Polling places¶
Due: Friday, November 3, 4pm
You may work alone or in a pair on this assignment.

Every two years, many people around the country wait in long lines to vote due, in part, to inadequate provisioning of voting booths. In this assignment you will write code to simulate the flow of voters through precincts. The information generated by your simulator could be used by an election official as a crude lower bound to help determine the number of voting booths needed at a precinct.
We will view this problem as an instance of the more general problem of simulating an \(M\)/\(M\)/\(N\) queue, where:
- the first \(M\) indicates that arrivals (voters arriving at the polls) obey a Markov process;
- the second \(M\) indicates that the service times obey a Markov process (the amount of time a voter takes to complete a ballot); and finally
- the \(N\) indicates that there are \(N\) servers (the number of voting booths).
We will tell you how to structure your implementation at a high level, but you will be responsible for the design details.
Getting started¶
See these start-up instructions if you intend to work alone.
See these start-up instructions if you intend to work with the same partner as in a previous assignment.
See these start-up instructions if you intend to work in a NEW pair.
The pa4
directory includes a file named simulate.py
, which you
will modify, a file named util.py
that contains a few useful
functions, a directory named data
, which contains sample
data, and a series of tests contained in files test_simulate_election_day.py
and test_find_number_of_booths.py
See the file README.txt
in pa4/data
for an explanation
of the contents of the data directory.
Please put all of your code for this assignment in simulate.py
Do not add extra files for the required classes.
Precinct Configuration¶
The configuration for a precinct is specified using a dictionary containing this information:
- The name of the precinct (
) - number of voters assigned to the precinct (
), - number of hours the polls are open (
), - The number of voting booths (
) - The voter distribution (
For example:
{'name': 'Downtown',
'num_voters': 5,
'hours_open': 1,
'num_booths': 1,
'voter_distribution': {'type': 'poisson',
'arrival_rate': 0.11,
'voting_duration_rate': 0.1}
Notice how the voter_distribution
field contains another dictionary containing
these fields:
- The type of distribution (
). In this assignment, we will only deal with one type of distribution:poisson
- The rate at which voters arrive (
) and the rate at which voters complete their voting (voting_duration_rate
). The significance of these rates is explained later.
Information about precincts is stored in a JSON file that contains
a dictionary with two keys: precincts
, containing a list of
precincts as specified above, and seed
, containing a “random seed”
(we will explain what this means below).
We have provided a function, load_precincts
in util.py
takes the name of a JSON precincts file and returns two values:
a list of precinct dictionaries (as specified above) and the random seed.
This function is already called from the code we provide for you,
so you should not make any calls to load_precincts
in the code
you’ll add to simulate.py
. However, it can be a useful
function when testing your code. In particular,
you should take a moment to familiarize yourself with the
data stored in these JSON files, and how to access each value once
you’ve loaded the file with load_precincts
. We suggest you start
by looking at data/config-single-precinct-0.json
, and loading that file
from IPython:
In [1]: import util
In [2]: precincts, seed = util.load_precincts("data/config-single-precinct-0.json")
In [3]: precincts
[{'hours_open': 1,
'name': 'Downtown',
'num_booths': 1,
'num_voters': 5,
'voter_distribution': {'arrival_rate': 0.11,
'type': 'poisson',
'voting_duration_rate': 0.1}}]
In [4]: seed
Out[4]: 1468604453
In [5]: len(precincts)
Out[5]: 1
In [6]: p = precincts[0]
In [7]: p["num_voters"]
Out[7]: 5
In [8]: p["voter_distribution"]["arrival_rate"]
Out[8]: 0.11
Representing Voters¶
Your implementation must contain a class for representing a voter. This data structure must include the time the voter arrives at the polls, voting duration, that is, the amount of time the voter takes to vote, and the time the voter is assigned to a voting booth (aka, the start time). We found it convenient for debugging purposes to store a unique identifier and the time the voter leaves the voting booth (aka, the departure time) as well.
The start time for a voter, which is not available at construction
time, should be initialized to None
when the voter object is constructed.
This value should be reset to the correct value when the voter is
assigned to a voting booth. Similarly, voters’ departure times cannot
be determined until we know their start times.
Your implementation must include at a minimum: a constructor and
properties named arrival_time
, voting_duration
, and
for the corresponding values. Our utility function for
printing voters, described below, relies on the existence of these
This class is straightforward. It merely serves as a way to encapsulate information about a voter. Our implementation is roughly 30 lines, including the code for generating unique identifiers for the voters and for handling the optional attributes.
