Benford’s Law¶
Due: Friday, October 6th at 4pm
The goal of this assignment is to give you practice with the basics of Python and to get you to think about how to translate a few simple algorithms into code. You will be allowed to work in pairs on some of the later assignments, but you must work alone on this assignment.
In 1881, Simon Newcomb observed that some pages in his library’s book of log tables were more worn than others. Specifically, the pages for numbers starting with the numeral one were much more worn than the pages corresponding to numbers that started with larger digits. From this observation, he conjectured that numbers that start with one occurred more frequently in the data he and his colleagues used regularly than numbers that start with two, three, etc. Newcomb calculated the probability that the leading significant digit, \(d\), in a number from a data set to be:
If we plot this function for one significant digit (that is, \(d \in \lbrace 1,2,...,9 \rbrace\)), we get the following figure:
Frank Benford, who made the same observation in 1938, studied a large number of different data sets and came up with the same equation. This rule of thumb has become known as Benford’s Law and it has been used to detect fraud in expense reports, vendor payments, elections, macro economic data, etc. Obviously, this rule of thumb does not hold for all data sets, but it does work surprisingly often. Here is a link to an article from the Information Systems Audit and Control Association that describes when it is valid to use Benford’s Law.
In this assignment, you will write code to generate the distribution of leading significant digits predicted by Benford’s Law and to compute the actual Benford distribution of a given data set.
Getting started¶
In the first lab, you learned the basics of how to use git and our git server. We will use git for all the programming assignments and labs in this course.
We have seeded your repository with a directory for this assignment.
To pick it up, change to your cmsc12100-aut-17-username
(where the string username
should be replaced with your username)
and then run the command: git pull upstream master
. You should
also run git pull
to make sure your local copy of your repository
is in sync with the server.
At the first lab, you already ran this command, which pulled the
sub-directory into your 121 directory. However, it is good
practice to always run git pull upstream master
before you start
working, since we may occasionally update files (e.g., if we notice
bugs in our code, etc.). For example, some of the files for this
assignment may have changed since you downloaded the initial distribution. After you’ve
run git pull upstream master
, you can proceed as described in the
lab: work on your code and then run git add <filename>
for each
file you change, followed by git commit -m"some message"
and git
to upload your changes to the server before you log out.
You should always sync the latest version of your work to the server
using the commands described above before you log out, then run git
before you resume work to retrieve the latest files. This
discipline will guarantee that you always have the latest version, no
matter which machine you are using. Also, it will be easier for us to
help you recover from git and chisubmit problems if you consistently
push updates to the server.
Getting help¶
If after carefully reading the details of any part of the assignment, you are still confused about how to get started or make progress:
- post a question on Piazza to ask for help,
- come to office hours, or
- see the CS “Harper Tutors” who are available in North Reading Room of the Arley D. Cathey Learning Center on Sunday through Thursday evenings from 7pm to 11pm.
Before you post a question on Piazza, please check to see if someone else has already asked the same question. We especially encourage you to check the “Must read posts for PA #1” post, which we will update over time to be a compendium of important questions and answers. Also, please add, commit, and push the most recent version of your code to the server (as described above). Syncing your code will allow us to look at it, which may speed up the process of helping you.
We will deduct points for poor style. Please see the Python Style Guide for CS121 for style guidelines.
For this assignment, you may assume that the input passed to your functions has the correct format. You may not change any of the input that is passed to your functions. In general, it is bad style to repurpose a data structure passed as input to a function, unless that is the explicit purpose of the function.
Your tasks¶
For this assignment, we will specify a set of specific functions that you must implement. You will start with basic functions and work your way up to more complex tasks. We will also supply extensive test code. Over the course of the term, we will provide less and less guidance on the appropriate structure for your code.
All the functions you need to complete can be found in the file
Task 1: Extract amount¶
Your first task is to complete the function extract_amount
. This
function should take two strings, a currency symbol (e.g. "$"
) and an amount in that currency as arguments and return a
Your code will need to:
- determine the length of the currency symbol,
- use that information to extract the portion of the string (e.g.,
) that represents the amount ("2.34"
), - convert it to a floating point value (
), and finally - return the computed value.
To try out your function, fire up ipython3
from the Linux
command-line, import your code, and call the function with sample
arguments. Before we show you some examples, let’s set up autoreload
and import your code:
$ ipython3
In [1]: %load_ext autoreload
In [2]: %autoreload 2
In [3]: import benford
(Note: we will use $
to signal the Linux command-line prompt
and In [<number>]
to represent the ipython3
prompt. Your
prompts may look different. Do not type either prompt when issuing
The commands %load_ext autoreload
and %autoreload 2
ipython3 to reload your code automatically whenever it changes. We
encourage you to use this package whenever you are developing and
testing code.
