Winter 2019 - Sections 1 and 2 - 9:30am and 11:30am
All weekly assignments are due 11:59pm the night prior to the
beginning of the next lab.
Week 1: Printing, Functions
Week 2: Conditionals, Loops, and Recursion
Week 3: Arrays and Pointers
Week 4: Strings, Files, and Pointers
Week 5: Strings, Memory Management, and Structs
Week 6: Structs, Enumerated Types, and Linked Lists
Week 7: Function Ptrs and BSTs
Weeks 8-9: Trees, Iterators, and Memory Allocation
Week 10: Hash Tables
To get participation credit for lab, you must:
Arrive within 5 minutes of the start of lab
Bring your completed pre-lab (if relevant)
Work productively during the entire lab session