Please note, the voter generator class, described next, is the only class that is allowed to call the voter constructor.
Generating voters¶
Your implementation must include a class for generating voters. You may ask yourself why this merits its own class, instead of simply constructing the voter objects in the precinct class we describe below. One reason for this is that it allows us to define a class for generating voters according to some random distribution, and then create multiple instances with different parameters to that random distribution. For example, if the time it takes a voter to vote followed a normal distribution, we could create a voter generator with mean = 5 minutes, stdev = 2 minutes, and another voter generator with mean = 15 minutes, stdev = 5 minutes. We could then use those two instances to explore the behaviour of voters according to those two distributions (both normal, but each with different parameters).
We will revisit the usefulness of having a voter generator class once we’ve discussed how to represent precincts and their booths; if this section feels too abstract or unclear, you may want to re-read it once we’ve discussed precincts and voting booths.
For now, let’s focus on discussing how the voters are generated. Both the arrival time and the voting duration will follow a Poisson process. From Wikipedia: a Poisson process, named after the French mathematician Simeon-Denis Poisson (1781-1840), is the stochastic process in which events occur continuously and independently of one another. We can use the following fact to generate a voter sample: if the number of arrivals in a given time interval [0,t] follows the Poisson distribution, with mean \(t*\lambda\), then the gap between arrivals times follows the exponential distribution with rate parameter \(\lambda\).
So, our voter generator must keep track of time. We will assume that we keep track of time in minutes starting at time zero. To generate a voter, you will need to generate an arrival time and a voting duration. To generate the arrival time of the next voter, you will draw an inter-arrival time (\(gap\)) from the exponential distribution using the specified arrival rate as \(\lambda\) and add it to the current time (\(t\)). You’ll then move time forward by updating the time from \(t\) to \(t+gap\).
For example, let’s say we create a voter generator (the exact parameters
of the exponential distribution are not relevant to this simple example).
We generate a voter, and the random number generator returns 5.7
for that
voter’s gap. Since this is the first voter we generate, their arrival
time will be 5.7
, and we advance the voter generator’s current time from 0
. We then generate another voter, and the random number generator
returns 2.4
for the voter’s gap. This means that this second voter
arrives 2.4
minutes after the previous voter, so the second voter’s
arrival time will be 8.1
(5.7 + 2.4
) and we advance the voter generator’s
current time to 8.1
When we generate a voter, we also need to assign a voting duration to that voter. You will draw the voter’s voting duration from the exponential distribution using the specified voting duration rate as \(\lambda\).
For testing purposes, it is important that you draw the gap and the
voting duration in the same order as our code. To reduce the likelihood
that the testing process fails simply because the values were drawn in
the wrong order, we have provided a function,
, in util.py
that takes the arrival rate
and the voting duration rate as arguments and returns a pair of floats to use
for the gap and voting duration (in that order).
Your implementation should, at the very least, have a constructor and a next
method that returns the next voter. Our implementation ensures that the voter
generator doesn’t generate more than some specified maximum number of voters,
which in turn requires having a has_next
method but, depending on how
you structure the rest of your implementation, your voter generator may not need
to do this.
Printing a voter sample
We have provided a function named print_voters
in util.py
takes a list of Voter
instances and an optional file name. This
function will either print a representation of the voters to
screen or to a file, depending on whether a filename is specified.
The code for generating the voter sample should be fairly simple (our implementation is only 15 lines long, not including comments). That said, it is important that you generate the voters correctly for the rest of your code to work. We strongly urge you to test your voter generator class carefully before you move on to the next step.
When we were working on our code, we wrote a short function (8 lines)
for testing sample creation. This function takes the name of a
precincts file and creates a sample for the first precinct in the file, pulls the voters one by one
from the sample and constructs a list, and then calls util.print_voters
with the list. You may want to consider writing
a similar function to aid in your testing.
To help with testing your voter sample class, we have provided two
sets of sample parameters. The first set, (see
), includes the following:
- number of voters in the sample: 5
- hours open: 1
- arrival rate: 0.11 (corresponds to mean time between voters of approximately 9 minutes)
- voting duration rate: 0.1 (corresponds to a mean voting duration of 10 minutes)
- seed for random number generator: 1468604453
and corresponds to a sample in which all the voters arrive before the polls close.