Here are some sample calls to the function:
In [4]: benford.extract_amount("$", "$2.34")
Out[4]: 2.34
In [5]: benford.extract_amount("C$", "C$2.34")
Out[5]: 2.34
In [6]: benford.extract_amount("\u00A3", "\u00A32.34")
Out[6]: 2.34
In [7]: benford.extract_amount("\u20AC", "\u20AC2.34")
Out[7]: 2.34
In [7]: benford.extract_amount("", "2.34")
Out[7]: 2.34
The third and fourth examples use unicode encodings to describe
the symbols for British Pounds (£) and Euros (€)
respectively. When you work with strings, an encoding like \u00A3
is treated as a single character. For example, the length of the
string "\u00A3"
is one. The last example uses the empty string as
the currency symbol, that is, it illustrates the case where the
currency symbol is omitted.
It is common in Python to write helper functions that are only a few
lines long. extract_amount
is an example of such a function.
Testing for Task 1
The file
contains test code for the tasks in this
assignment. The names of the tests for a given function share a
common pattern: a prefix that includes the function name followed by
the test number. For example, the second test for extract_amount
is named test_extract_amount_2
The table below provides information about the tests for
. Each row contains a test number, the values that
will be passed for the currency_symbol
and amount_str
arguments for that test, and the expected result.
Test number | Currency Symbol | Amount String | Expected result |
1 | "$" |
"$2.34" |
2.34 |
2 | "C$" |
"C$2.34" |
2.34 |
3 | "\u00A3" |
"\u00A32.34" |
2.34 |
4 | "" |
"2.34" |
2.34 |
We will be using the pytest Python testing framework for this and
subsequent assignments. To run our tests, you will use the
command from the Linux command line (not from within
ipython3). We recommend opening a new terminal window for running
this command, which will allow you to go back and forth easily between
testing code by hand in ipython3
and running the test suite using
Pytest, which is available on both the lab machines and your VM, has a
lots of options. We’ll use three of them: -v
, which means run in
verbose mode, -x
, which means that pytest should stop running
tests after a single test failure, and -k
, which allows you to
describe a subset of the test functions to run. You can see the rest
of the options by running the command py.test -h
For example, running the following command from the Linux command-line:
$ py.test -v -x -k test_extract_amount
will run all the functions in
that have names that
start with test_extract_amount
. (Recall that the $
the prompt and is not included in the command.)
Here is (slightly-modified) output from using this command to test our
reference implementation of extract_amount
$ py.test -v -x -k test_extract_amount
==== 25 tests deselected by '-ktest_extract_amount' ====
==== 4 passed, 25 deselected, 1 pytest-warnings in 1.03 seconds ====
This output shows that out code passed all four tests in the
suite. It also shows that there were 25 tests
that were deselected (that is, were not run) because they did not
match the test selection criteria specified by the argument to -k
If you fail a test, pytest will tell you the name of the test function that failed and the line in the test code at which the failure was detected. This information can be very helpful in determining what is wrong with your program. Read it carefully!
By default, pytest will run any function that starts with test_
You can limit the tests that get run using the -k
option along
with a string that identifies the desired tests. The string is not
required to be a prefix. For example, if you specify -k amount
pytest will run all tests that start with test_
and include the
word amount
Also, by default, if you do not supply the name of a specific test
file, pytest will look in the current directory tree for Python files
that have names that start with test_
In subsequent examples, we will leave out the name of the file with
the test code (
) and we will use short substrings
to describe the desired tests.
Remember to save any changes you make to your code in your editor as
you are debugging. Skipping this step is a common error.
Fortunately, we’ve eliminated another common error— forgetting to
reload code after it changes —by using the autoreload
Task 2: Extracting leading digits¶
Your second task is to complete the function
. This function should take an amount as a
float and a number of digits and return an integer that contains the
specified number of leading digits from the amount.
You should use the following formula:
to calculate leading digits as an integer. The formula uses several operations from the math library that you may not have seen:
Operation | Description | math library function | Example call | Example result |
throws away the fractional part of \(x\) | math.trunc |
200 -200 |
\(\lfloor x \rfloor\)
computes largest integer less than or equal to \(x\) | math.floor |
200 -201 |
\(log_{10} x\)
computes the base-10 logarithm of \(x\) | math.log10 |
0.3692158574101428 1.3692158574101427 |
See the Python math library documentation for more details. Please
note that our test code will assume you use math.log10(x)
, rather
than math.log(x, 10)
because it is likely to yield a more
accurate answer.
The remaining operations–addition (+
), multiplication (*
and exponentiation (**
)–needed for the formula are built-in.
