(Video part one and part two )
A common data structure that incorporates laziness is a lazy list (a.k.a. stream). (In the absence of lazy mechanisms, we will continue to assume that our Thunk
s are cached and evaluated at most once.) Our discussion of streams here will be brief, mainly focusing on picking the right representation. We'll start by working on the following function:
range : Int -> Int -> LazyList Int
One possibility for representing LazyList
s is the following type.
type LazyList a
= Nil
| Cons (Thunk a) (LazyList a)
This datatype describes lists that are not very lazy, however. Although the values inside the list are delayed, the entire list structure (i.e. the Cons
cells) must be built immediately:
range : Int -> Int -> LazyList Int
range i j =
if i > j then
Cons (\() -> i) (range (i+1) j)
> NotSoLazyList.range 1 5
Cons <function>
(Cons <function>
(Cons <function>
(Cons <function>
(Cons <function> Nil))))
: NotSoLazyList.LazyList Int
Another option is the following.
type LazyList a
= Nil
| Cons a (Thunk (LazyList a))
This is pretty good, but notice that a non-Nil
list must have its first value evaluated. Consider what the representation of a range
of Int
s looks like.
range : Int -> Int -> LazyList Int
range i j =
if i > j then
Cons i (\() -> range (i+1) j)
> PrettyLazyList.range 1 5
Cons 1 <function> : PrettyLazyList.LazyList Int
What we really want is for all elements in the list, including the first, to be delayed until needed. We can achieve this as follows.
type alias LazyList a
= Thunk (LazyListCell a)
type LazyListCell a
= Nil
| Cons a (LazyList a)
Thought Exercise: Why didn't we use a similar strategy in defining the the lazy Nat
s before?
Let's warm up with a few fun operations...
range : Int -> Int -> LazyList Int
toList : LazyList a -> List a
infinite : a -> LazyList a
... and then implement some core operations from the book:
append : LazyList a -> LazyList a -> LazyList a
take : Int -> LazyList a -> LazyList a
drop : Int -> LazyList a -> LazyList a
reverse : LazyList a -> LazyList a
The range
function is incremental: each recursive call is wrapped in a Thunk
. Notice that along the then
branch, a trivial suspension is created: \() -> Nil
range : Int -> Int -> Lazy.Action (LazyListCell Int) (LazyList Int)
range i j =
if i > j then
\() -> Nil
\() -> Cons i (range (i+1) j)
> LazyList.range 1 5
<function> : LazyList.LazyList Int
Converting a stream to a List
is monolithic. Thus, we use tail-recursion to avoid busting the stack.
toList : LazyList a -> List a
toList =
foo acc thunk =
case force thunk of
Nil ->
Cons a thunkRest ->
foo (a::acc) thunkRest
List.reverse << foo []
Now we can force the incremental range
function to do its work:
> LazyList.range 1 5 |> toList
[1,2,3,4,5] : List Int
> range 1 100000 |> toList
: List Int
Infinite streams are defined incrementally.
infinite : a -> LazyList a
infinite a =
\() -> Cons a (infinite a)
Not surprisingly, we don't have enough memory to represent an an entire infinite stream:
> infinite 9 |> run
Lazy.lazy : 0
<function> : LazyList number
> infinite 9 |> toList
... FATAL ERROR: ... JavaScript heap out of memory ...
The take
function is incremental.
take : Int -> LazyList a -> LazyList a
take k thunk =
case (k, force thunk) of
(0, _) ->
\() -> Nil
(_, Nil) ->
\() -> Nil
(_, Cons a thunkRest) ->
\() -> Cons a (take (k-1) thunkRest)
But there is still some unnecessary work; take
forces the input list even if no elements are taken.
take : Int -> LazyList a -> LazyList a
take k thunk =
if k <= 0 then
\() -> Nil
case force thunk of
Nil ->
\() -> Nil
Cons a thunkRest ->
\() -> Cons a (take (k-1) thunkRest)
This no longer forces the list when zero elements are taken, but it does even before the first element is really needed.
take : Int -> LazyList a -> LazyList a
take k thunk =
\() ->
if k <= 0 then
case force thunk of
Nil ->
Cons a thunkRest ->
Cons a (take (k-1) thunkRest)
> infinite 9 |> take 5
<function> : LazyList number
> infinite 9 |> take 5 |> toList
[9,9,9,9,9] : List number
Initially, drop
doesn't have to force the list. But as soon as it does, it makes all the recursive calls right away. That is, it's monolithic. Thus, we implement a tail-recursive helper function.
drop : Int -> LazyList a -> LazyList a
drop =
foo k thunk =
if k <= 0 then
case force thunk of
Nil ->
thunk -- reusing thunk, since it produces Nil
Cons a thunkRest ->
foo (k-1) thunkRest
\k thunk ->
\() -> force (foo k thunk)
For example:
> range 1 10 |> drop 5 |> toList
[6,7,8,9,10] : List Int
> range 1 100000 |> drop 99990 |> toList
: List Int
> infinite 9 |> drop 10 |> take 10 |> toList
: List number
Combining two streams using append
is incremental.
append : LazyList a -> LazyList a -> LazyList a
append xsThunk ysThunk =
\() ->
case force xsThunk of
Nil ->
force ysThunk
Cons a xsThunkRest ->
Cons a (append xsThunkRest ysThunk)
Reversing a stream is monolithic:
reverse : LazyList a -> LazyList a
reverse =
foo acc thunk =
case force thunk of
Nil ->
Cons a thunkRest ->
foo (\() -> Cons a acc) thunkRest
\thunk ->
\() -> force (foo (\() -> Nil) thunk)
Notice that (\_ -> Cons a acc)
above is another example of a trivial thunk. The values a
and acc
have already been evaluated, so forcing the Cons
cell does not force any additional computations.
> range 1 0 |> reverse |> toList
[] : List Int
> range 1 10 |> reverse |> toList
... JavaScript heap out of memory ...
> range 1 0 |> reverse |> toList
... JavaScript heap out of memory ...
Hmm, I'm not sure why reverse
isn't working. The analogous lazylist.ml implementation in OCaml works as intended:
% ocaml
# #use "lazylist.ml" ;;
# range 1 10 |> reverse ;;
- : int lazylist = Thunk <fun>
# range 1 10 |> reverse |> toList ;;
- : int list = [10; 9; 8; 7; 6; 5; 4; 3; 2; 1]
# range 1 10000000 |> reverse |> toList ;;
- : int list = [10000000; 9999999; ...