Here is the result of calling our sample testing function with
Arrival Time Voting Duration Start Time Departure Time
6.78 2.11 None None
7.01 5.13 None None
25.27 2.68 None None
26.89 1.10 None None
33.48 10.08 None None
The second set, data/config-single-precinct-1.json
, is the same except the arrival
rate is set to 0.04, which corresponds to a mean gap of 25 minutes:
Arrival Time Voting Duration Start Time Departure Time
18.64 2.11 None None
19.28 5.13 None None
69.49 2.68 None None
73.94 1.10 None None
92.08 10.08 None None
Notice how, in the above set, only the first two voters would arrive before the polls close. However, the voter generator is unconcerned with this. This leads to a nice separation of concerns, where we can test the generation of voters separate from the more complex logic of determining if and when a voter can start voting, which will reside in a separate precinct class that will use the voter generator class. Your results may be different from the results above if you do not set the random seed before you start generating voters. We will discuss random seeds later in the writeup.
Representing the Voting Booths¶
Cities are broken up into voting precincts, each of which has a number of voting booths. We’ll start by simulating election day for a single precinct.
Your implementation must include a Precinct
class for representing a precinct
with a specified number of voting booths. At a minimum, your
implementation must provide a means for adding voters to voting booths
and removing voters from voting booths in increasing order of
departure time.
You will need a data structure to keep track of the voters who are
currently occupying voting booths and to determine which voter will
depart next. Your implementation should use the PriorityQueue
class the from the python queue library for this purpose. A minimum
priority queue is a data structure that includes operations for (1)
adding items along with their priorities to the queue, (2) removing
the item with the lowest priority from the queue, and (3) determining
whether the queue is empty. The PriorityQueue
library also allows
you to specify an upper bound on the number of items allowed to be in
the queue at the same time and provides a method for determining
whether the queue is full. Please look through the queue library
for details on how to use the this class.
For this assignment, the priorities will be the voters’ departure times.
Take into account that your implementation should not need a voting booth class. There could certainly be models that require modelling the voting booth as its own class but, in the model we are assuming, it is enough to have a precinct class that uses a priority queue to model the state of the voting booths.
Task 0: Implement the Voter and VoterGenerator classes¶
Before moving on to the rest of the assignment, you should implement
a Voter
class and a VoterGenerator
class as described above.
We do not provide tests for either, so it is up to you to ensure
that these classes are correctly implemented before moving on to
the rest of the assignment. We strongly encourage you to test
your VoterGenerator
class in the manner described above,
even if you only do so informally by writing a small testing
function like the one we used.
Task 1: Simulate election day¶
Your next task is to complete the function simulate_election_day
that simulates the flow of voters through a precinct
on election day. Your function should take a list of precinct dictionaries
and a random seed, and return a dictionary that maps precinct names to a list of the voters
who voted in that precinct. These Voter
objects should have their start_time
attribute filled in.
For now, you can assume the list of precincts will
contain a single precinct.
Take into account that the bulk of your implementation
will actually be in your Precinct
class (alongside your Voter
and VoterGenerator
classes). The simulate_election_day
itself should only be about 10 lines long,
and all of the actual simulation code should reside inside your Precinct
If you find yourself writing substantially more than 10 lines in the simulate_election_day
function, it is likely that the design of your class needs some improvement.
Please come to office hours or ask on Piazza so we can provide some preliminary
feedback on your class design.
When writing the simulation code, an important aspect of this simulation is its stopping conditions (i.e., when to end the simulation). In this case, we need to stop the simulation once there are no more voters who can vote. This can happen in two situations: (1) you have generated the maximum number of the voters specified for the precinct, or (2) you generate a voter who arrives after closing time. In the second case, the late voter should be discarded and no further voters should be drawn from the sample. We will refer to voters who arrive before the polls close as valid.
In lecture, we will describe a program that simulates a single server, such as a toll booth, that serves a queue of clients, such as cars, that arrive with a specified distribution and have a fixed service time. You need to simulate multiple servers (voting booths) and variable service times (voting durations), but the structure of your simulation will be similar.
There are three main differences. First, instead of generating arrival
times for the clients directly in the simulation code, you will
construct a VoterGenerator
object, and get voters from the generator as needed.
Second, you will use the Precinct
class to determine whether
a voting booth is available and if not, when a booth will become available.
And third, you will need to limit the number of booths in use to be no
more than the number of booths assigned to the precinct.
Your implementation of the election day simulator must use only the
and Precinct
classes. It must not construct any
objects or access the precinct’s priority queue directly.
The random seed
Python’s random number generator (along with pretty much all computational random number generators) are actually pseudorandom. They may appear to produce numbers randomly, but they actually do so in a deterministic fashion.
