Programming assignments

Late submissions

All students may use up to two 24-hour extensions for the programming assignments during the quarter. These extensions are all-or-nothing: you cannot use a portion of an extension and have the rest “carry over” to another extension. If extraordinary circumstances (illness, family emergency, etc.) prevent a student from meeting a deadline, the student must inform their instructor before the deadline.

Assignment descriptions

PA #1: Benford’s Law (Due: Friday, Oct 6, 4pm)

PA #2: Schelling’s Model of Housing Segregation (Due: Friday, Oct 13, 4pm)

PA #3: Analyzing Election Tweets (Due: Friday, Oct 20, 4pm)

PA #4: Polling places (Due: Friday, Nov 3, 4pm)

PA #5: Linear Regression (Due: Friday, Nov 10, 4pm)

PA #6: Current Population Survey (Due: Friday, Nov 17, 4pm)

PA #7: Visualizing Employee Diversity Using Treemaps (Due: WEDNESDAY, Nov 29, 4pm)