Here are some examples of using this function:
In [8]: benford.extract_leading_digits(2.34, 1)
Out[8]: 2
In [9]: benford.extract_leading_digits(2.34, 2)
Out[9]: 23
In [10]: benford.extract_leading_digits(0.002034, 2)
Out[10]: 20
In [11]: benford.extract_leading_digits(2.01, 3)
Out[11]: 200
The results for the last two calls might seem surprising at first.
The result of the third call
(benford.extract_leading_digits(0.002034, 2)
) is merely
definitional: the correct result is 20
, because zero is not a
valid value for the first significant digit. Zero is a
valid value for all subsequent significant digits.
The result of the fourth call
(benford.extract_leading_digits(2.01, 3)
), which does not match
the definition, occurs due to floating point error. When the amount
is 2.01 and the number of digits is 3, the result of the
multiplication in the formula above is 200.99999999999997. Truncating
the fractional part of this value yields 200. This issue may be your
first encounter with floating point error, but it certainly won’t be
your last! Should you have a need to do serious numerical
calculations in the future, you will need to learn about the origin of
floating point errors and how they propagate.
Testing for Task 2
The table below provides information about the tests for
. Each row contains a test number, the
values that will be passed for the amount
and num_digits
arguments for that test, and the expected result.
Test number | Amount | Number of leading digits | Expected result |
1 | 2.34 | 1 | 2 |
2 | 2.34 | 2 | 23 |
3 | 2.34 | 3 | 234 |
4 | 0.002034 | 2 | 20 |
5 | 2.01 | 3 | 200 |
6 | 1000 | 1 | 1 |
The first three tests check for basic functionality. The next two check for the corner (exceptional) cases discussed above. The last test checks for a common error. Test cases should cover both basic functionality and corner cases.
You can run these tests, by executing the following command from the Linux command-line:
$ py.test -v -x -k extract_leading
Task 3: Compute leading digit range¶
Your third task is to complete the function
, which takes the number of leading digits
and returns a tuple of integers with the lower bound (inclusive) and
upper bound (exclusive) on the range of the values for that number of
leading digits. For example, when called with a value of 2, the range
of possible values (inclusive) is 10,..,99, so the function should
return the tuple (10, 100)
Testing Task 3
We have provided three tests for this task:
Test number | Number of leading digits | Expected result |
1 | 1 | (1, 10) |
2 | 2 | (10, 100) |
3 | 3 | (100, 1000) |
You can run these tests, by executing the following command from the Linux command-line.
$ py.test -v -x -k range
Task 4: Compute expected Benford distribution¶
Your fourth task is to complete the function
, which takes the number of digits as
an argument and returns a list of floats with the expected
distribution, that is, probability of occurrence of a leading digit as
defined by the formula in the introduction. The value that
corresponds to the lower bound of the range of leading digits should
be at index zero in the result. For example, if the number of digits
is 1, the array should have nine values with the value at index 0
holding the expected distribution for the numeral 1. If the number of
digits is 2, the array should have 90 values, with the value at index
0 holding the expected distribution for 10.
Here is an example use of this function:
In [24]: benford.compute_expected_benford_dist(1)
The implementation of this function can be done with a simple loop to
construct the desired list. You must use your
function to determine the range of
possible values for the specified number of digits.
Testing for Task 4
We have provided two tests for this task:
Test number | Number of leading digits | Expected output filename |
1 | 1 | expected_benford_dist_1_output.txt |
2 | 2 | expected_benford_dist_2_output.txt |
The first calls compute_expected_benford_dist
with an argument of
1 (as shown in the example above) and the other calls it with an
argument of 2. Our test code matches your results against the
expected values, which are stored in the specified files. These files
and the files used in subsequent tests can be found in the data
subdirectory of your pa1
directory. You can look at the contents
of a text file using the Linux commands cat
, more
, or
Our test code can be run from the Linux command-line with the command:
$ py.test -v -x -k expected
Task 5: Computing the Benford distribution¶
Your fifth task is to complete the function compute_benford_dist
which takes a currency symbol as a string, a non-empty list of strings
that represent positive amounts in that currency, and a number of
digits as arguments. It should compute the Benford distribution of
the given data for the specified number of digits.
You can do this work in two steps: determine the number of times each value in the range of leading digits occurs, using a list to hold the counts, and then generate a list with the distribution from the counts. You can also compute the distribution directly using one loop, rather than two. Either approach is fine.
You will need to determine the number of values in the range of
leading digits. Use your get_leading_digits_range
function to
determine the range. Also, do not repeat the code for extracting the
amount and leading digits from a string. Instead, you must call the
functions you wrote for tasks 1 and 2 to perform this work.
You may be tempted to implement this task by creating a list of the
leading digits and then calling the list count method once for each
possible value in the range of leading digits. You may not use
this approach, because it is inefficient. Let \(N\) be the length
of the list of leading digits and \(M\) be the number of values in
the leading digit range. Using this approach takes time proportional
to \(N*M\), because each call to the count
method takes time
proportional to \(N\) and it would need to be called \(M\)
times, once for each value in the range.
