Course Schedule Winter 2016

This schedule is subject to change. Please check back frequently.

Week Date Lecture Homework Reading (optional for CMSC 23200)
Week 1 Jan. 4
The security mindset
MD5 Considered Harmful Today. Sotirov, Stevens, Appelbaum, Lenstra, Molnar, Osvik, and Weger. CCC 2008.
Jan. 6
Message integrity
Homework 1 out
Jan. 8
Hash functions and pseudorandomness
Week 2 Jan. 11
Project 1 out
Cryptanalysis of the Windows Random Number Generator. Dorrendorf, Gutterman, Pinkas. CCS 2007. [*closed access]
Jan. 11

Java minicourse
(in Ry 276)

Jan. 13
Block ciphers
Homework 1 due 6pm
Homework 2 out
Grad. paper response 1 due 6pm
Jan. 15
Block ciphers (cont.) and Authenticated encryption
Week 3 Jan. 18
MLK Day – No lecture
New Directions in Cryptography. Diffie, Hellman. IEEE Trans. on Information Theory. 1976.
Jan. 20
Public key cryptography
Grad. paper response 2 due 6pm
Jan. 22
Digital signatures
Homework 2 due 6pm
Week 4 Jan. 25
Key exchange and key management
Project 1 due 6pm
Project 2 out
Robust Defenses for Cross-Site Request Forgery. Barth, Jackson, Mitchell. CCS 2008.
Jan. 27
Grad. paper response 3 due 6pm
Jan. 29
Lecture canceled
Week 5 Feb. 1
Web architecture
The Tangled Web of Password Reuse. Das, Bonneau, Caesar, Borisov, Wang. NDSS 2014.
Feb. 3
Web attacks and defenses
Grad. paper response 4 due 6pm
Feb. 5
Authenticating people
Homework 3 out
Week 6 Feb. 8
Authentication (cont.) and access control
Project 2 due 6pm
Project 3 out
A Look Back at "Security Problems in the TCP/IP Protocol Suite". Bellovin. ACSAC 2004.
Feb. 10
Networking basics
Grad. paper response 5 due 6pm
Feb. 12
College Break – No lecture
Week 7 Feb. 15
Network attacks
Homework 3 due 6pm
The Geometry of Innocent Flesh on the Bone: Return-into-libc without Function Calls (on the x86). Shacham. CCS 2007. [*closed access]
Feb. 17
Network attacks (cont.)
Homework 4 out
Grad. paper response 6 due 6pm
Feb. 19
Network defenses
Project 3 due 6pm
Project 4 out
Week 8 Feb. 22
Memory safety
Tor: The Second-Generation Onion Router. Dingledine, Mathewson, Syverson. Usenix Security 2004.
Feb. 24
Memory safety (cont.)
Grad. paper response 7 due 6pm
Feb. 26
Homework 4 due 6pm
Week 9 Feb. 29
Trusted computing and side channels
Spamalytics: An Empirical Analysis of Spam Marketing Conversion. Kanich et al. CCS 2008.
Mar. 2
Project 4 due 6pm
Project 5 out
Grad. paper response 8 due 6pm
Mar. 4
Web privacy
Homework 5 out
Week 10 Mar. 7
The underground economy
Mar. 9
Human factors
Grad. paper response 9 due 6pm
Mar. 11
Exam review
Homework 5 due 6pm
Project 5 due 6pm

Final Exam: Friday, March 18, 10:30am–12:30pm in Ry 251

* Unfortunately, this article requires a paid subscription to a journal or digital library. You should be able to access it on campus. Off campus, you will need to use the UChicago Library's proxy or VPN services.