Accessing the Robotics Lab (JCL 379) for Project Work
Before accessing the lab for the first time
Before you access the lab for the first time, you must get permission from Sarah to access the lab. She must put your name on the access list and have your access approved by the Computer Science Department and the PSD. Once you've been approved for access, you must complete the COVID-19 safety training and signed the Health Attestation. Even if you've already completed the general safety training, you'll also have to complete the training titled Lab Based Researchers: COVID-19 Controlled Resumption of Research Activities (cvd-01W).
Each time before you access the lab
Sign up for time slot(s) on the JCL 379 Robotics Lab Access spreadsheet AT LEAST 24 HOURS IN ADVANCE of the time when you want to come in.
- You can sign up for multiple time slots back-to-back and be there for the entire time (beginning to end). For example, if you sign up for the 1-3pm and 4-6pm time slots, you can be in the lab from 1pm to 6pm.
- The purpose of this spreadsheet is to ensure that no more than 1 person is in the lab at any given time and that there is at least 1 hour of downtime in between each person's use of the lab.
Indicate when you're coming in on the Crerar spreadsheet.
- The purpose of this spreadsheet is to ensure that there aren't too many people in Crerar and in certain areas of Crerar at the same time.
Each time you enter Crerar and the lab
- Wear appropriate PPE (a mask that covers your nose and mouth - in adherence with UChicago policy).
Use the QR code check-in/check-out system (on the door of JCL 379 -the robotics lab)
- If your phone camera doesn't register the QR code and take you to the page to sign in, you can use the link and log in manually.
- This system is designed to be used in the case that contract tracing is needed to figure out who was in the building at specific times.
- Make sure to sign out when you leave as well.
- Take down the "lab is cleaned" sign that is outside the lab and bring it in with you.
- Sanitize all surfaces and equipment you plan to use with the >70% alcohol wipes / spray provided in the lab.
Each time you leave the lab
- Sanitize all surfaces and equipment you plan to use with the >70% alcohol wipes / spray provided in the lab.
- Put back up the “lab is cleaned sign” outside the lab.
- Sign out using the QR code system.
Cleaning Supplies
The cleaning supplies are located in labeled bins on the right-hand counter top when you enter the lab (see photo below, cleaning supplies are circled in light blue).