M9: Advanced Data Structures and OOP: Priority Queues and Wrap-Up

This ninth module provides an introduction to priority queues. We will also explore a few advance Python OOP concepts not covered yet. Finally, we will wrap up on the course and will provide a recap.

Pre-recorded Lectures

The lectures on priority queues will be done in the live sessions this week. However, there might be some follow up videos provided later this week to cover anything missed or bonus videos related to the group project.


  • All lecture material is provided via your repositories (modules/m9).

  • Useful book: Problem Solving with Algorithms and Data Structures using Python by Brad Miller and David Ranum, Luther College. Available online for free! See Chapter #7 on Chapter 7.8: Priority Queues with Binary Heaps

Programming Assignment

No PA will be assigned during Week 9. This gives you the opportunity to work more on your group projects.