Your goal in this project is to implement a Q-Learning algorithm to give your robot the ability to learn how to organize items in its environment using reinforcement learning. This project will also involve components of both 1) perception - to detect the items to organize and the locations for drop-off and 2) control - to make the robot arm pick up the items and then navigate to the locations where they are to be dropped off. Like before, If you have any questions about this project or find yourself getting stuck, please post on the course Slack or send a Slack DM to the teaching team. Even if you don't find yourself hitting roadblocks, feel free to share with your peers what's working well for you.
You are expected to work with 1 other student for this project, who is different than your particle filter project partner. If you strongly prefer working by yourself, please reach out to the teaching team to discuss your individual case. A team of 3 will only be allowed if there is an odd number of students. Your team will submit your code and writeup together (in 1 Github repo).
If you are looking for a partner, send a Slack message in the channel #find-project-partner
For questions please post them in the #q-learning-project
Like last project, you'll submit this project using Github Classroom (both the code and the writeup). Both partners will contribute to the same github repo.
Please put your implementation plan within your
file. Your implementation plan should contain the following:
Modify the
file as your writeup for this project. Please add pictures, Youtube videos, and/or embedded animated gifs to showcase and describe your work. Your writeup should contain the sections listed below. For the Q-Matrix intermediate deliverable, you should have the (1) objectives description, (2) high-level description, and (3) Q-learning algorithm description complete. All other sections will be due when the entire Q-learning project is due.
The code that you develop for this project should be in new Python ROS nodes that you create within the scripts
folder and the two empty training.launch
launch files within the launch
folder. Besides the /scripts/
, scripts/
, any of the custom message files in the /msg
directory). If you wish to create additional launch files or additional custom ROS messages, you're welcome to do that. We just ask that you don't edit the launch files, ROS nodes, and custom messages that we've provided in the starter code.
should have node(s) that:
should have node(s) that:
In your writeup, include a gif or embedded video (e.g., mp4) of your robot successfully executing the task once your Q-matrix has converged.
We will not ask you to record a rosbag for this project.
The final deliverable is ensuring that each team member completes the Partner Contributions Google Survey. The purpose of this survey is to accurately capture the contributions of each partner to your combined q-learning project deliverables.
The Partile Filter Project will be graded as follows:
file generates a converged Q-matrix that is stored in a .csv
fileAs was true with prior projects, you will use Gradescope to submit your Q-learning project deliverables. As a reminder:
Your goal in this project is to computationally determine what actions the robot should take in order to achieve the goal state (where each colored object is placed in front of the correct AR tag) using reinforcement learning. Conceptually, your program will be in either of two phases:
Once complete, your project could look like the following:
You will run your code for the training and action phases of the project in these steps:
. This should launch your training nodes along with
and save a converged Q-matrix into a file. Make sure to let the user running your code know once your matrix has converged (e.g., print statement). Once the Q-matrix has been saved in to a file, stop this command by pressing Ctrl-C
. bringup
and bringup_cam
. This should launch ROS nodes that read in the saved Q-matrix and execute the robot action commands to pick up the colored objects and place them in front of the AR tagsIf you want to work in Gazebo, instead of step #2 above, launch turtlebot3_intro_robo_manipulation.launch
. You should see the world pictured below. Our Turtlebot3 is now equipped with an OpenMANIPULATOR arm.
One important feature to make you aware of is that this Gazebo world file is launched with the parameter paused
set to true
lines 4 and 12). Whenever you want to start running, you'll need to press the play button the bottom left hand corner of your Gazebo window (circled in yellow in the picture above).
