M1: Code Organization and Structure

In this first module, we will explore the basics of software organization and structure from a Python perspective. There are many ways to structure software and various software teams use different methodologies and practices when developing software. We will focus on a simple Python code structure and explore how we can bring the various components that make up a piece software together.

Pre-recorded Lectures

The pre-recorded lectures are available here. You can also find the videos under the “Panopto” tab on the CAPP 30122 canvas site.

The lectures are a series of approx 5-20 minute videos divided into 5 sections:

  • 1.1 - Welcome Video

  • 1.2 - Command Line Arguments

  • 1.3 - Introduction to Hash tables

The slides/code presented in these videos are accessible in the upstream repository under the m1/resources directory. We will discuss how to access the upstream repository during lecture in the first week.

Supplementary Resources

If available, we will provide links to additional material after each lecture for a given module. Links will be provided below.

Programming Assignment

Programming Assignment #1, due Friday, January 21st at 4:30pm CDT