This schedule is subject to change. Please check back frequently.
Week | Date | Lecture | Assignment | Resources and Readings |
Week 1 | September 28th |
No Class!
Week #1 Videos will come out on Thursday October 1st. | |
Week 2 | October 5th |
Python Basics (Part 1) Creating and Running Python Programs Basic syntax overview: variables, control-flow, and function basics Sequences: Lists, Tuples, and Strings |
Homework #1 Out |
Week 1 & 2 Readings: Lutz. Ch. 1-7, Ch 12-13, Ch. 16 Week #1 Recorded Lectures Content Week #1 Live Lectures Content |
Week 3 | October 12th & 13th |
Python Basics (Part 2): Compound Data Types, Functions, Modules, Interaction Compound data types: Dictionaries, and sets Python conceptual hierarchy User interaction: basic input/output and command line arguments. Working with Files. |
Homework #1 Due (October 13th 11:59pm
Homework #2 Out |
Week 1 & 2 Readings: Lutz. Ch. 1-7, Ch 12-13, Ch. 16 Week #2 Recorded Lectures Content Week #2 Live Lectures Content |
Week 4 | October 19th & 20th |
Advance Functions, Generators, Functional Programming Advance functions mechanisms: postional vs keyword arguments, scope, closures Generator functions and expressions Functional programming mechanisms |
Homework#2 Due (October 20th 11:59pm
Homework #3 Out |
Week #3 Recorded Lectures Content Week #3 Live Lectures Content Readings: Lutz. Ch. 14, 17,18,19,20 |
Week 5 | October 26th & 27th |
Object-Oriented Programming: Classes Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming Class Coding Basics Class Inheritance & Polymorphism |
Homework #3 Due (October 27th 11:59pm
Homework #4 Out
Week #4 Recorded Lectures Content Week #4 Live Lectures Content Readings: Lutz. Ch. 26-28 |
Week 6 | November 2nd & 3rd |
Advance Object-Oriented Programming & Abstract Data Types Class Inheritance & Polymorphism (cont.) Abstract Base Classes Designing Classes Overview Properties |
Homework #4 Due (November 3rd 11:59pm
Homework #5 Out
Week #5 Recorded Lectures Content Week #5 Live Lectures Content Tkinter Tutorial Content Readings: Lutz. Ch. 29, |
Week 7 | November 9th & 10th |
The Python Data Model Special methods (i.e., dunder) Decorators Context Managers |
Homework #5 Due (November 10th 11:59pm
Homework #6 Out Quarter Exam Review Notes |
Week #6 Recorded Lectures Content Readings: Lutz. Ch. 30-32, 39. Week #6 Live Lectures Content Readings: Lutz. Ch. 30-32, 39. Quarter Exam Notes Readings: Lutz. Ch. 30-32, 39. |
Week 8 | November 16th & 17th |
Python Scientific Stack Numpy Data Visuluation with matplotlib |
Homework #6 Due (November 17th 11:59pm
Quarter Exam (see syallbus for dates)
Week #7 Content Week #7 Live Lectures Content |
Week 9 | November 23rd |
No Class!
Python Scientific Stack (continued): Pandas Pandas |
Week #8 Content |
Week 10 | November 30th |
Software Quality Assurance Python Testing Exceptions Final Project Out |
Week #9 Content Week #9 Live Lecture Content Readings: Ch. 15, 21, 33-35 |
Week 11 | December 8th | Final Project Due Date |
Final Project Due (December 8th @
11:59pm CT)