This course has three threads - learning about what others have done, learning how to do research, and proposing your own research project. In order to tailor it to student interests, this schedule will be very flexible and change throughout the quarter.
Date Topic
3/19: W1a Introduction (pdf)
3/21: W1b No class Readings: No class
3/26: W2a Theory (pdf) Readings: No class Distributed Constructionism Spatial + STEM Performance Feedback in CS1
3/28: W2b Theory (pdf) Readings: Using SOLO Taxonomy Subgoal labeling of Parsons problems Using Theory in CS Ed
4/2: W3a Qualitative Studies (pdf) Readings: Phenomenographic & variations theory Affordances UI Quantum Reversibility
4/4: W3b Quantitative Studies (pdf) Language syntax Peer Instruction CS Equity
4/9: W4a Design-Based Research,
Ideation process (pdf)
Design-Based Research Design CS Teacher Ebooks
4/11: W4b Revising RQs
Research Stages
Adaptive Immediate Feedback Next-Step Hints
4/16: W5a Motivation