In particular, a random number generator will start from some seed value, and apply an algorithm to generate seemingly random numbers starting from that seed. That means that, given some seed, the sequence of random numbers generated from that seed will always be the same.
The way we set the random seed is by using the random.seed
Notice how, in the code below, we set the seed to 42
and generate
three random numbers using random.randint
. Then, when we set the
seed again to 42
, calling random.randint
produces the same
sequence of random numbers.
In [1]: import random
In [2]: random.seed(42)
In [3]: random.randint(1, 100)
Out[3]: 82
In [4]: random.randint(1, 100)
Out[4]: 15
In [5]: random.randint(1, 100)
Out[5]: 4
In [6]: random.seed(42)
In [7]: random.randint(1, 100)
Out[7]: 82
In [8]: random.randint(1, 100)
Out[8]: 15
In [9]: random.randint(1, 100)
Out[9]: 4
Random seeds are very important when implementing simulations like the one in this assignment. Since the simulation involves picking random numbers, your simulation can be very hard to debug if every time you run your code, it produces different results! It would also make your code impossible to test, because we wouldn’t know for sure what random numbers you would end up generating. Using a known random seed will ensure your simulation always picks the same random numbers, which will make it easier to debug and test.
The precincts file includes a seed value (return by load_precincts
which you will need to use throughout the assignment. Make sure you use
it exactly as specified!
For Task 1, you must make sure to set the seed to the provided value before you do a simulation
Let’s walk through an example. The file data/config-single-precinct-2.json
contains the
following precinct:
"name": "Little Rodentia",
"hours_open": 1,
"num_voters": 10,
"num_booths": 2,
"voter_distribution": {
"type": "poisson",
"voting_duration_rate": 0.1,
"arrival_rate": 0.16666666666666666
And the seed 1438018944
The precinct has 10 voters who arrive at the precinct once every 6 minutes on average and take 10 minutes on average to vote.
Let’s consider what happens when we simulate this precinct using two
voting booths. The first call to util.gen_poisson_voter_parameters
generates (3.29, 5.39)
as the gap and voting duration, which means
that our first voter arrives at 3.29, enters a voting booth
immediately at time 3.29, and finishes voting at 8.69 (3.29 + 5.39). (All times
have been rounded to two digits for clarity.)
The second call to util.gen_poisson_voter_parameters
yields (9.10,
, which means that the second voter arrives at time 12.39 (3.29 + 9.10).
This second voter starts voting immediately, because a booth is open,
and finishes voting at time 18.13 (12.39 + 5.74).
The third voter arrives at time 12.68 (gap: 0.29) and has a voting duration of 24.45 minutes. Since the first voter departed at 8.69, this voter can start voting immediately, and finishes voting at 37.13.
The fourth voter arrives at 15.78 (gap: 3.10) and has a voting duration of 6.08 minutes. Both booths are occupied when the fourth voter arrives, so this voter must wait until a booth becomes free, which happens when the second voter finishes at time 18.13. Thus, the fourth voter’s start time will be 18.13 and their finish time will be 24.21. Notice that this voter finishes before the third voter.
The fifth voter arrives at time 19.76 (gap: 3.99) and will not start voting until the fourth voter finishes at time 24.21. Notice that the third voter is still voting when the fifth voter starts!
And so on.
All ten voters arrive before the polls close and so all ten get to vote even though the last two will not start voting until after the polls have closed at time 60.
Here’s the output of our simulation:
Arrival Time Voting Duration Start Time Departure Time
3.29 5.39 3.29 8.69
12.39 5.74 12.39 18.13
12.68 24.45 12.68 37.13
15.78 6.08 18.13 24.21
19.76 39.64 24.21 63.85
20.52 5.79 37.13 42.92
22.33 16.65 42.92 59.57
24.23 3.07 59.57 62.64
26.75 5.24 62.64 67.88
29.04 15.43 63.85 79.28
We have provided several automated tests that will test your implementation
of the simulate_election_day
function. To run only the tests
that assume a single precinct, run the following from the Linux command-line:
$ py.test -x -k single test_simulate_election_day.py
(Recall that we use $
to indicate the Linux command-line prompt.
You should not include it when you run this command.)
However, remember that the first approach to testing and debugging your code should not rely exclusively on the tests. If you run the tests, and it is not immediately clear what the issue is, you should manually run your simulation code either from IPython or by using a command we describe below. These two approaches will generally produce error messages that may be easier to interpret and debug.
