Work through the lecture notes and the videos. If a video link () doesn't work for you, try Canvas > Panopto Video instead.

All assignments are due at 5:00pm CT on the given dates unless otherwise noted.

Week 1: FP Crash Course (0111 – 0115)

Week 2: MVC Crash Course (0118 – 0122)

Week 3: Performance Analysis (0125 – 0129)

Week 4: Heaps (0201 – 0205)

Week 5: Red-Black Trees (0208 – 0212)

Week 6 (0215 – 0219)

Week 7: Streams (0222 – 0226)

Week 8: Queues (0301 – 0305)

Week 9 (0308 – 0312)

Finals Week: Project Demos (0315 – 0319)