Part of your task is to come up with an algorithm for doing this computation in time proportional to \(N\). Here’s a hint: you will need to figure out how to transform a leading digit value into the corresponding index in the list of counts.
Here are some example uses of this function:
In [25]: benford.compute_benford_dist("$", ["$2.34"], 1)
Out[25]: [0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
In [26]: AMOUNTS = ["C$1.01", "C$2.20", "C$3.333", "C$44.4", "C$0.000055",
...: "C$6.006", "C$99999.9999", "C$99"]
In [27]: benford.compute_benford_dist("C$", AMOUNTS, 1)
Out[27]: [0.125, 0.125, 0.125, 0.125, 0.125, 0.125, 0.0, 0.0, 0.25]
In the first example, all of the entries except the value at index 1 are zero, because the list has only one value and it has a leading digit of 2. In the second example, the numerals 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 all occur once as leading digits in a list of length eight, the numerals 7 and 8 do not occur at all, and the numeral 9 appears twice as a leading digit in the list.
Testing Task 5
The table below contains information about the test cases for
. For each test case, our code reads the list
of amounts from a file, calls your function with appropriate
arguments, reads the expected return value from the specified file,
and then compares the actual return value with the expected return
Our test code includes the two examples above, a test that computes
the Benford distribution for the same values as the AMOUNTS
defined above with two leading digits, and four tests that use data
extracted from payment records downloaded from the City of Chicago’s
data portal. The file payments_50_input.csv
contains data on 50
payments. The amount of interest in is column labeled “AMOUNT”. The
file payments_50000_input.csv
contains information on about 50,000
Test number | Input filename | Number of leading digits | Expected output filename |
1 | simple_input.csv |
1 | simple_computed_benford_dist_1_output.txt |
2 | amounts_input.csv |
1 | amounts_computed_benford_dist_1_output.txt |
3 | amounts_input.csv |
2 | amounts_computed_benford_dist_2_output.txt |
4 | payments_50_input.csv |
1 | payments_50_computed_benford_dist_1_output.txt |
5 | payments_50_input.csv |
2 | payments_50_computed_benford_dist_2_output.txt |
6 | payments_50000_input.csv |
1 | payments_50000_computed_benford_dist_1_output.txt |
7 | payments_50000_input.csv |
2 | payments_50000_computed_benford_dist_2_output.txt |
Our test code for this task can be run from the Linux command-line using the command:
$ py.test -v -x -k compute_benford_dist
Task 6: Compute Benford mean absolute difference¶
You can plot the actual distribution for a set of data and the
expected distribution to get a sense of the difference between the
two. In fact, we have included a function to do just that in
. It is also useful to have a quantitative measure of
the difference between the distributions as well. For this
assignment, we’re going to use the mean absolute difference (MAD) of
the expected distribution and the actual distribution for a given set
of data and specified number of digits as our quantitative measure.
Given two lists, x
and y
, of length \(N\), the MAD
where \(x_i\) and \(y_i\) are the ith elements of x
You can find a brief description of how to interpret this value here. For a more detailed analysis, see the book Digital Analysis Using Benford’s Law by Mark Nigrini.
Your last task is to complete the function compute_benford_MAD
which should take a currency symbol as a string, a non-empty list of
strings that represent positive amounts in that currency, and a number
of digits as arguments. As in the previous task, it does not make
sense to call this function on an empty list.
Your implementation should call your functions from Tasks 4 and 5 to get the distributions and then compute and return the mean absolute difference between the two. Do not repeat the code from Tasks 4 and 5 in this function.
Testing Task 6
Our test code for this function uses the same inputs as the tests for
Task 4. The expected results are read from files
, for example).
Run the command:
$ py.test -v -x -k MAD
from the Linux command-line to run our test code for this task.
Putting it all together¶
We have included code in
that calls your functions to
compute and then plot the expected and actual Benford distributions
for a data set and to compute and report the MAD of the data set. It
takes four arguments: the name of the input data file, the number of the
column that contains the amounts (zero-based), the currency symbol,
and the number of leading digits.
Here is a sample use of this program:
$ python3 data/payments_50_input.csv 2 "$" 2
MAD: 0.01211
and here is the plot that it generates:
To submit your assignment, make sure that you have:
- put your name at the top of your file,
- registered for the assignment using chisubmit (if you have not done so already),
- added, committed, and pushed your code to the git server, and
- run the chisubmit submission command.
chisubmit student assignment register pa1
git add
git commit -m"final version of PA #1 ready for submission"
git push
chisubmit student assignment submit pa1
We recommend cutting and pasting these commands rather than re-typing them!
Remember to push your code to the server early and often!