From IPython, first load the simulate.py
and util.py
as follows:
In [1]: %load_ext autoreload
In [2]: %autoreload 2
In [3]: import util
In [4]: import simulate
Next, you will need to use load_precincts
to load a configuration file.
We have provided six configuration files (named config-single-precinct-N.json
where N
is a number) that you can use to test your implementation. For
example, you can load config-single-precinct-0.json
like this:
In [5]: precincts, seed = util.load_precincts("data/config-single-precinct-0.json")
And now you are ready to call simulate_election_day
In [6]: voters = simulate.simulate_election_day(precincts, seed)
To easily inspect the values of the voters, you can use the
function provided in the util
In [7]: util.print_voters(voters["Downtown"])
Arrival Time Voting Duration Start Time Departure Time
6.78 2.11 6.78 8.89
7.01 5.13 8.89 14.02
25.27 2.68 25.27 27.94
26.89 1.10 27.94 29.04
33.48 10.08 33.48 43.56
If you’d like to manually verify whether the values are correct, each configuration file has a corresponding CSV file with the expected values (take into account that these are the files the automated tests use; if you find that your implementation seems to produce correct values, you may want to switch to running the automated tests).
We also provide a main function in simulate.py
that allows you
to run simulate.py
from the command-line. If you run simulate.py
with just the name of a configuration file, it will print a summary of
the simulation results. For example:
$ python3 simulate.py data/config-single-precinct-0.json
PRECINCT 'Downtown'
- 5 voters voted.
- Polls closed at 60.0 and last voter departed at 43.56.
- Avg wait time: 0.59
You can use the --print-voters
options to, instead, print
all the voters:
$ python3 simulate.py data/config-single-precinct-0.json --print-voters
PRECINCT 'Downtown'
Arrival Time Voting Duration Start Time Departure Time
6.78 2.11 6.78 8.89
7.01 5.13 8.89 14.02
25.27 2.68 25.27 27.94
26.89 1.10 27.94 29.04
33.48 10.08 33.48 43.56
Task 2: Simulating multiple precincts¶
The precinct configuration files we have used up to this point contain
only a single precinct. However, the file format allows for multiple
precincts to be specified in the same file. For example, the
file specifies two identical precincts,
except for the number of booths:
"name": "Little Rodentia (1 booth)",
"hours_open": 1,
"num_voters": 10,
"num_booths": 1,
"voter_distribution": {
"type": "poisson",
"voting_duration_rate": 0.1,
"arrival_rate": 0.16666666666666666
"name": "Little Rodentia (2 booths)",
"hours_open": 1,
"num_voters": 10,
"num_booths": 2,
"voter_distribution": {
"type": "poisson",
"voting_duration_rate": 0.1,
"arrival_rate": 0.16666666666666666
You must modify simulate_election_day
so that it will simulate all the
precincts specified in the file, in the same order in which they are listed.
The return value of the function will be the same as before: a dictionary
mapping precinct names to lists of voters. However, your dictionary will
now have more than one key in it.
If you designed your classes properly, this will require adding 3-4 lines
of code to simulate_election_day
(in our own implementation, adding
support for multiple precincts required adding just a single
line of code to simulate_election_day
). The main thing you need to watch out
for is that you must make sure to create a new voter generator object
for each precinct. You must also make sure to reset the random seed
to the given value before simulating each precinct.
If you find that adding support for multiple precincts requires substantially more than 3-4 lines of code, it is likely that your class design needs improvement. Please go to office hours or ask on Piazza so you can get some feedback on your class design.
If you make the modifications correctly, you can test this functionality from IPython or from the command-line simply by using one of the configuration files with multiple precincts. For example, for the configuration file shown above:
$ python3 simulate.py data/config-multiple-precincts-1.json
PRECINCT 'Little Rodentia (1 booth)'
- 10 voters voted.
- Polls closed at 60.0 and last voter departed at 134.48.
- Avg wait time: 46.43
PRECINCT 'Little Rodentia (2 booths)'
- 10 voters voted.
- Polls closed at 60.0 and last voter departed at 79.28.
- Avg wait time: 15.00
Notice how the results make sense intuitively: with more booths, it is possible to accommodate new voters sooner, which means waiting times will go down.
You can also run the automated tests that use multiple precincts like this:
$ py.test -x -k multiple test_simulate_election_day.py
Task 3: Finding the average waiting time of a precinct¶
At this point, we have the ability to simulate precincts under a variety of parameters. As we saw above, an interesting parameter to tweak is the number of booths, since it has a direct effect on the average waiting time of the voters.