As we mentioned above, your goal in this project is to computationally determine what actions the robot should take in order to achieve the goal state (where each colored object is placed in front of the correct AR tag) using reinforcement learning, and specifically, Q-learning. You will implement your Q-learning algorithm in new ROS node(s) that you'll compose in new Python file(s) within the /scripts
directory. Once you have all of your appropriate nodes working, fill in the training.launch
file so that it launches all of your nodes and trains the Q-matrix with one roslaunch
command. Your Q-learning algorithm should proceed as follows:
\(\textrm{Algorithm Q_Learning}:\)
\( \qquad \textrm{initialize} \: Q \)
\( \qquad t = 0 \)
\( \qquad \textrm{while} \: Q \: \textrm{has not converged:} \)
\( \qquad \qquad \textrm{select} \: a_t \: \textrm{at random} \)
\( \qquad \qquad \textrm{perform} \: a_t \)
\( \qquad \qquad \textrm{receive} \: r_t \)
\( \qquad \qquad Q(s_t, a_t) \leftarrow Q(s_t, a_t) + \alpha \cdot \Big( r_t + \gamma \cdot \: \textrm{max}_a Q(s_{t+1}, a) - Q(s_t, a_t) \Big)\)
\( \qquad \qquad t = t + 1\)
You will need to publish and subscribe to several ROS topics to complete your Q-learning task:
ROS Topic | ROS msg Type | Notes |
/q_learning/reward |
q_learning/QLearningReward |
You will subscribe to this topic to receive from the environment the reward after each action you take. |
/q_learning/robot_action |
q_learning/RobotMoveObjectToTag |
Every time you want to execute an action, publish a message to this topic (this is the same topic you'll be subscribing to in the node you write to have your robot execute the actions). |
For this project, we will represent \(Q\) as a matrix, where the rows correspond with the possible world states \(s_t\) and the columns represent actions the robot can take \(a_t\). The actions that the robot can possibly take is available through self.actions
of the starter code. It is organized as follows:
action number (column) | move object | to tag ID |
0 | pink | 1 |
1 | pink | 2 |
2 | pink | 3 |
3 | green | 1 |
4 | green | 2 |
5 | green | 3 |
6 | blue | 1 |
7 | blue | 2 |
8 | blue | 3 |
There are 64 total states for the system to be in, which is also available to you in self.states
state number (row) | pink object location | green object location | blue object location |
0 | origin | origin | origin |
1 | tag 1 | origin | origin |
2 | tag 2 | origin | origin |
3 | tag 3 | origin | origin |
4 | origin | tag 1 | origin |
5 | tag 1 | tag 1 | origin |
6 | tag 2 | tag 1 | origin |
7 | tag 3 | tag 1 | origin |
8 | origin | tag 2 | origin |
9 | tag 1 | tag 2 | origin |
10 | tag 2 | tag 2 | origin |
11 | tag 3 | tag 2 | origin |
12 | origin | tag 3 | origin |
13 | tag 1 | tag 3 | origin |
14 | tag 2 | tag 3 | origin |
15 | tag 3 | tag 3 | origin |
... | ... | ... | ... |
63 | tag 3 | tag 3 | tag 3 |
In addition to a Q-matrix, we have provided you with an action matrix, available through self.action_matrix
. The rows of the action matrix represents a starting state \((s_t)\) and the columns of the action matrix represents the next state \((s_{t+1})\). The matrix is set up such that \(\textrm{action_matrix}[s_t][s_{t+1}] = a_t \). Let's examine the example of \(\textrm{action_matrix}[0][12] = 5 \). In this case \(s_t = 0\), where all three colored objects are at the origin, and \(s_{t+1} = 12\), where the pink and blue objects are at the origin and the green object is at tag 3, and \(a_t = 5\) which is the action corresponding with the robot taking the green object to tag 3.
All transitions from \(s_t\) to \(s_{t+1}\) that are impossible or invalid are assigned a value of -1. For example, since the robot can only carry one colored object at a time, the transition from state 0 to 6 is impossible. Additionally, only one object can sit in front of one AR tag at a time, so any transition to state 5 (where both the pink and green objects are at tag 1) is also impossible and is assigned the value -1.
The value of having this action matrix comes into play when we're executing the \( \textrm{select} \: a_t \: \textrm{at random} \) step of the Q-learning algorithm. In order to select a random action, we take our current state \((s_t)\), and look up the row corresponding with that state in the action matrix. All the values that are not -1 represent valid actions that the robot can take from state \(s_t\). You can then pick one of these at random.
As highlighted in the Q-learning algorithm, you will iterate through the while loop, updating your Q-matrix, until your Q-matrix has converged. What we mean by "convergence" in this context is that your Q-matrix has reached its final form and no more updates or changes will occur to it. It's up to you to determine when your Q-matrix has converged.
In order to reach convergence of your Q-matrix, you're going to have to run many iterations of having the robot place the colored objects in front of the AR tags and debug your code frequently. To make debugging easier, we've created two different nodes to help you with that:
$ rosrun q_learning_project
$ rosrun q_learning_project
The phantom robot movement ROS node subscribes to robot actions given on the /q_learning/robot_action
ROS topic, so as long as you're sending robot actions on this topic and have the phantom robot movement node running, you should see something like what's pictured in the following gif.
This phantom robot movement node is designed to help you debug your learning code. Once you have ensured that your code works properly, you'll need to shut down the phantom robot movement ROS node and use
that will let you quickly iterate through the Q-learning algorithm until you reach convergence.
