Computer Science with Applications 1

CMSC 12100/CAPP 30121 (aka CS121)


[9/26]: We are no longer accepting waiting list requests.

[9/25]: We are no longer accepting formal requests to switch lab sections officially. That said, to try to informally switch lab sections with one of your classmates, please see the relevant thread on Piazza.

Course Staff


Teaching Assistants

  • Andrew McNutt
  • Horace Pan
  • Joan Wang
  • Kartik Singhal
  • Kavon Farvardin
  • Weijia He
  • Will Brackenbury

Lecture times and locations

Lecture Section #1 MWF 9:30am-10:20am Ryerson 251 Rogers
Lecture Section #2 MWF 11:30am-12:20pm Ryerson 251 Ur
Lecture Section #3 MWF 1:30pm-2:20pm Ryerson 251 Rogers
Lecture Section #4 MWF 9:30am-10:20am Rosenwald Hall 301 Black
CAPP 30121 MWF 9:30am-10:20am 5727 S. University Ave. 112 Sotomayor

Lab times and locations

All labs take place in the Computer Science Instructional Laboratory located on the first floor of Crerar Library. Note that our labs are held in CSIL 3 and CSIL 4.

Tuesday 8:00-9:20am Lab #11 CSIL 3 Brackenbury        
Tuesday 9:30-10:50am Lab #1 CSIL 3 Singhal   Lab #2 CSIL 4 Pan
Tuesday 11:00-12:20pm Lab #3 CSIL 3 Shenker   Lab #4 CSIL 4 Pan
Tuesday 12:30-1:50pm Lab #5 CSIL 3 Farvardin   Lab #6 CSIL 4 Pan
Tuesday 2:00-3:20pm Lab #7 CSIL 3 Farvardin   Lab #8 CSIL 4 He
Tuesday 3:30-4:50pm Lab #9 CSIL 3 Farvardin   CAPP Lab #1 CSIL 4 Wang
Tuesday 5:00-6:20pm Lab #10 CSIL 3 McNutt   CAPP Lab #2 CSIL 4 Wang
Tuesday 6:30-7:50pm Lab #12 CSIL 3 McNutt   CAPP Lab #3 CSIL 4 Wang

Lab materials will be posted here.


We will be using a draft of a book that Anne Rogers and Borja Sotomayor are writing for this course. The book is available in both HTML and PDF format. Note that you will be asked for your CNetID and password to gain access to these files.


We will be giving evening exams on Tuesday, October 24th from 7:00pm-9:00pm and Tuesday, December 5th from 7:00pm-9:00pm.

Programming assignments

We will be assigning seven programming assignments. You will be allowed to work in pairs in some of these assignments. See the calendar for details.

Sample problems

We will periodically make a set of short problems available to you to test your knowledge of the material we are covering in class. Some of these problems will be of the “be a computer” variety and will require you to evaluate a piece of code by hand. Others will require you to write code. We will be using a system named Kattis to help you test your solutions to the latter type of problems.

You will not submit these problems and they will not be graded. They will, however, help test your knowledge of the material needed to do the programming assignments and will be good practice for exams.

Late submissions

All students may use up to two 24-hour extensions for the programming assignments during the quarter. These extensions are all-or-nothing: you cannot use a portion of an extension and have the rest “carry over” to another extension. If extraordinary circumstances (illness, family emergency, etc.) prevent a student from meeting a deadline, the student must inform their instructor before the deadline.