protocol removes one instruction from the first
part and adds two instructions to the second part. However, the
second part appears in the code stream once per function declaration,
while the first part appears in the code stream once per function
application. Hence, there is a net savings in code size if one
applies this revised protocol to functions with bodies that include at
least two function applications. There is also a savings in stack
usage for nested function applications. Consider the expression
. Using the original calling-convention
protocol, there will be three copies of the caller's environment
pointer on the stack when calling h
. Using this revised
calling-convention protocol, there will be only one copy of the
caller's environment pointer on the stack.
Although this revised calling-convention protocol reduces code size for functions with bodies that include at least two function applications, if the function only makes self applications or tail calls, then there is never a need to restore the function's environment pointer after a call (assuming the improved calling convention for self applications described in Section 7.2 and the improved calling convention for tail calls described in Section 7.3) and, hence, never a need to save it in the first place. For such functions, it is better to stick with the original calling-convention protocol.
Even for a function with a body that includes at least two function applications (that are neither self applications or tail calls), there may be control-flow paths on which there are no function applications. Consider the following LangF function:
If foo
is applied to a negative number, then it wasn't
necessary to save the environment pointer at the beginning of the
function. It would be more efficient (in terms of the number of
virtual machine instructions executed) to only save the environment
pointer in the stack frame when taking the False
On the other hand, consider the following LangF function:
For this function, when should the environment pointer be saved to the stack frame? to minimize code size? to minimize instructions executed?
Finally, if a function has an empty environment (i.e.,, it has no variables accessed as Global), then its environment pointer is never needed and there is no need to save and/or restore the environment pointer, regardless of the number or kinds of applications in the body of the function.
7.5 Improve Variable Locations: Reuse Local Variables (2pts)
The algorithm for deciding variable locations used by the
module provided in
the project seed code chooses a local variable slot for any variable
bound within the body of a function and reserves that local variable
slot for the entire lexical scope of the variable. Thus, a variable may
consume a local variable slot even though it will never be used again.
This is inefficient, because it unnecessarily increases the size of
the function's stack frame.
For example, consider the following LangF function:
The RepLoc IR function (as produced by the Core IR to RepLoc IR conversion implemented in the project seed code) for this LangF function is as follows:
This RepLoc IR function has five local variables. Note that the
RepLoc IR function uses the same local variables in the
match rule and the False
match rule.
On the other hand, note that the RepLoc IR function does not reuse
local variables within a match rule.
Since each val
bound variable is only used to compute the
next val
bound variable or the function result, a single
local variable would suffice. That is, the LangF function above could
be converted to the following RepLoc IR function:
(Note that local variables in a RepLoc IR function are like variables in C — they can be assigned to more than once.)
If a variable bound in the body of a function is not free in an sub-expression in the body of the function, then it would appear that the local variable slot reserved for the bound variable may be reused in the sub-expression. However, consider the following LangF function:
Although a
is not free in the sub-expression
, b
cannot reuse
the local variable slot reserved for a
. If b
were to use the same local variable slot as a
, then the
evaluation of h
would actually apply h
's value.
8 GForge and Submission
Sources for Project 4 have been (or will shortly be) committed to your repository in the project4 sub-directory. You will need to update your local copy, by running the command:
svn update |
from the cnetid-proj directory.
We will collect projects from the SVN repositories at 10pm on Friday, March 20; make sure that you have committed your final version before then. To do so, run the command:
svn commit |
from the cnetid-proj directory.
9 Hints
- Start early!
- Study the interfaces. You will need to be familiar with the
types and operations in the
, andLABEL
signatures. - Avoid the temptation of premature optimization. That is, first
implement a very simple code generator. Such a code generator might
unecessarily push and pop some values, compute values in the
“wrong” order (for example, in Figure 2 there is a
swap before the allocation of
's closure that could be avoided by putting the label(fact) instruction before loading values for and allocating the environment), or jump more often than necessary (again, in Figure 2 the jmp(L2) instruction could be replaced by a ret instruction). - To complete the assignment, you should only need to make changes to the cnetid-proj/project4/langfc-src/vmcode-generator/vmcode-generator.sml file. If you undertake the extra credit portions dealing with data representations (Section 7.1) and variable locations (Section 7.5), then you should only additionally need to make changes to the cnetid-proj/project4/langfc-src/reploc-ir/convert.sml file.
- Executing the compiler (from the
cnetid-proj/project4 directory) with the command
will produce a file.bin file that can be interpreted by the virtual machine. Executing the virtual machine (from the cnetid-proj/project4 directory) with the command./bin/langfc file.lgf
will execute the program../bin/vm file.bin arg1 … argn - Executing the compiler (from the
cnetid-proj/project4 directory) with the command
will interpret the Core IR representation of the program during the compilation. Use this control to check the expected behavior of a LangF program../bin/langfc -Cinterpret-core=true -Cargs-interpret-core=arg1,…,argn file.lgf - Executing the compiler (from the
cnetid-proj/project4 directory) with the command
will produce a file.convert-to-reploc.reploc file that contains the Representation&Location intermediate representation (RepLoc IR) of the program (the input to the vm code generator) and a file.vmcode-generate.vmcode file that contains a (readable) text version of the object file returned by the code generator. Use these controls and their outputs to check that your code generartor is working as expected../bin/langfc -Ckeep-convert-to-reploc=true -Ckeep-vmcode-generate=true file.lgf
Document history
- March 1, 2009
- Original version
- 1
- You can save the RepLoc IR for a LangF program by executing the compiler with the command ./bin/langfc -Ckeep-convert-to-reploc=true file.lgf.