The virtual reset world works by responding to robot actions given on the /q_learning/robot_action
ROS topic and publishes rewards to the /q_learning/reward
topic based on the actions it receives without manipulating the gazebo world, hence it is faster. If you are operating it correctly, you should see an output like the following:
robot_object: "blue"
tag_id: 3
Published reward: 0
robot_object: "pink"
tag_id: 2
Published reward: 0
robot_object: "green"
tag_id: 1
Published reward: 0
reseting the world
robot_object: "blue"
tag_id: 3
Published reward: 0
robot_object: "pink"
tag_id: 1
Published reward: 0
robot_object: "green"
tag_id: 2
Published reward: 0
reseting the world
messages properly) and that you use the virtual reset world node for RL training - converging your Q matrix over many iterations.turtlebot3_intro_robo_manipulation.launch
. The virtual reset node can be run without Gazebo.Training the Q-matrix will often take some time and communicating this matrix to the next phase of operations could lead to issues. Hence, we ask you to save your Q-matrix in an appropriate file (e.g. csv) once it has converged. The action phase of this project will need to read/load the trained Q-matrix via this file.
One key component to this project is building a ROS node that can execute actions published to the /q_learning/robot_action
ROS topic (with a custom message type of q_learning/RobotMoveObjectToTag
). When your ROS node receives a message on this topic, it should:
attribute of the q_learning/RobotMoveObjectToTag
attribute of the q_learning/RobotMoveObjectToTag
message, and
Write your code for this node in new Python file(s) within the /scripts
directory. Once you have all of your appropriate nodes working, fill in the action.launch
file so that it launches all of your nodes and executes appropriate actions based on the learned Q-Matrix. The following subsections will give you some more details and helpful tips on the perception and robot manipulator control components to programming these robot actions.
Once your Q-matrix converges and has been saved to a .csv
file, you now have a Q-matrix that contains information about future expected reward for robot actions. You can now use the Q-matrix to make decisions about actions to take that will lead to the highest expected future reward. To do this, load your Q-matrix, take your current state \(s_t\) and look up the corresponding row in your Q-matrix. In this row, find the action (column) that corresponds with the highest Q-value. This is the action that will lead to the highest expected future reward.
In order to pick up the colored objects and carry them to the AR tags, your robot will need to be able to perceive:
$ rosrun image_transport republish compressed in:=raspicam_node/image raw out:=camera/rgb/image_raw
To launch the Turtlebot3 RViz window, run:
$ roslaunch turtlebot3_gazebo turtlebot3_gazebo_rviz.launch
This should bring up an RViz window like the one pictured below.
One important thing to note is that you can visualize what the robot sees through its RGB camera by checking the check box next to "Camera" (see the image above). Once you do, you can see "through the eyes of the robot".
and /camera/rgb/image_raw
ROS topics to identify and locate the objects in the environment. For the detection of the colored objects, you're more than welcome to leverage the code that we used for the line follower in Lab B.
network can get overrun with all of the image data that is being passed through ROS messages. This will cause latency in ROS message pasing. If there are many teams working in-person at the same time as you, please be considerate of others, and stop your robot's bringup_cam
between testing runs on your robot.
The AR tags you will be identifying in this exercise come from the ArUco library, which is implemented in OpenCV as its aruco
module. ArUco markers come in sets known as dictionaries, which are defined by the size of the markers and the number of markers in the set. In particular, the three tags we are using are tags 1, 2, and 3 from the dictionary DICT_4X4_50
(a set of 50 4x4 markers).
To use the cv2.aruco
module, you need to first install it via
$ pip install opencv-contrib-python
$ sudo apt install python3-pip
Next, you need to load the dictionary in your Python script.
import cv2
# load DICT_4X4_50
aruco_dict = cv2.aruco.Dictionary_get(cv2.aruco.DICT_4X4_50)
# search for tags from DICT_4X4_50 in a GRAYSCALE image
corners, ids, rejected_points = cv2.aruco.detectMarkers(grayscale_image, aruco_dict)
# corners is a 4D array of shape (n, 1, 4, 2), where n is the number of tags detected
# each entry is a set of four (x, y) pixel coordinates corresponding to the
# location of a tag's corners in the image
# ids is a 2D array array of shape (n, 1)
# each entry is the id of a detected tag in the same order as in corners
# rejected_points contains points from detected tags that don't have codes matching the dictionary
For more information, please visit the documentation. Although the tutorial is written for C++, you can find headers for the equivalent Python functions under their respective function documentations.
In order to enable your robot to pick up the colored objects (dumbbells in Gazebo, paper towel tubes in real-life), you'll need to get familiar with programming the Turtlebot3's OpenMANIPULATOR arm. Here's a list of resources to help you get up and running:
The following gif on the left shows an example of the Turtlebot3 OpenMANIPULATOR arm picking up a dumbbell in Gazebo. The gif on the right shows an example of the real-world Turtlebot3 with OpenMANIPULATOR moving to and picking up a colored tube.
The design of this course project was influenced by Brian Scassellati and his Intelligent Robotics course taught at Yale University. Also, I want to thank my sister, Rachel Strohkorb, for creating the custom dumbbell model for our use in the Gazebo simulator.