Outstanding Computer Science majors may apply to complete an MS in Computer Science along with a BA or BS during their four years at the College.

Participants must be admitted to the joint MS program. Prior to applying to the program, interested students must meet with Sharon Salveter, Computer Science Department Counselor, and Novia Pagone, the College BA/MS or BS/MS Adviser. (For an appointment with Ms. Pagone, call the College Adviser's Reception Desk at 702.8615.) Students must submit applications for the joint program during the Winter Quarter of their third year.

Participants in the joint BA/MS or BS/MS program must meet the requirements for the BA or BS plus nine courses for the MS and a master's project. Three of the nine courses for the MS may also be used to meet the requirements of the BA or BS, resulting in a total of 20 courses in Computer Science. For details visit cs.uchicago.edu/info/BxMS.