In this task, you will implement a function that, given a single precinct and a number of booths, computes the average waiting time when simulating that precinct with that number of booths:
def find_avg_wait_time(precinct, num_booths, ntrials, initial_seed=0):
is a precinct dictionarynum_booths
is the number of booths to use in the simulation. Notice that this will override whatever value is specified in theprecinct
dictionary. However do not modify thenum_booths
field of theprecinct
is a number of trials (this is explained below)initial_seed
is an initial seed (also explained below)
Given a single simulation of a precinct, computing the average waiting time
of the voters is not difficult. In fact, if you look at the code we provide(see the cmd
function in simulate.py
you’ll find some code to do just that! However, as with any simulation,
it is unreasonable to accept the result of a single simulation (or “trial”). So, instead
you will simulate the precinct ntrials
times, compute the average wait time for each trial,
sort the resulting average wait times,
and return the median value
(which, for simplicity, we will define simply as element ntrials//2
the sorted list of average wait times).
In this task, you will set the random seed to initial_seed
before you run
the first trial. Then, before any subsequent trial, you will increment the seed
by one and set the random seed to be that value.
To test your implementation of the function, you can call the function from IPython. For example:
In [1]: %load_ext autoreload
In [2]: %autoreload 2
In [3]: import util
In [4]: import simulate
In [5]: precincts, seed = util.load_precincts("data/config-single-precinct-3.json")
In [6]: p = precincts[0]
In [7]: simulate.find_avg_wait_time(p, num_booths=1, ntrials=20, initial_seed=seed)
Out[7]: 2203.0502079782727
In [8]: simulate.find_avg_wait_time(p, num_booths=8, ntrials=20, initial_seed=seed)
Out[8]: 4.630351652014112
You can also run the automated tests for this function like this:
$ py.test -xv -k avg
Task 4: Finding the optimal number of booths¶
At this point, we have all the necessary pieces to answer the following question: “Given a target waiting time \(W\), how many booths does the precinct need to ensure that the average waiting time is less that \(W\)?”.
You will write the following function to answer this question:
def find_number_of_booths(precinct, ntrials, target_wait_time, max_num_booths, seed=0):
is a precinct dictionaryntrials
is the number of trials to run when finding the average waiting time of a precinct.target_wait_time
is \(W\) as defined above.max_num_booths
is the maximum number of booths the precinct is willing to have.seed
is a random seed.
Your function will do a simple linear search: you will first simulate the precinct
with one booth, and check whether the average waiting time of the voters
(as produced by find_avg_wait_time
from Task 3)
is below target_wait_time
. If it isn’t, you will simulate the precinct
with two booths, and check the average waiting time, and so on up to max_num_booths
or until you
find a number of booths that achieves an average waiting time less than
. Take into account that it could also be the case that the provided
is infeasible with a number of booths less than or
equal to max_num_booths
So, the result of this search with be a tuple with two values: the optimal number of booths,
and the average waiting time with that number of booths. If the provided
target waiting time is infeasible, return (0,None)
To test your implementation of the function, you can call the function from IPython. For example:
In [1]: %load_ext autoreload
In [2]: %autoreload 2
In [3]: import util
In [4]: import simulate
In [5]: precincts, seed = util.load_precincts("data/config-single-precinct-3.json")
In [6]: p = precincts[0]
In [7]: simulate.find_number_of_booths(p, ntrials=20, target_wait_time=10, max_num_booths=10, seed=seed)
Out[7]: (8, 4.630351652014112)
In [8]: simulate.find_number_of_booths(p, ntrials=20, target_wait_time=10, max_num_booths=5, seed=seed)
Out[8]: (0, None)
You can also run the function from the command-line by using the --target-wait-time
and --max-num-booths
$ python3 simulate.py data/config-single-precinct-3.json --max-num-booths 10 --target-wait-time 10
Precinct 'Sahara Square' can achieve average waiting time of 4.63 with 8 booths
$ python3 simulate.py data/config-single-precinct-3.json --max-num-booths 5 --target-wait-time 10
The target wait time (10.00) is infeasible in precinct 'Sahara Square' with 5 or less booths
Note: The command-line tool sets the value of ntrials
to 20
And, finally, you can run the automated tests for this function like this:
$ py.test -xv -k find
See these submission instructions if you are working alone.
See these submission instructions if you are working in the same pair as for PA #2 or PA #3.
See these submission instructions if you are working in a NEW pair.